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Last active December 17, 2021 06:34
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import Decidable.Equality
data RETree : (t : Type) -> Type where
End : RETree t
Item : t -> RETree t
Sequence : RETree t -> RETree t -> RETree t
OneOrTheOther : RETree t -> RETree t -> RETree t
Repeated : RETree t -> RETree t -> RETree t
simpleItemAppliesToRE : (DecEq t) => t -> t -> Bool
simpleItemAppliesToRE x y with (decEq x y)
simpleItemAppliesToRE x y | Yes prf = True
simpleItemAppliesToRE x y | No contra = False
itemAppliesToRE : (DecEq t) => (r : RETree t) -> t -> Maybe (RETree t)
itemAppliesToRE End _ = Nothing
itemAppliesToRE (Item x) y =
if simpleItemAppliesToRE x y then
Just End
itemAppliesToRE (Sequence a b) y with (itemAppliesToRE a y)
itemAppliesToRE (Sequence a b) y | Nothing = Nothing
itemAppliesToRE (Sequence a b) y | Just End = Just b
itemAppliesToRE (Sequence a b) y | Just any = Just (Sequence any b)
itemAppliesToRE (OneOrTheOther a b) y with ((itemAppliesToRE a y),(itemAppliesToRE b y))
itemAppliesToRE (OneOrTheOther a b) y | (Just aa, Just bb) = Just (OneOrTheOther aa bb)
itemAppliesToRE (OneOrTheOther a b) y | (Just aa, _) = Just aa
itemAppliesToRE (OneOrTheOther a b) y | (_, Just bb) = Just bb
itemAppliesToRE (OneOrTheOther a b) y | (_, _) = Nothing
itemAppliesToRE (Repeated End End) _ = Nothing
itemAppliesToRE (Repeated a End) y = itemAppliesToRE (Repeated a a) y
itemAppliesToRE (Repeated a b) y with (itemAppliesToRE b y)
itemAppliesToRE (Repeated a b) y | Just End = Just (Repeated a End)
itemAppliesToRE (Repeated a b) y | Just v = Just (Repeated a v)
itemAppliesToRE (Repeated a b) y | Nothing = Nothing
listAppliesToRE : (DecEq t) => List t -> RETree t -> Maybe (RETree t)
listAppliesToRE [] End = Just End
listAppliesToRE [] (Sequence a b) with ((listAppliesToRE [] a),(listAppliesToRE [] b))
listAppliesToRE [] (Sequence a b) | (Just End, Just End) = Just End
listAppliesToRE [] (Sequence a b) | _ = Nothing
listAppliesToRE [] (OneOrTheOther a b) with ((listAppliesToRE [] a),(listAppliesToRE [] b))
listAppliesToRE [] (OneOrTheOther a b) | (Just End, _) = Just End
listAppliesToRE [] (OneOrTheOther a b) | (_, Just End) = Just End
listAppliesToRE [] (OneOrTheOther a b) | (_, _) = Nothing
listAppliesToRE [] (Repeated _ End) = Just End
listAppliesToRE [] _ = Nothing
listAppliesToRE (hd :: tl) re = itemAppliesToRE re hd >>= listAppliesToRE tl
reListType : (DecEq t) => List t -> RETree t -> Maybe (RETree t)
reListType l r = map (const r) (listAppliesToRE l r)
data REConformingList : (DecEq t) => Maybe (RETree t) -> Type -> Type where
RETryList : (DecEq t) => (r : RETree t) -> (l : List t) -> REConformingList (reListType l r) t
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