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Last active October 24, 2016 18:48
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2x2x2 Rubik's Cube bitboard generator, for edges. By @protolambda
* Quick but powerful Rubik's cube bitboard generator. For 2x2x2 cubes, could be extended for 3x3x3.
* Made by @protolambda
* The bitboards are used for rotating the edges of a face clockwise or counter-clockwise.
void main() {
List<Face> fa = [];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++){
fa.add(new Face(i, j));
fa.forEach((Face f){
fa.where((a)=>a.dim != f.dim).forEach((a){
f.edges.add(new Edge(f, a));
print("edges done");
fa.forEach((Face a){
fa.forEach((Face b){
Edge x = a.edges.firstWhere((e)=>e.edging == b, orElse: ()=> null);
Edge y = b.edges.firstWhere((e)=>e.edging == a, orElse: ()=> null);
if(x == null || y == null) return;
x.mirror = y;
y.mirror = x;
print("mirrors done");
Face white = fa.first;
Face blue = white.edges.first.edging;
Face green = white.edges.firstWhere((e)=> e.edging != blue && !e.edging.edges.any((a)=>a == blue)).edging;
Face red = white.edges.firstWhere((e)=> e.edging != blue && e.edging != green).edging;
Face orange = white.edges.firstWhere((e)=> e.edging != blue && e.edging != green && e.edging != red).edging;
Face yellow = orange.edges.firstWhere((e)=> e.edging != white && e.edging != green && e.edging != blue).edging; = "white"; = "blue"; = "green"; = "red"; = "orange"; = "yellow";
print("$white, $blue, $green, $red, $orange, $yellow");
white.getEdge(blue).clockwise = white.getEdge(red);
white.getEdge(red).clockwise = white.getEdge(green);
white.getEdge(green).clockwise = white.getEdge(orange);
white.getEdge(orange).clockwise = white.getEdge(blue);
print("top done");
//sides top
Face top = e.edging;
Face cw = e.clockwise.edging, ccw = e.counterClockwise.edging;
top.getEdge(cw).clockwise = e.mirror;
top.getEdge(ccw).counterClockwise = e.mirror;
print("sides top done");
yellow.getEdge(blue).clockwise = yellow.getEdge(orange);
yellow.getEdge(orange).clockwise = yellow.getEdge(green);
yellow.getEdge(green).clockwise = yellow.getEdge(red);
yellow.getEdge(red).clockwise = yellow.getEdge(blue);
print("bottom done");
//sides bottom
Face top = e.edging;
Face cw = e.clockwise.edging, ccw = e.counterClockwise.edging;
top.getEdge(cw).clockwise = e.mirror;
top.getEdge(ccw).counterClockwise = e.mirror;
print("sides bottom done");
//connect sides with bottom
if(e != null && e.counterClockwise != null && e.clockwise != null && e.clockwise.clockwise == null){
e.clockwise.clockwise = f.edges.firstWhere((a) => a != e && a != e.clockwise && a != e.counterClockwise);
e.clockwise.clockwise.clockwise = e.counterClockwise;
print("connect done");
Edge a = f.edges.first, b = f.edges.first.clockwise, c = f.edges.first.clockwise.clockwise, d = f.edges.first.counterClockwise;
//sort edges
f.edges = [a, b, c, d];
print("clockwise sort done");
fa = [white, blue, red, green, orange, yellow];
print("face sort done");
print("outputting bitboards...\n\n");
fa.forEach((Face face){
Edge e;
//this, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise board-index, counterclockwise board-index
int w, cw, ccw, cw_i, ccw_i;
String line = "\tedge${, 1).toUpperCase()}:\t.long ";
List<String> entries = [];
for(Face f in fa){
e = face.edges.firstWhere((e)=>e.edging == f, orElse: ()=> null);
if(e == null){
w = e.mirror.onto.edges.indexOf(e.mirror);
cw = e.clockwise.mirror.onto.edges.indexOf(e.clockwise.mirror);
ccw = e.counterClockwise.mirror.onto.edges.indexOf(e.counterClockwise.mirror);
cw_i = fa.indexOf(e.clockwise.edging),
ccw_i = fa.indexOf(e.counterClockwise.edging),
aW = 1 << w,
bW = 1 << ((w + 1) % 4),
aCW = 1 << cw,
bCW = 1 << ((cw + 1) % 4),
aCCW = 1 << ccw,
bCCW = 1 << ((ccw + 1) % 4);
print(line + entries.join(", "));
String hex(int i) => i.toRadixString(16);
class Face {
final int dim, side;
int get face => dim * 3 + side;
List<Edge> edges = [];
Face(this.dim, this.side);
String name;
Edge getEdge(Face a){
return edges.firstWhere((e)=>e.edging == a);
class Edge {
final Face onto, edging;
Edge mirror, _clockwise, _counterClockwise;
Edge get clockwise => _clockwise;
Edge get counterClockwise => _counterClockwise;
set clockwise(Edge e){
_clockwise = e;
e._counterClockwise = this;
set counterClockwise(Edge e){
_counterClockwise = e;
e._clockwise = this;
Edge(this.onto, this.edging);
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