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Last active May 2, 2019 08:36
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Python scrypt for finding pairs of words that behave in curious ways
#inserire il file del vocabolario
words = open("zingarelli.txt", "r")
# cambiare questo valore per stabilire il numero di lettere delle parole (dev'essere un numero % 2 = 0)
maxlenght = 6
wordarray = []
for word in words:
if len(word) == maxlenght + 1:
#append the maxlenght letter word to the array
# we don't need the file anymore
first_half = int(maxlenght / 2)
#nome del file di output
outputfile = open('results_6.txt', 'w')
for term_1 in wordarray:
w1_a = term_1[0:first_half]
w1_b = term_1[first_half:]
for term_b in wordarray:
w2_a = term_b[0:first_half]
w2_b = term_b[first_half:]
pair_1 = w1_a + w1_b
pair_2 = w1_a + w2_a
pair_3 = w2_a + w2_b
pair_4 = w1_b + w2_b
if pair_1 == pair_2 and pair_3 == pair_4:
outputfile.write(f"{w1_a} | {w1_b}\n")
outputfile.write(f"{w2_a} | {w2_b}\n")
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