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Last active April 6, 2024 19:39
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Eth2 type bounds v0.12
"AggregateAndProof": {
"min_size": 337,
"max_size": 593
"Attestation": {
"min_size": 229,
"max_size": 485
"AttestationData": {
"size": 128
"AttesterSlashing": {
"min_size": 464,
"max_size": 33232
"BeaconBlock": {
"min_size": 304,
"max_size": 157656
"BeaconBlockBody": {
"min_size": 220,
"max_size": 157572
"BeaconBlockHeader": {
"size": 112
"BeaconState": {
"min_size": 2687377,
"max_size": 141837542965649
"Checkpoint": {
"size": 40
"Deposit": {
"size": 1240
"DepositData": {
"size": 184
"DepositMessage": {
"size": 88
"Eth1Block": {
"size": 48
"Eth1Data": {
"size": 72
"Fork": {
"size": 16
"ForkData": {
"size": 36
"HistoricalBatch": {
"size": 524288
"IndexedAttestation": {
"min_size": 228,
"max_size": 16612
"PendingAttestation": {
"min_size": 149,
"max_size": 405
"ProposerSlashing": {
"size": 416
"SignedAggregateAndProof": {
"min_size": 437,
"max_size": 693
"SignedBeaconBlock": {
"min_size": 404,
"max_size": 157756
"SignedBeaconBlockHeader": {
"size": 208
"SignedVoluntaryExit": {
"size": 112
"SigningData": {
"size": 64
"Validator": {
"size": 121
"VoluntaryExit": {
"size": 16
"MetaData": {
"size": 16
"Status": {
"size": 84
"Goodbye": {
"size": 8
"BeaconBlocksByRange": {
"size": 24
from inspect import getmembers, isclass
from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_typing import Container, uint64, Bitvector
from eth2spec.phase0 import spec
from eth2spec.phase0.spec import ForkDigest, Root, Slot, Epoch
class MetaData(Container):
seq_number: uint64
class Status(Container):
fork_digest: ForkDigest
finalized_root: Root
finalized_epoch: Epoch
head_root: Root
head_slot: Slot
class Goodbye(uint64):
class BeaconBlocksByRange(Container):
start_slot: Slot
count: uint64
step: uint64
def get_spec_ssz_types():
return [
value for (_, value) in getmembers(spec, isclass)
if issubclass(value, Container) and value != Container # only the subclasses, not the imported base class
] + [MetaData, Status, Goodbye, BeaconBlocksByRange]
type_bounds = {
value.__name__: ({
'size': value.type_byte_length()
} if value.is_fixed_byte_length() else {
'min_size': value.min_byte_length(),
'max_size': value.max_byte_length(),
}) for value in get_spec_ssz_types()
import json
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