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Last active November 11, 2019 23:27
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Save protolambda/db363b10911db0a93172a207bdb24419 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Binary Tree as immutable state backing, with rebinding pattern for minimal copy-on-write modifications. Every merkle cached *by default*.
package main
import (
// Experimental code! Everything a tree and cached by default.
// Also spaghetti, iterating on the idea/approach first, then refactoring/polishing later.
const (
mask0 = ^uint64((1 << (1 << iota)) - 1)
const (
bit0 = uint8(1 << iota)
func GetDepth(v uint64) (out uint8) {
// bitmagic: binary search through a uint64, offset down by 1 to not round powers of 2 up.
// Then adding 1 to it to not get the index of the first bit, but the length of the bits (depth of tree)
// Zero is a special case, it has a 0 depth.
// Example:
// (in out): (0 0), (1 1), (2 1), (3 2), (4 2), (5 3), (6 3), (7 3), (8 3), (9 4)
if v == 0 {
return 0
if v&mask5 != 0 {
v >>= bit5
out |= bit5
if v&mask4 != 0 {
v >>= bit4
out |= bit4
if v&mask3 != 0 {
v >>= bit3
out |= bit3
if v&mask2 != 0 {
v >>= bit2
out |= bit2
if v&mask1 != 0 {
v >>= bit1
out |= bit1
if v&mask0 != 0 {
out |= bit0
type HashFn func(a Root, b Root) Root
func (h *HashFn) MerkleizeBytes(b []byte) Root {
return Root{}
// A link is called to rebind a value
type Link func(v Node)
type Root [32]byte
func (s *Root) ComputeRoot(h HashFn) Root {
if s == nil {
return Root{}
return *s
type GetterInteraction interface {
Getter(target uint64, depth uint8) (Node, error)
type SetterInteraction interface {
Setter(target uint64, depth uint8) (Link, error)
type ExpandIntoInteraction interface {
ExpandInto(target uint64, depth uint8) (Link, error)
type NodeInteraction interface {
// TODO: refactor these to use generalized indices as tree position.
type Node interface {
ComputeRoot(h HashFn) Root
type RebindableNode interface {
Bind(bindingLink Link)
type ComplexNode interface {
type SubtreeView struct {
depth uint8
func (sv *SubtreeView) Bind(bindingLink Link) {
sv.Link = bindingLink
func (sv *SubtreeView) RebindInner(v Node) {
// the view keeps track of the latest node, but proxies the rebind up without stepping in-between.
sv.ComplexNode = v.(ComplexNode)
if sv.Link == nil {
// If nil, the view is maintaining the latest root binding
// Result will be nil if an error occurred.
func (sv *SubtreeView) Get(i uint64) (Node, error) {
return sv.Getter(i, sv.depth)
// Result will be nil if an error occurred.
func (sv *SubtreeView) Set(i uint64) (Link, error) {
return sv.Setter(i, sv.depth)
type ListView struct {
limit uint64
type ListLength uint64
func (ll ListLength) ComputeRoot(h HashFn) (out Root) {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(out[:], uint64(ll))
func List(limit uint64, nodes ...Node) (out *ListView) {
elementCount := uint64(len(nodes))
if elementCount > limit {
// TODO: or add error return?
return nil
depth := GetDepth(limit)
out = &ListView{
SubtreeView: SubtreeView{
depth: depth + 1,
limit: limit,
} // 1 extra for length mix-in
mixin := ListLength(len(nodes))
contents := &Commit{}
contents.expandInplaceTo(nodes, depth)
root := &Commit{Link: out.RebindInner, Left: contents, Right: mixin}
out.ComplexNode = root
return out
// Takes the backing, binds the view as a proxy link to keep track of changes,
// and defines a List based on a limit and a dynamic number of number of elements.
