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Created April 17, 2015 19:51
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Trajectory/travel planner in 3D space between two moving bodies, based on code by Christer Swahn:
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division, absolute_import
import math
import numpy
def unit_vector(vector):
""" Returns the unit vector of the vector. """
return vector / numpy.linalg.norm(vector)
def angle_between(v1, v2):
""" Returns the angle in radians between vectors 'v1' and 'v2'::
>>> angle_between((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0))
>>> angle_between((1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0))
>>> angle_between((1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0))
v1_u = unit_vector(v1)
v2_u = unit_vector(v2)
angle = numpy.arccos(, v2_u))
if numpy.isnan(angle):
if (v1_u == v2_u).all():
return 0.0
return numpy.pi
return angle
class TrajectoryLeg:
def __init__(self, thrustvector=None, t=0):
if thrustvector is None:
thrustvector = numpy.zeros(3)
self.thrustvector = thrustvector #thrust vector
self.t = t #length of time to apply the thrust
def __repr__(self):
return repr( (self.thrustvector, self.t) )
#* Computes the optimal trajectory from A to B in a solar system using classical
#* mechanics. Finds the trajectory legs (each expressed as a thrust vector and a
#* length of time) that as soon as possible will move the ship to the same
#* position and velocity as the destination.
#* <P>
#* The objective is to plan the space trajectory needed to rendezvous with a
#* given destination within the solar system. It is needed to implement the
#* game's autopilot which is used by both computer-controlled ships and players.
#* The trajectory must be computed in advance since simply going in the
#* direction of the destination would result in arriving with a speed very
#* different from that of the destination object. We need to know beforehand
#* when to 'gas' and when to 'break', and in what precise directions to do this.
#* <P>
#* The planned trajectory should be fairly efficient (primarily regarding travel
#* time, but also regarding fuel consumption) and preferably not cheat by using
#* different physics than the player experiences with the manual controls. It
#* must also be fairly fast to compute - it's an MMO game and there can be many
#* thousands of traveling ships.
#* <P>
#* The formal problem is: The traveling spaceship, at current position P in
#* space and with current velocity V, is to travel and rendezvous with a
#* destination object (a planet, another ship etc) which is at current position
#* Q and with current velocity W. Since it's a rendezvous (e.g. docking or
#* landing) the traveling spaceship must have the same velocity W as the
#* destination upon arrival.
#* <P>
#* <I>Input:</I> An instance of TrajectoryParameters that contains:<BR>
#* deltaPosition<BR>
#* deltaVelocity<BR>
#* maxForce (ship's max thrust)<BR>
#* mass (ship's mass)
#* <P>
#* <I>Output:</I> An array of TrajectoryLeg instances, each containing:<BR>
#* thrust vector (length of which is the thrust force; less than or equal to maxForce)<BR>
#* time (length of time to apply the thrust)
#* <P>
#* The problem solved here makes no mention of changes to the destination's
#* velocity over time. It's been simplified to disregard the destination's own
#* acceleration. In theory the change in velocity direction over time is
#* possible to compute for orbiting celestial bodies, although difficult within
#* the context of this problem. But other spaceships are impossible to predict
#* because someone else is controlling them! <I>Therefore the trajectory must be
#* recomputed regularly during the journey - and we might as well disregard the
#* complication of the destination's continuously changing acceleration in this
#* solution.</I>
#* @author Christer Swahn
# (ported to Python anda adapted by proycon)
class TrajectoryPlanner:
#the time tolerance
#defines what is regarded as equivalent position and speed */
#the force tolerance during calculation
#the force difference tolerance of the result
def __init__(self, originpos, destpos, originv, destv, maxforce, mass):
#originpos and destpos are vectors (coordinates) at time 0, same for originv and destv
self.originpos = originpos
self.originv = originv
#we translate to a relative frame of reference
self.deltapos = destpos - originpos
self.deltav = destv - originv
self.maxforce = maxforce
self.mass = mass
self.trajectory = [TrajectoryLeg(), TrajectoryLeg()] #will consist of two trajectory legs, each trajectory leg is a (thrustvector,time) tuple
dV_magnitude = numpy.linalg.norm(self.deltav)
distance = numpy.linalg.norm(self.deltapos)
#check special case 1, dV = 0:
if (dV_magnitude < self.GEOMETRIC_TOLERANCE):
if (distance < self.GEOMETRIC_TOLERANCE):
raise Exception("Already at destination")
t_tot = (2*self.mass*distance / self.maxforce)**0.5
self.trajectory[0].thrustvector = self.deltapos * (self.maxforce/distance) #accelerating
self.trajectory[1].thrustvector = self.trajectory[0].thrustvector * -1 #breaking
self.trajectory[0].t = self.trajectory[1].t = t_tot / 2;
F_v = numpy.zeros(3)
D_ttot = numpy.zeros(3)
V_d_ttot = numpy.zeros(3)
R_d = numpy.zeros(3)
F_d = numpy.zeros(3)
F_d2 = numpy.zeros(3)
#pick f_v in (0, tp.maxForce) via f_v_ratio in (0, 1):
best_f_v_ratio = -1.0;
min_f_v_ratio = 0.0;
max_f_v_ratio = 1.0;
simple_f_v_ratio = self.calcsimpleratio()
f_v_ratio = simple_f_v_ratio #start value
min_f_v_ratio = simple_f_v_ratio * .99 #(account for rounding error)
nofIters = 0
while nofIters < self.ITER_LIMIT:
nofIters += 1
f_v = f_v_ratio * self.maxforce;
t_tot = self.mass / f_v * dV_magnitude
F_v = self.deltav * (self.mass / t_tot)
D_ttot = self.deltav * (t_tot/2) + self.deltapos
dist_ttot = numpy.linalg.norm(D_ttot)
#check special case 2, dP_ttot = 0:
if dist_ttot < self.GEOMETRIC_TOLERANCE:
