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Created June 14, 2023 19:00
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Simplified vRO API
from functools import lru_cache
import requests
import time
class AutomationClient:
Low level Aria Automation/Orchestration client.
url = ""
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json"
def __init__(self, host):
self.url = f"https://{host}"
def get(self, url):
result = requests.get(url=self.url + url, headers=self.headers, verify=False)
if result.status_code < 200 or result.status_code > 299:
raise Exception(f"{result.status_code}: {result.content}")
return result.json()
def post(self, url, data):
result = + url, json=data, headers=self.headers, verify=False)
if result.status_code < 200 or result.status_code > 299:
raise Exception(f"{result.status_code}: {result.content}")
return result.json()
def patch(self, url, data):
result = + url, json=data, headers=self.headers, verify=False)
if result.status_code < 200 or result.status_code > 299:
raise Exception(f"{result.status_code}: {result.content}")
return result.json()
def authenticate_password(self, user, password, domain):
Authenticate using username, password and domain. For on-prem use only.
login = {
"username": user,
"password": password,
"domain": domain
result ="/csp/gateway/am/api/login?access_token", login)
def authenticate_token(self, token):
Authenticate using refresh token. For use with on-prem and SaaS.
:param token: A valid refresh token
:return: A bearer token
login = {"refreshToken": token}
result ="/iaas/api/login", login)
self.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + result["token"]
def to_dict(values, key="name", value="value"):
Converts a vRO key-value structure to a simple dict
:param values: The structure to convert
:param key: Name of the key field
:param value: Name of the value field
:return: A dict of values keyed by their names
dict = {}
for attr in values:
if value in attr:
dict[attr[key]] = attr[value]
return dict
def infer_type(value):
Infer the vRO type based on the Python type of the value supplied
:param value: The value to obtain the type for
:return: String representation of the vRO type
if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
return "number"
if isinstance(value, str):
return "string"
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
return "Array/Any"
if isinstance(value, dict):
return "Properties"
return "Any"
def encode_value(type, value):
Encode a type and a value into a structure that can be used as an input to vRO
:param type: The vRO type name
:param value: The value
:return: A structure suitable for suppying as an input parameter
if type == "Any":
result = {infer_type(value): {"value": value}}
elif type == "Properties":
properties = []
result = {"properties": {"property": properties}}
for k, v in value.items():
properties.append({"key": k, "value": encode_value(infer_type(v), v)})
elif type.startswith("Array/"):
element_type = type[6:]
elements = []
result = {"array": {"elements": elements}}
for v in value:
elements.append(encode_value(element_type, v))
result = {type: {"value": value}}
return result
def decode_value(node):
Decodes an output value structure from vRO to a simple calue
:param node: The value node from the workflow output parameter
:return: A simple value
v = node.get("number", node.get("string", None))
if v:
return v["value"]
v = node.get("array", None)
if v:
array = []
for element in v["elements"]:
return array
v = node.get("properties", None)
if v:
props = {}
for property in v["property"]:
props[property["key"]] = decode_value(property["value"])
return props
v = node.get("any", None)
if v:
return decode_value(v)
raise Exception("Don't know how to decode output value: " + str(node))
class WorkflowExecution:
Represents a running or completed execution of a workflow
id = ""
workflow_id = ""
outputs = {}
state = "unknown"
client = None
def __init__(self, client, id, workflow_id, state, outputs=[]):
self.client = client = id
self.workflow_id = workflow_id
self.state = state
self.outputs = outputs
def wait_for_completion(self):
Waits for a workflow to complete and returns its status and output parameters
:param execution: The execution object of the workflow run to wait for
:return: An object representing the status and output paramerers
delay = 0.5
factor = 1.1
while True:
response = self.client.get(
"/vco/api/workflows/%s/executions/%s/state" % (self.workflow_id,
state = response["value"]
if state != "running":
response = self.client.get(
"/vco/api/workflows/%s/executions/%s" % (self.workflow_id,
outputs = {}
for p in response["output-parameters"]:
outputs[p["name"]] = decode_value(p["value"])
return WorkflowExecution(self.client,, self.workflow_id, state, outputs)
delay *= factor
class API:
A simplified API for launching vRO workflows
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
def get_workflow_metadata(self, id):
Returns the metadata for a workflow
:param id: The ID of the workflow
:return: The metadata
return self.client.get("/vco/api/workflows/%s/content" % id)
def get_workflow_by_name(self, name):
Returns a workflow by its name
:param name: The name of the workflow
:return: A workflow object
response = self.client.get("/vco/api/workflows?conditions=name~%s" % name)
workflows = response["link"]
if len(workflows) == 0:
raise Exception("Workflow not found")
if len(workflows) > 1:
raise Exception("More than one workflow found")
return workflows[0]
def execute_by_id_asynch(self, id, inputs={}):
Starts a workflow without waiting for it to complete
:param id: The ID of the workflow
:param inputs: A dict of name/values representing the workflow inputs
:return: An object representing the workflow execution
metadata = self.get_workflow_metadata(id)
input_types = to_dict(metadata["input"]["param"], value="type")
payload = []
for key, value in inputs.items():
type = input_types.get(key, None)
if type is None:
raise Exception("Parameter '%s' is not defined in the workflow" % key)
parameter = {
"name": key,
"scope": "local",
"type": type,
"value": encode_value(type, value)
response ="/vco/api/workflows/%s/executions" % id, {"parameters": payload})
return WorkflowExecution(self.client, response["id"], id, response["state"])
def execute_by_id(self, id, inputs={}):
Starts a workflow and waits for it to complete
:param id: The ID of the workflow
:param inputs: A dict of name/values representing the workflow inputs
:return: An object representing the workflow execution
e = self.execute_by_id_asynch(id, inputs)
return e.wait_for_completion()
def execute_by_name_asynch(self, name, inputs):
Starts a workflow without waiting for it to complete
:param name: The name of the workflow
:param inputs: A dict of name/values representing the workflow inputs
:return: An object representing the workflow execution
workflow = self.get_workflow_by_name(name)
return self.execute_by_id_asynch(to_dict(workflow["attributes"])["id"], inputs)
def execute_by_name(self, name, inputs):
Starts a workflow and waits for it to complete
:param name: The name of the workflow
:param inputs: A dict of name/values representing the workflow inputs
:return: An object representing the workflow execution
e = self.execute_by_name_asynch(name, inputs)
return e.wait_for_completion()
client = AutomationClient("")
client.authenticate_password("fritz", "****", "my.domain")
api = API(client)
e = api.execute_by_name("APITest", {
"string": "string",
"number": 42,
"string_array": ["foo", "bar"],
"properties": {"foo": "bar", "bar": "foo"},
"any": "any"})
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