// The link however is optional: if nil, no changes are propagated upwards,
// but the view itself still tracks the latest changes.
func NewListView(backing ComplexRebindableNode, link Link, limit uint64) *ListView {
view := &ListView{
SubtreeView: SubtreeView{
ComplexNode: backing,
Link: link,
depth: GetDepth(limit),
limit: limit,
return view
// TODO: append/pop modify both contents as list-length: batching the changes would be good.
func (cv *ListView) Append(v Node) error {
ll, err := cv.Length()
if err != nil {
return err
if ll >= cv.limit {
return fmt.Errorf("list length is %d and appending would exceed the list limit %d", ll, cv.limit)
// Appending is done by setting the node at the index list-length. And expanding where necessary as it is being set.
setLast, err := cv.ExpandInto(ll, cv.depth)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get a setter to append an item")
// Append the item by setting the newly allocated last item to it.
// And update the list length
setLength, err := cv.SubtreeView.Setter(1, 1)
if err != nil {
return err
setLength(ListLength(ll + 1))
return nil
func (cv *ListView) Pop() error {
ll, err := cv.Length()
if err != nil {
return err
if ll == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("list length is 0 and no item can be popped")
// Popping is done by setting the node at the index list-length. And expanding where necessary as it is being set.
setLast, err := cv.ExpandInto(ll, cv.depth)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get a setter to append an item")
// Pop the item by setting it to the zero hash
// And update the list length
setLength, err := cv.SubtreeView.Setter(1, 1)
if err != nil {
return err
setLength(ListLength(ll - 1))
return nil
// Use .SubtreeView.Get(i) to work with the tree and get explicit tree errors instead of nil result.
func (cv *ListView) Get(i uint64) Node {
ll, err := cv.Length()
if err != nil || i >= ll {
return nil
v, _ := cv.SubtreeView.Get(i)
return v
// Use .SubtreeView.Set(i) to work with the tree and get explicit tree errors instead of nil result.
func (cv *ListView) Set(i uint64) Link {
ll, err := cv.Length()
if err != nil || i >= ll {
return nil
v, _ := cv.SubtreeView.Set(i)
return v
func (cv *ListView) Length() (uint64, error) {
v, err := cv.SubtreeView.Getter(1, 1)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
ll, ok := v.(ListLength)
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot read node %v as list-length", v)
if uint64(ll) > cv.limit {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot read list length, length appears to be bigger than limit allows")
return uint64(ll), nil
type ContainerView struct {
fieldCount uint64
func Container(nodes ...Node) (out *ContainerView) {
elementCount := uint64(len(nodes))
depth := GetDepth(elementCount)
out = &ContainerView{
SubtreeView: SubtreeView{
depth: depth,
fieldCount: elementCount,
inner := &Commit{Link: out.RebindInner}
inner.expandInplaceTo(nodes, depth)
out.ComplexNode = inner
return out
type ComplexRebindableNode interface {
// Takes the backing, binds the view as a proxy link to keep track of changes,
// and defines a Container based on a fixed number of elements.
// The link however is optional: if nil, no changes are propagated upwards,
// but the view itself still tracks the latest changes.
func NewContainerView(backing ComplexRebindableNode, link Link, elementCount uint64) *ContainerView {
view := &ContainerView{
SubtreeView: SubtreeView{
ComplexNode: backing,
Link: link,
depth: GetDepth(elementCount),
fieldCount: elementCount,
return view
// Use .SubtreeView.Get(i) to work with the tree and get explicit tree errors instead of nil result.
func (cv *ContainerView) Get(i uint64) Node {
if i >= cv.fieldCount {
return nil
v, _ := cv.SubtreeView.Get(i)
return v
// Use .SubtreeView.Set(i) to work with the tree and get explicit tree errors instead of nil result.
func (cv *ContainerView) Set(i uint64) Link {
if i >= cv.fieldCount {
return nil
v, _ := cv.SubtreeView.Set(i)
return v
func (cv *ContainerView) Length() uint64 {
return cv.fieldCount
// An immutable (L, R) pair with a link to the holding node.
// If L or R changes, the link is used to bind a new (L, *R) or (*L, R) pair in the holding value.
type Commit struct {
// TODO: instead of value + bool, it could also be a pointer (nil case == computed false).
