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Last active December 19, 2015 11:29
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Rails 4 in Action 1P review notes
1.2.4 Scaffolding
binstubs was only introduced later on, so bin/rails makes no sense
Listing 1.16
update(purchase_params) is used instead of update_attributes(params[:purchase])
Chapter 2
Some mentioning of current tools that assist with the tdd process such as guard/debugger/pry could be useful here.
Listing 3.4
assets group is deprecated
Listing 3.5
Text should corresponding to the listing for references to rspec-rails versions (2.13.x)
3.3.3 Applying a stylesheet
custom stylesheet no longer relevant? (according to
Listing 3.9
`visit root_url` (named route in place of string paths) is more idiomatic
Listing 3.11
Some mentioning of the limited scaffold_controller generator (and its various options to exclude generation of specs like --no-controller-specs)
could be useful, either here or later, to make the point that it already comes with useful defaults such as
set_model and model_params methods.
Or earlier, when scaffold is used for the first and only time (it shows up in the console output)
Listing 3.16
<p> without matching closing tag
Listing 3.17
Effects of strong_parameters should be mentioned here since it is default in Rails 4.
Expecting a ForbiddenAttributesError here
Listing 3.23
In the Warning box, validates_uniqueness_of is actually a convention from Rails 2
even though it is equivalent to the current `validates` idiom.
Listing 3.24
Doesn't make sense, the example doesn't have anything to do with projects#new, and mentioning it can only lead to confusion
4.1.1 The Factory Girl
typo: factory_girl_rails
why is factory_girl needed as well?
Listing 4.2 spec/support/factories/project_factory.rb
Inconsistent path, should be spec/factories
4.1.2 Adding a link to a project
5 examples, 2 pending is inconsistent (generated spec files were removed earlier)
Listing 4.9
Inconsisted factory_girl syntax
5.1.3 Defining a has_many association
index syntax for generated migration has changed
Listing 5.7 Listing 5.7 spec/factories/ticket_factory.rb
Inconsistent: previously spec/support/factories was used
Listing 5.10 Listing 5.10 update action, TicketsController
why leave out the method header? `def update; end`
6.1 Authentication Basics
user.authentication should be user.authenticate
Missing labels for code listings
6.2 Signing Up
name of the spec file (signing_up_spec.rb) is only mentioned much later, needs to be earlier
Missing labels for code listings
what is @ticket.errors doing in user form partial?!
There should be 19 examples right before "Implemented sign up."
There should be 21 examples right before "Implement profile pages"
NO mention of user_factory.rb!
Significant content needed for user_profile_spec.rb to work is missing:
6.3 Signing in
Code listing for sessions#new view should match:
6.4 Linking tickets to users
require_signin! is not defined
6.4.1 Attributing tickets to users
signing_in_spec.rb doesn't exist and shouldn't be failing
Listing 6.1
Wrong code, check against:
6.4.5 Fixing the Deleting Tickets feature
There should be 22 examples at the end.
sign_in_as! can be used for sign_in_spec.rb as well
7.1 Turning users into admins
spec/support/factories should be spec/factories
7.2.2 Fixing three broken scenarios
creating_projects_spec.rb should be failing as well
There should be 27 examples at the end.
7.3 Hiding links
36 examples at the end.
7.4 Namespace routing
37 examples at the end.
Listing 7.11
Missing step for filling password_confirmation
7.5.3 The new action
Missing password_confirmation field
7.5.4 The create action
38 examples at the end
7.5.5 Creating admin users
shouldn't mention attr_accessible for to_s method
39 examples at the end
7.5.6 Editing users
`find_user` should be `set_user`
7.5.7 The edit and update actions
`find_user` should be `set_user`
`validates :email, presence: true` will cause signing_up.spec to fail, User#user_params need to be updated
42 examples at the end
7.5.9 Ensuring you can't delete yourself
44 examples at the end
8.2 Restricting by scope
`find_project` should be `set_project`
8.3.2 Fixing the four failing features
45 examples
8.3.3 One more thing
`find_project` should be `set_project`
`scope :self_for` should be just `scope :for`
8.3.4 Fixing signing up
45 examples
8.4 Blocking access to tickets
`find_project` should be `set_project`
46 examples
Listing 8.6 spec/controllers/tickets_controller_spec.rb
sign_in(:user, user) should be sigin_in(user)
8.5.3 Adding abilities
48 examples
8.6.2 Authorizing editing
50 examples
8.8 Hiding links based on permission
scenario "Edit ticket link is shown to a user with permission" needs `ticket` on first line
60 examples
8.9.1 Viewing projects
62 examples
8.9.2 And the rest
64 examples
Listing 8.18 db/seeds.rb should be, missing password_confirmation parameter
65 examples
9.1.3 Using CarrierWave
66 examples
Listing 9.6 db/migrate/[date]_create_assets.rb
invalid migration file
remove_column :tickets, :asset, :string (so that it is reversible)
9.2.3 Using nested attributes
Not mentioned: `mount_uploader :asset, AssetUploader` was moved from ticket.rb to asset.rb
66 examples
9.3.4 Privatizing assets
uploads should be added to .gitignore
68 examples
Listing 9.12 spec/features/creating_tickets_spec.rb
Rails.root.join is needed for File #1 as well
9.4.5 Responding to an asynchronous request
Files#new is incomplete:
9.4.6 Sending parameters for an asynchronous request
Consider the use of jquery-turbolinks, and headless javascript testing
68 examples
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