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Last active June 18, 2022 19:51
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script for crc checking/tagging files, windows or linux
# sudo apt-get install libmodern-perl-perl libstring-crc32-perl
use Modern::Perl;
use String::CRC32;
my $sil = 0;
my $debugmode = 0;
my $start = time;
my @files;
if (@ARGV){
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-q/){
shift @ARGV;
$sil = 1;
@files = @ARGV;
} else { #if you invoke without any arguments, it'll do the whole directory
@files = glob "*.*";
$sil++ if scalar @files > 25;
for my $this (@files){
unless (-e $this && -w $this){
say $this." doesn't exist or isn't writable";
my ($name,$ext) = $this =~ /^(.+?)\.(\w{2,4})$/;
say $name if $debugmode;
open my $file, $this || die $!;
my $hash = crc32(*$file);
say $hash if $debugmode;
close $file;
$hash =~ s/^(.+)$/uc sprintf "%08x", $1/eg; #why did I do this in a regex?
say $hash if $debugmode;
if ($this =~ /\[([0-9A-F]{8})\]/){ #if the filename has a conventional "[A67F3C23]"-style crc tag, check it
say $1 if $debugmode;
my $oldhash = $1;
#all this sprintf stuff right-aligns the actual CRC and OK/NOT OK message
printf "%-70s OK\n", (sprintf "%s %".(70-(length $this))."s", ($this, "($hash)")) if uc $oldhash eq $hash;
printf "%-70s NOT OK\n", (sprintf "%s %".(70-(length $this))."s", ($this, "($hash)")) if uc $oldhash ne $hash;
say 'next after check' if $debugmode;
} else { #and if it was untagged, tag it with one
say $this.' => '.$hash;
$name .= ' ['.$hash.'].'.$ext;
$name =~ s/\] +\[/][/g;
rename ($this, $name) || die $!;
say $name if $debugmode;
say 'next after rename' if $debugmode;
say 'next' if $debugmode;
if (! $sil){
say 'took '.(time - $start).' seconds ('.(scalar @files).' files)';
$^O eq 'MSWin32'
? system 'pause'
#I say 'any', but it might have to be enter? If so, listening to stdin makes more sense
: system 'read -p "Press any key to continue."';
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