// But more objects/indirection/allocations.
Value Root
computed bool // true if Value is set to H(L, R)
Link Link
Left Node
Right Node
func (c *Commit) Bind(bindingLink Link) {
c.Link = bindingLink
func (c *Commit) ComputeRoot(h HashFn) Root {
if c.computed {
return c.Value
if c.Left == nil || c.Right == nil {
panic("invalid state, cannot have left without right")
c.Value = h(c.Left.ComputeRoot(h), c.Right.ComputeRoot(h))
c.computed = true
return c.Value
func (c *Commit) RebindLeft(v Node) {
if c.Link == nil {
log.Println("cannot rebind from unbound node!")
Value: Root{},
computed: false,
Link: c.Link,
Left: v,
Right: c.Right,
func (c *Commit) RebindRight(v Node) {
if c.Link == nil {
log.Println("cannot rebind from unbound node!")
Value: Root{},
computed: false,
Link: c.Link,
Left: c.Left,
Right: v,
func (c *Commit) Expand() {
next := &Commit{
Value: Root{},
computed: false,
Link: c.Link,
Left: nil,
Right: nil,
left := &Commit{
Value: Root{},
computed: false,
Link: next.RebindLeft,
Left: nil,
Right: nil,
right := &Commit{
Value: Root{},
computed: false,
Link: next.RebindRight,
Left: nil,
Right: nil,
next.Left = left
next.Right = right
func sha256Combi(a Root, b Root) Root {
v := [64]byte{}
copy(v[:32], a[:])
copy(v[32:], b[:])
return sha256.Sum256(v[:])
const zeroHashesLevels = 64
var ZeroHashes []Root
// initialize the zero-hashes pre-computed data with the given hash-function.
func InitZeroHashes(h HashFn) {
ZeroHashes = make([]Root, zeroHashesLevels+1)
for i := 0; i < zeroHashesLevels; i++ {
ZeroHashes[i+1] = h(ZeroHashes[i], ZeroHashes[i])
func init() {
// Unsafe! Modifies L and R, without triggering a rebind in the parent
func (c *Commit) expandInplaceTo(nodes []Node, depth uint8) {
c.computed = false
if depth == 0 {
panic("invalid usage")
if depth == 1 {
c.Left = nodes[0]
if r, ok := nodes[0].(RebindableNode); ok {
if len(nodes) > 1 {
c.Right = nodes[1]
if r, ok := nodes[1].(RebindableNode); ok {
} else {
c.Right = &ZeroHashes[0]
} else {
pivot := uint64(1) << depth
c.Left = &Commit{
Value: Root{},
computed: false,
Link: c.RebindLeft,
Left: nil,
Right: nil,
if uint64(len(nodes)) <= pivot {
c.Left.(*Commit).expandInplaceTo(nodes, depth-1)
c.Right = &ZeroHashes[depth]
} else {
c.Left.(*Commit).expandInplaceTo(nodes[:pivot], depth-1)
c.Right = &Commit{
Value: Root{},
computed: false,
Link: c.RebindRight,
Left: nil,
Right: nil,
c.Right.(*Commit).expandInplaceTo(nodes[pivot:], depth-1)
func (c *Commit) Getter(target uint64, depth uint8) (Node, error) {
if depth == 0 {
return c, nil
if depth == 1 {
if target == 0 {
return c.Left, nil
if target == 1 {
return c.Right, nil
if pivot := uint64(1) << depth; target < pivot {
if c.Left == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find node at target %v in depth %v: no left node", target, depth)
if left, ok := c.Left.(GetterInteraction); ok {
return left.Getter(target, depth-1)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find node at target %v in depth %v: left node has no GetterInteraction", target, depth)
} else {
if c.Right == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find node at target %v in depth %v: no right node", target, depth)
if right, ok := c.Right.(GetterInteraction); ok {
return right.Getter(target&^pivot, depth-1)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find node at target %v in depth %v: right node has no GetterInteraction", target, depth)
func (c *Commit) ExpandInto(target uint64, depth uint8) (Link, error) {
if depth == 0 {
return c.Link, nil
if depth == 1 {
if target == 0 {
return c.RebindLeft, nil
if target == 1 {
return c.RebindRight, nil
if pivot := uint64(1) << depth; target < pivot {
if c.Left == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find node at target %v in depth %v: no left node", target, depth)
if left, ok := c.Left.(ExpandIntoInteraction); ok {
return left.ExpandInto(target, depth-1)
} else {
// stop immediate propagation of rebinds during this Set call.
