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public func ack(_ m: Int, _ n: Int) -> Int {
if m == 0 { return n + 1 }
if n == 0 { return ack(m - 1, 1) }
return ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1))
for i in (0...5) {
for j in (0...5) {
print("ack(\(i), \(j)) is \(ack(i, j))")
proxpero / aoc2018d2.swift
Created December 2, 2018 06:59
Advent of Code 2018, day 2
// Part 1
extension String {
var characterCounts: [Character: Int] {
return self.reduce(into: [Character: Int]()) { $0[$1, default: 0] += 1 }
extension Bool {
var intValue: Int {
proxpero / aoc2018d1.swift
Last active December 2, 2018 06:59
Advent of Code 2018, day 1
// prepare the puzzle input
let input = loadFile(named: "day1") // convenience function in resources
.split(separator: "\n")
.compactMap(Int.init) // extension on Int to init? with String.Subsequence
// part 1
let part1 = input.reduce(0, +)
// part 2
proxpero / Iso3166_1a2.swift
Last active February 20, 2024 16:44
A Swift 4.0 enum representing ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (two letter country codes) Includes properties for country name and unicode flag.
// taken 2018-03-19 from wikipedia.
enum Iso3166_1a2: String {
case af = "AF"
case ax = "AX"
case al = "AL"
case dz = "DZ"
case `as` = "AS"
case ad = "AD"
case ao = "AO"
proxpero / Iso369_1.swift
Created March 19, 2018 13:18
A Swift 4.0 enum representing ISO 639-1 codes (used to classify languages)
// taken 2018-03-19 from wikipedia.
public enum Iso639_1: String {
case ab = "AB"
case aa = "AA"
case af = "AF"
case ak = "AK"
case sq = "SQ"
case am = "AM"
case ar = "AR"
proxpero / zip3.swift
Created December 28, 2017 18:49
An implementation of zip that creates a sequence of three-item tuples from the combination of three sequences. Much like the standard library's `zip` function for a pair of sequences.
/// Creates a sequence of tuple-3s built out of three underlying sequences.
/// Based on Zip2Seqence from the Swift Standard Library.
/// - Parameters:
/// - sequence1: The first sequence or collection to zip.
/// - sequence2: The second sequence or collection to zip.
/// - sequence3: The third sequence or collection to zip.
/// - Returns: A sequence of tuple triples, where the elements of each triplet are
/// corresponding elements of `sequence1`, `sequence2`, and `sequence3`.
proxpero / Barcode2.swift
Created July 17, 2017 19:08
Encode and decode an enum with associated types.
// Accompanying blog post:
// Also:
enum Barcode {
case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
case qrCode(String)
extension Barcode: Codable {
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
proxpero / Barcode.swift
Last active May 12, 2019 21:26
Encoding and Decoding Enums with Associated Values
// See
enum Barcode {
case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
case qrCode(String)
extension Barcode: Codable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
self = try Barcode.Coding.init(from: decoder).barcode()

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am proxpero on github.
  • I am proxpero ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is ABAF 07DE 0D7E EA58 7C60 1131 CB36 31B5 E8CA 11C7

To claim this, I am signing this object:

proxpero / md5.swift
Last active February 16, 2017 16:48
Small, zero-dependency extensions on `String` and Collections of `UInt8` that return the md5 hash of self.
// As described in:
extension Collection where Iterator.Element == UInt8 {
/// Returns the md5 hash of self.
public var md5: String {
return self.md5Digest.lazy.reduce("") {
var s = String($1, radix: 16)
if s.characters.count == 1 {
s = "0" + s