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Created June 7, 2021 18:56
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module F1
import System
import Data.Bool
import Data.List
import Data.Vect
import Decidable.Equality
data Fruit = Apple | Banana
implementation Show Fruit where
show Apple = "Apple"
show Banana = "Banana"
appleString : String
appleString = "apple"
bananaString : String
bananaString = "banana"
knownFruit : String -> Bool
knownFruit s = s == appleString || s == bananaString
data FruitObserver : String -> Bool -> Type where
FO : (s : String) -> FruitObserver s (knownFruit s)
stringOfFruitObserver : {s : String} -> FruitObserver s k -> String
stringOfFruitObserver (FO s) = s
makeDefaultFruitObserver : {s : String} -> FruitObserver s (knownFruit s)
makeDefaultFruitObserver = FO s
appleT : Type
appleT = FruitObserver appleString True
bananaT : Type
bananaT = FruitObserver bananaString True
apple : F1.appleT
apple = makeDefaultFruitObserver
banana : F1.bananaT
banana = makeDefaultFruitObserver
interface WhichFruit t where
whichFruit : t -> Maybe Fruit
implementation WhichFruit (FruitObserver F1.appleString True) where
whichFruit _ = Just Apple
implementation WhichFruit (FruitObserver F1.bananaString True) where
whichFruit _ = Just Banana
implementation WhichFruit (FruitObserver f False) where
whichFruit _ = Nothing
bi : {b : Bool} -> (not b = True) -> (b = False)
bi {b = True} p impossible
bi {b = False} p = Refl
anyOrTrueIsTrue : (a : Bool) -> (a || True) = True
anyOrTrueIsTrue False = Refl
anyOrTrueIsTrue True = Refl
contradiction : (a : Bool) -> a = False -> a = True -> Void
contradiction False p1 p2 impossible
contradiction True p1 p2 impossible
toFruit : String -> Maybe Fruit
toFruit f with (decEq (f == F1.appleString) True)
toFruit f | (Yes prf) = whichFruit
toFruit f | (No contra) with (decEq (f == F1.bananaString) True)
toFruit f | (No contra) | Yes prf = whichFruit F1.banana
toFruit f | (No contra1) | (No contra2) with (decEq (knownFruit f) True)
toFruit f | (No contra1) | (No contra2) | Yes prf =
notApple : (f == F1.appleString = False)
notApple = bi (invertContraBool (f == F1.appleString) True contra1)
notBanana : (f == F1.bananaString = False)
notBanana = bi (invertContraBool (f == F1.bananaString) True contra2)
notIdentified : (knownFruit f = False)
notIdentified =
rewrite notApple in
rewrite notBanana in
absurd (contradiction (knownFruit f) notIdentified prf)
toFruit f | (No contra1) | (No contra2) | (No contra3) =
f1 : FruitObserver f False
f1 =
notIdentified : ((knownFruit f) = False)
notIdentified = bi (invertContraBool (f == F1.appleString || f == F1.bananaString) True contra3)
rewrite sym notIdentified in
FO f
whichFruit f1
main : IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[_,f] => putStrLn $ show $ toFruit f
_ => putStrLn "give a fruit"
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