var tmp Node
startC := &Commit{
Link: func(v Node) {
tmp = v
Left: &ZeroHashes[depth-2],
Right: &ZeroHashes[depth-2],
tmp = startC
// Get the setter, recurse into the new node
l, err := startC.ExpandInto(target, depth-1)
newLeftC := tmp.(*Commit)
// Now update the link to attach the updates of the new left node
newLeftC.Link = c.RebindLeft
// And attach as the left node
return l, err
} else {
if c.Right == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find node at target %v in depth %v: no right node", target, depth)
if right, ok := c.Right.(ExpandIntoInteraction); ok {
return right.ExpandInto(target&^pivot, depth-1)
} else {
// stop immediate propagation of rebinds during this Set call.
var tmp Node
startC := &Commit{
Link: func(v Node) {
tmp = v
Left: &ZeroHashes[depth-1],
Right: &ZeroHashes[depth-1],
tmp = startC
// Get the setter, recurse into the new node
l, err := startC.ExpandInto(target&^pivot, depth-1)
newRightC := tmp.(*Commit)
// Now update the link to attach the updates of the new right node
newRightC.Link = c.RebindRight
// And attach as the right node
return l, err
func (c *Commit) Setter(target uint64, depth uint8) (Link, error) {
if depth == 0 {
return c.Link, nil
if depth == 1 {
if target == 0 {
return c.RebindLeft, nil
if target == 1 {
return c.RebindRight, nil
if pivot := uint64(1) << depth; target < pivot {
if c.Left == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find node at target %v in depth %v: no left node", target, depth)
if left, ok := c.Left.(SetterInteraction); ok {
return left.Setter(target, depth-1)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find node at target %v in depth %v: left node has no SetterInteraction", target, depth)
} else {
if c.Right == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find node at target %v in depth %v: no right node", target, depth)
if right, ok := c.Right.(SetterInteraction); ok {
return right.Setter(target&^pivot, depth-1)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find node at target %v in depth %v: right node has no SetterInteraction", target, depth)
// Temporarily decouples the commit from its parent to scope modifications within the "work" callback.
// Then rebinds to the parent, and propagates changes if there were any.
func (c *Commit) Batch(work func()) {
link := c.Link
var next Node
c.Link = func(v Node) {
next = v
if next != nil {
c.Link = link
// Example usage:
// - anything can be a node
// - commits are wrapped with navigation to fetch getter/setter pairs of containers.
// - commits can be made read-only
// - modifications can be batched
type BLSSignature [96]byte
func (v BLSSignature) ComputeRoot(h HashFn) (out Root) {
return h.MerkleizeBytes(v[:])
type Slot uint64
func (s Slot) ComputeRoot(h HashFn) (out Root) {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(out[:], uint64(s))
type Block struct {
// Not included in default hash-tree-root
Signature core.BLSSignature
func NewBlock() (b *Block) {
return &Block{ContainerView: Container(
func (b *Block) Slot() Slot { return b.Get(0).(Slot) }
type BlockBody struct {
func NewBlockBody() (b *BlockBody) {
return &BlockBody{Container(
// TODO operations lists
func main() {
b := NewBlock()
fmt.Printf("%x", b.ComputeRoot(sha256Combi))
//func (b *Block) Body() (*Body, Link) {
// getter, setter := b.Navigate(1, 8)
// return (*Body)(getter.(*Commit)), setter
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