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Last active November 15, 2023 14:56
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DDS attempt
module dds
#(parameter ACC_LENGTH = 48,
parameter PHASE_LENGTH = 14
) (
input sys_clk,
input spi_clk,
input spi_data,
input freq_cs,
input phaseshift_cs,
input [1:0] mode_in,
output [PHASE_LENGTH-1:0] waveform_out
reg [0:0] freq_latch;
reg [0:0] phaseshift_latch;
wire [ACC_LENGTH-1:0] freq_in;
wire [PHASE_LENGTH-1:0] phaseshift_in;
wire [PHASE_LENGTH-1:0] reduced_phase;
wire [PHASE_LENGTH-1:0] reduced_phase_tri;
// Input loading logic.
// When the CS goes inactive for an SPI input, the value
// held by an SPI shift register is ready to be loaded
// into the phase accumulator. To avoid messes, we
// wait until the system clock goes low, since
// the system does it's calculations on the positive edge.
always @(negedge freq_cs) begin
freq_latch <= 1;
always @(negedge phaseshift_cs) begin
phaseshift_latch <= 1;
always @(posedge sys_clk) begin
if(freq_latch) begin
freq_latch <= 0;
if(phaseshift_latch) begin
phaseshift_latch <= 0;
// Shift registers to handle SPI communication
// Frequency register
shiftreg #(
) freq_spi (
// Phase shift register
shiftreg #(
) phaseshift_spi (
// Phase accumulator
phase_acc #(
) phase_acc (
// Waveform shaper
waveform_shaper #(
) waveform_shaper (
module waveform_shaper #(
parameter LENGTH=14
) (
input clk,
input [LENGTH-1:0] phase,
input [LENGTH-1:0] triangle,
input [1:0] mode,
output reg [LENGTH-1:0] out
always @(posedge clk) begin
2'b00: out <= phase; // Ramp
2'b01: out <= triangle; // Triangle
2'b10: out <= 0; // TODO: Sine lookup table
module phase_acc #(
parameter ACC_LENGTH = 48,
parameter OUT_LENGTH = 14
) (
input clk,
input [ACC_LENGTH-1:0] increment,
input [OUT_LENGTH-1:0] phaseshift,
output reg [OUT_LENGTH-1:0] out,
output reg [OUT_LENGTH-1:0] tri_out
reg [ACC_LENGTH-1:0] acc;
reg [ACC_LENGTH-1:0] tri_acc;
reg [0:0] tri_slope;
// Calculate the new value on positive clock
always @(posedge clk) begin
acc <= acc + increment;
tri_acc <= tri_slope ? tri_acc - increment * 2 : tri_acc + increment * 2;
// Flip triangle wave slope when we're half way through
// the phase, i.e. when the MSB flips.
if(tri_slope == 0 && acc[ACC_LENGTH-1] == 0) tri_slope <= 1; // Flip from up to down
if(tri_slope == 1 && acc[ACC_LENGTH-1] == 1) tri_slope <= 0; // Flip from down to up
// Update the output on negative clock
always @(negedge clk) begin
// Reduce to 14 bits and add phase shift
out[OUT_LENGTH-1:0] <= acc[ACC_LENGTH - OUT_LENGTH - 1:0] + phaseshift;
tri_out[OUT_LENGTH-1:0] <= tri_acc[ACC_LENGTH - OUT_LENGTH - 1:0] + phaseshift;
module shiftreg #(
parameter LENGTH = 48
) (
input clk,
input cs,
input d,
input latch,
output reg [LENGTH-1:0] out
reg [LENGTH-1:0] pipeline;
integer i;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (cs) begin
for(i = 1; i < LENGTH; i = i + 1) begin
pipeline[i] <= pipeline[i - 1];
pipeline[0] <= d;
// Latch current state to "out" port.
always @(posedge latch) begin
out = pipeline;
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