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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Save prufrock/b7ccc9dae164d728fc92 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rename this to ssh and put it some place where it will override ssh(but don't delete ssh) and you'll get robo backgrounds in your iterm. A modification of the ImageMagick script at
# SSH with host name and IP address in background (only in
# First, check to see if we have the correct terminal!
if [ "$(tty)" == 'not a tty' ] || [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" != "" ] ; then
/usr/bin/ssh "$@"
exit $?
function __calculate_iterm_window_dimensions {
local size=( $(osascript -e "tell application \"iTerm\"
get bounds of window 1
end tell" | tr ',' ' ') )
local x1=${size[0]} y1=${size[1]} x2=${size[2]} y2=${size[3]}
# 15px - scrollbar width
local w=$(( $x2 - $x1 - 15 ))
# 44px - titlebar + tabs height
local h=$(( $y2 - $y1 - 44))
echo "${w}x${h}"
# Console dimensions
BG_COLOR="#000000" # Background color
FG_COLOR="#662020" # Foreground color
GRAVITY="NorthEast" # Text gravity (NorthWest, North, NorthEast,
# West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast)
OFFSET1="20,10" # Text offset (host name)
OFFSET2="20,80" # Text offset (ip address)
FONT_SIZE="60" # Font size in points
FONT_STYLE="Normal" # Font style (Any, Italic, Normal, Oblique)
# Font path
HOSTNAME=`echo $@ | sed -e "s/.*@//" -e "s/ .*//"`
output=`dscacheutil -q host -a name $HOSTNAME`
RESOLVED_HOSTNAME=`echo -e "$output"|grep '^name:'|awk '{print $2}'`
RESOLVED_IP=`echo -e "$output"|grep '^ip_address:'|awk '{print $2}'`
function set_bg {
local tty=$(tty)
osascript -e "
tell application \"iTerm\"
repeat with theTerminal in terminals
tell theTerminal
tell session id \"$tty\"
set background image path to \"$1\"
end tell
on error errmesg number errn
end try
end tell
end repeat
end tell"
on_exit () {
if [ ! -f /tmp/iTermBG.empty.png ]; then
convert -size "$DIMENSIONS" xc:"$BG_COLOR" "/tmp/iTermBG.empty.png"
set_bg "/tmp/iTermBG.empty.png"
# rm "/tmp/iTermBG.$$.png"
trap on_exit EXIT
ARGS_HASH=$(echo -n "$@" | md5)
if [ ! -f $ITERM_BG ]; then
curl$ARGS_HASH.png \
set_bg $ITERM_BG
/usr/bin/ssh "$@"
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