# done! F1 = F2 = Fv (only one leg) (such exact alignment of dV and dP is rare)
# FUTURE: should we attempt to find more optimal trajectory in case f_v < maxForce?
if f_v_ratio < 0.5:
print("Non-optimal trajectory for special case: dV and dP aligned: f_v_ratio=" + f_v_ratio)
self.trajectory = [ TrajectoryLeg(F_v, t_tot) ]
V_d_ttot = D_ttot * (2/t_tot)
R_d = D_ttot * (1/dist_ttot) #normalized D_ttot
alpha = math.pi - angle_between(F_v,R_d) #angle between F_v and F_p1
assert (alpha >= 0 and alpha <= math.pi) #alpha + " not in (0, PI)," +;
if math.pi - alpha < 0.00001:
#special case 3a, F_v and F_p1 are parallel in same direction
f_d = self.maxforce - f_v
elif alpha < 0.00001:
#special case 3b, F_v and F_p1 are parallel in opposite directions
f_d = self.maxforce + f_v
sin_alpha = math.sin(alpha)
f_d = self.maxforce/sin_alpha * math.sin(math.pi - alpha - math.asin(f_v/self.maxforce*sin_alpha))
assert (f_d > 0 and f_d < 2*self.maxforce) #: f_d + " not in (0, " + (2*tp.maxForce) + ")";
t_1 = 2*self.mass*dist_ttot / (t_tot*f_d)
t_2 = t_tot - t_1
if t_2 < self.TIME_TOLERANCE:
#pick smaller f_v
#LOG.debug(String.format("Iteration %2d: f_v_ratio %f; t_2 %,7.3f", nofIters, f_v_ratio, t_2));
max_f_v_ratio = f_v_ratio
f_v_ratio += (min_f_v_ratio - f_v_ratio) / 2 #(divisor experimentally calibrated)
F_d = R_d * f_d
F_d2 = F_d * (-t_1/t_2) #since I_d = -I_d2
#assert (F_d.copy().scale( t_1/tp.mass).differenceMagnitude(V_d_ttot) < GEOMETRIC_TOLERANCE) : F_d;
#assert (F_d2.copy().scale(-t_2/tp.mass).differenceMagnitude(V_d_ttot) < GEOMETRIC_TOLERANCE) : F_d2;
F_1 = F_d + F_v
F_2 = F_d2 + F_v
#assert (Math.abs(F_1.length()-tp.maxForce)/tp.maxForce < FORCE_TOLERANCE) : "f1=" + F_1.length() + " != f=" + tp.maxForce;
#assert verifyF1F2(tp, t_1, t_2, F_1, F_2) : "F1=" + F_1 + "; F2=" + F_2;
f_2 = numpy.linalg.norm(F_2)
if f_2 > self.maxforce:
#// pick smaller f_v
#//LOG.debug(String.format("Iteration %2d: f_v_ratio %f; f_2 diff %e", nofIters, f_v_ratio, (tp.maxForce-f_2)));
max_f_v_ratio = f_v_ratio
f_v_ratio += (min_f_v_ratio - f_v_ratio) / 1.25 #divisor experimentally calibrated)
#best so far
#LOG.debug(String.format("Iteration %2d: best so far f_v_ratio %f; f_2 diff %e; max_f_v_ratio %f", nofIters, f_v_ratio, (tp.maxForce-f_2), max_f_v_ratio));
best_f_v_ratio = f_v_ratio
self.trajectory[0].thrustvector = F_1
self.trajectory[0].t = t_1
self.trajectory[1].thrustvector = F_2
self.trajectory[1].t = t_2
if f_2 < (self.maxforce*(1-self.RESULT_FORCE_TOLERANCE)):
#// pick greater f_v
min_f_v_ratio = f_v_ratio;
f_v_ratio += (max_f_v_ratio - f_v_ratio) / 4 #// (divisor experimentally calibrated)
break #done!
