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Last active June 12, 2022 09:43
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Design protocol interfaces in Swift
// File.swift
// SP
// Created by Yevgen Sagidulin on 12.06.2022.
import Foundation
protocol AnimalFeed {
associatedtype CropType: Crop where CropType.FeedType == Self
static func grow() -> CropType
protocol Crop {
associatedtype FeedType: AnimalFeed where FeedType.CropType == Self
func harvest() -> FeedType
struct Alfalfa: Crop {
func harvest() -> Hay {
print("Alfalfa harverst -> Hay 🧻")
return Hay()
struct Hay: AnimalFeed {
static func grow() -> Alfalfa {
print("Alfalfa grow 🌿")
return Alfalfa()
struct GrassBucket: AnimalFeed {
static func grow() -> Grass {
print("Gtass grow 🌱")
return Grass()
struct Grass: Crop {
func harvest() -> GrassBucket {
print("Just making grass bucket out of grass 💐")
return GrassBucket()
protocol Animal {
associatedtype Feed: AnimalFeed
func eat(_ food: Feed)
struct Horse: Animal {
func eat(_ food: Hay) {
print("horse eating \(food)")
struct Rebbit: Animal {
func eat(_ food: GrassBucket) {
print("rebbit eating \(food)")
struct Farm {
func feed(_ animal: some Animal) {
let crop = type(of: animal).Feed.grow()
let food = crop.harvest()
// This works only in app (bug in Playground)
// func feedAll_swift60(_ animals: [any Animal]) {
// animals.forEach { feed($0) }
// }
func feedAll_swift57(_ animals: [any Animal]) {
animals.forEach { animal in
if animal is Horse {
} else if animal is Rebbit {
let animals: [any Animal] = [
let farm = Farm()
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