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Last active January 13, 2021 00:01
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data SignedNat : Bool -> Nat -> Type where
Neg : (n:Nat) -> SignedNat True n
Pos : (n:Nat) -> SignedNat False n
data Memory : sna -> mem -> Type where
MWord : sna -> mem -> Memory sna mem
MEnd : sna -> Memory sna Void
data MemoryAddress : Nat -> Type where
MAddr : (n:Nat) -> MemoryAddress n
createSignedNat : (b:Bool) -> (m:Nat) -> SignedNat b m
createSignedNat False v = Pos v
createSignedNat True v = Neg v
interface TypeOfReadSign maddr mem where
typeOfReadSign : maddr -> mem -> Bool
implementation TypeOfReadSign maddr Void where
typeOfReadSign _ _ = False
implementation TypeOfReadSign (MemoryAddress Z) (Memory (SignedNat s v) rest) where
typeOfReadSign _ (MEnd (Pos _)) = False
typeOfReadSign _ (MEnd (Neg _)) = True
typeOfReadSign _ (MWord (Pos _) _) = False
typeOfReadSign _ (MWord (Neg _) _) = True
implementation TypeOfReadSign (MemoryAddress (S n)) (Memory sn Void) where
typeOfReadSign _ _ = False
implementation (TypeOfReadSign (MemoryAddress n) rest) => TypeOfReadSign (MemoryAddress (S n)) (Memory sn rest) where
typeOfReadSign (MAddr (S n)) (MEnd _) = False
typeOfReadSign (MAddr (S n)) (MWord _ rest) = typeOfReadSign (MAddr n) rest
interface TypeOfReadMag maddr mem where
typeOfReadMag : maddr -> mem -> Nat
implementation TypeOfReadMag maddr Void where
typeOfReadMag _ _ = 0
implementation TypeOfReadMag (MemoryAddress Z) (Memory (SignedNat s v) rest) where
typeOfReadMag _ (MEnd (Pos mag)) = mag
typeOfReadMag _ (MEnd (Neg mag)) = mag
typeOfReadMag _ (MWord (Pos mag) _) = mag
typeOfReadMag _ (MWord (Neg mag) _) = mag
implementation (TypeOfReadMag (MemoryAddress n) rest) => TypeOfReadMag (MemoryAddress (S n)) (Memory (SignedNat s v) rest) where
typeOfReadMag (MAddr (S n)) (MEnd _) = 0
typeOfReadMag (MAddr (S n)) (MWord _ rest) = typeOfReadMag (MAddr n) rest
readRam : (TypeOfReadSign maddr mem, TypeOfReadMag maddr mem) => (a : maddr) -> (m : mem) -> (SignedNat (typeOfReadSign a m) (typeOfReadMag a m))
readRam maddr mem = createSignedNat (typeOfReadSign maddr mem) (typeOfReadMag maddr mem)
ram : Memory (SignedNat False 3) (Memory (SignedNat False 4) (Memory (SignedNat False 5) Void))
ram = MWord (Pos 3) (MWord (Pos 4) (MEnd (Pos 5)))
proofWord1IsPos4 : readRam (MAddr 1) (MWord (Pos 3) (MWord (Pos 4) (MEnd (Pos 5)))) = Pos 4
proofWord1IsPos4 = Refl
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