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Created October 5, 2011 20:01
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Taskspeed tests
window.tests = {
"make": function(){
for(var i = 0; i<250; i++){
$("<ul class='fromcode'><li>one</li><li>two</li><li>three</li></ul>")
.attr("id", "setid" + i)
return $("ul.fromcode").length;
"indexof" : function(){
var n, id;
for(var i = 0; i < 20; i++){
n = $("ul").index( $("#setid150")[0] )
return n;
"bind" : function(){
return $("ul > li").bind("click", function(){ }).length;
"attr" : function(){
return $("ul").map(function(){ return; }).length;
"bindattr" : function(){
function someFn(){}
return $("ul > li")
.bind("mouseover", someFn)
.attr("rel", "touched")
"table": function(){
for(var i = 0; i < 40; i++){
$("<table class='madetable'><tr><td>first</td></tr></table>")
return $("tr td").length;
"addanchor" : function(){
return $(".fromcode > li").append("<a href=''>link</a>").length;
"append": function(){
for(var i = 0; i<500; i++){
$("body").append("<div rel='foo'>test</div>");
return $("[rel^='foo']").length;
"addclass-odd" : function(){
return $("div").addClass("added").filter(":odd").addClass("odd").length;
"style" : function(){
return $(".added").css({ backgroundColor:"#ededed", color:"#fff" }).length;
"removeclass" : function(){
return $(".added").removeClass("added").length;
"sethtml": function(){
$("div").html("<p>new content</p>");
return $("div").length;
"insertbefore" : function(){
return $(".fromcode a").before("<p>A Link</p>").length;
"insertafter" : function(){
return $(".fromcode a").after("<p>After Link</p>").length;
"destroy": function(){
return $(".fromcode").remove().length;
"finale": function(){
return $("body *").length;
window.tests = {
"make" : function(){
// in a 250 iteration loop:
// create an unordered lists with the class "fromcode"
// add the id "setid" + i
// append it to the body
// add three li's with the words "one", "two", "three", respectively.
// return the result of the selector ul.fromcode
"indexof" : function(){
// in a 20-iteration for loop:
// find the node with id="setid150"
// find all the ul's in the DOM
// locate the index of the found node in the list of nodes
// return that index
"bind" : function(){
// connect onclick to every first child li of ever ul (suggested: "ul > li")
// return the length of the connected nodes
"attr" : function(){
// find all ul elements in the page.
// generate an array of their id's
// return the length of that array
"bindattr" : function(){
// connect a mouseover event to every first child li of every
// ul (suggested: "ul > li")
// set the rel="" attribute of those nodes to 'touched'
// disconnect the mouseover event
// return the length of the connected nodes
// note: either create an anonymous function to reference once,
// or use the library public "no-op" function to avoid creating
// a function object for each iteration.
"table": function(){
// in a 40-iteration for loop:
// create a table with the class "madetable", and append it to the DOM
// add a row with one cell to the table. the cell content should be "first"
// add a new cell before the first cell in the row.
// return the length of the query "tr td"
"addanchor" : function(){
// find all the first children li's of all nodes with class="fromcode" (created
// by previous test)
// append an anchor node with the text 'link' pointing to
// return length of found nodes (that which had anchors appended)
"append" : function(){
// in a 500 iteration loop:
// create a new <div> with the same critera as 'create'
// - NOTE: rel needs to be == "foo2"
// then append to body element (no caching)
// return then length of the matches from the selector "div[rel^='foo2']"
"addclass-odd" : function(){
// locate all div elements on the page
// add the class "added" to those divs
// add the class "odd" to the odd divs in the selection
// return the lenght of the odd found divs
"style": function(){
// find all nodes with the class "added"
// set those nodes' style properties:
// background-color: #ededed
// color: #fff
// return the length of the modified nodes.
"removeclass": function(){
// find all nodes with the class "added"
// remove the class "added"
// return the length of modified nodes
"sethtml": function(){
// replace the content of all div elements with "<p>new content</p>"
// return the length of number of divs in the page POST setting operation (eg: re-requery "div")
"insertbefore" : function(){
// find all anchors in the class "fromcode" (.fromcode a)
// add a <p> element in the dom before the matched anchors
// - the content should equal "A Link"
// return the length of the found anchors.
"insertafter" : function(){
// find all anchors in the class "fromcode" (.fromcode a)
// add a <p> element in the dom after the matched anchors
// - the content should equial "After Link"
// return the length of the found anchors.
"destroy": function(){
// destroy all the nodes with the class "fromcode"
// return the length of the destroyed nodes
"finale": function(){
// empty the body element of all elements
// return the length of the query "body *"
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