if best_f_v_ratio >= 0:
print("Couldn't determine full trajectory for %s (nofIters %d) best_f_v_ratio=%.12f" % (tp, nofIters, best_f_v_ratio))
self.trajectory = [ TrajectoryLeg(self.deltav, dV_magnitude*self.mass/self.maxforce) ]
#trajectory[0].thrust.add(tp.deltaPosition).normalize().scale(tp.maxForce); // set thrust direction to average of dP and dV
# set thrust direction to average of dP and dV
self.trajectory[0].thrustvector += self.deltapos
self.trajectory[0].thrustvector = (self.trajectory[0].thrustvector / numpy.linalg.norm(self.trajectory[0].thrustvector)) * self.maxforce #normalize and extend
#private static boolean verifyF1F2(TrajectoryParameters tp, double t_1, double t_2, SpatialVector F_1, SpatialVector F_2) {
# final double REL_TOLERANCE = 1e-5;
# SpatialVector V_1 = F_1.copy().scale(t_1/tp.mass);
# SpatialVector V_2 = F_2.copy().scale(t_2/tp.mass);
# SpatialVector achievedDeltaVelocity = V_1.copy().add(V_2);
# double velDiff = achievedDeltaVelocity.differenceMagnitude(tp.deltaVelocity);
# assert (velDiff/tp.deltaVelocity.length() < REL_TOLERANCE) : velDiff/tp.deltaVelocity.length() +
# "; difference=" + velDiff + "; achievedDeltaVelocity=" + achievedDeltaVelocity + "; tp.deltaVelocity=" + tp.deltaVelocity;
# SpatialVector targetPosition = tp.deltaVelocity.copy().scale(t_1+t_2).add(tp.deltaPosition);
# SpatialVector achievedPosition = V_1.scale(t_1/2+t_2).add(V_2.scale(t_2/2));
# double posDiff = achievedPosition.differenceMagnitude(targetPosition);
# assert (posDiff/tp.deltaPosition.length() < REL_TOLERANCE) : posDiff/tp.deltaPosition.length() +
# "; difference=" + posDiff + "; achievedPosition=" + achievedPosition + "; targetPosition=" + targetPosition;
# return true;
def calcsimpleratio(self):
# compute the f_v ratio of the simplest trajectory where we accelerate in two steps:
# 1) reduce the velocity difference with the destination to 0 (time needed: t_v)
# 2) traverse the distance to arrive at the destination (time needed: t_p)
# (This usually takes longer than the optimal trajectory, since the distance traversal
# does not utilize the full travel time period. (The greater travel period that
# the distance traversal can use, the less impulse (acceleration) it needs.))
inv_acc = self.mass / self.maxforce
t_v = inv_acc * numpy.linalg.norm(self.deltav)
newdeltapos = (self.deltav * (t_v/2)) + self.deltapos
distance = numpy.linalg.norm(newdeltapos)
t_p = 2 * (inv_acc*distance)**0.5
t_tot = t_v + t_p
f_v_ratio = t_v / t_tot
return f_v_ratio
def velocity(self,t,m):
"""Compute velocity vector at time t"""
pos = self.originpos.copy()
v = self.originv.copy()
for trajectoryleg in self.trajectory:
a = (trajectoryleg.thrustvector) / m # a = F/m
if t <= trajectoryleg.t:
v += a * t
v += a * trajectoryleg.t
t = t - trajectoryleg.t
return v
#Visualisation stuff
AU = 149597870700 #m
originpos = numpy.array([1*AU,1*AU,1*AU])
originv = numpy.array((-800000,0,0))
destpos = numpy.array([3*AU,0,0])
destv = numpy.array((-50000,-1000000,50000))
mass = 10000
maxforce = mass*11
tp = TrajectoryPlanner(originpos, destpos, originv, destv, maxforce, mass)
from visual import * #requires vpython
def np2v(a):
"""Numpy to vpython"""
return vector(a[0],a[1],a[2]) = (0,0,0)
scene.width = 1600
scene.height = 1200
scene.range = (5*AU,5*AU,5*AU)
A = sphere(pos=originpos,radius=0.05*AU,
B = sphere(pos=destpos,radius=0.05*AU,
x = sphere(pos=originpos,radius=0.03*AU,color=color.white,make_trail=True)
t = 0
while True:
t += 1
rate(10000) # a high number pretty much means go as fast as our computer can
A.pos = A.pos + vector(originv)
B.pos = B.pos + vector(destv)
v = tp.velocity(t,mass)
x.pos = x.pos + np2v(v)
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