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Last active December 29, 2015 23:59
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Frontend google analytics snippet
try {
if( $access_token ) {
// Set access token
$client->setAccessToken( $access_token );
// Assign variables
$slug_array = $filter_path_array = $filter_array = $data = array();
// Populate title and permalink arrays
foreach( $query as $post ) :
array_push( $slug_array, $post->post_name );
// Populate filter_path array
if( is_array( $slug_array ) ) {
foreach( $slug_array as $link ) {
array_push( $filter_path_array, 'ga:pagepath==/listings/' . $link . '/' );
// Divide the array into sub-arrays (gets past the char limit the API imposes)
$filter_array = array_chunk( $filter_path_array, 10 );
// Get posts-per-page option value
$ppp = of_get_option( 'account_number' );
$ppp = $ppp ? (int)$ppp : 12;
// Set date range
$date_start = date( 'Y-m-d', mktime( 0, 0, 0, 6, 11, 2013 ) );
$date_end = date( 'Y-m-d', time() - 86400 );
foreach( $filter_array as $array ) {
// Convert Filter path array to a (comma seperated values) string
$filter_string = implode( ',', $array );
//request analytics data
$report_data = $analytics->data_ga->get(
'ga:' . $ganalytics_settings['ga_profile_id']
'dimensions' => 'ga:pagePath'
,'max-results' => $ppp
,'filters' => $filter_string
if( is_array( $report_data->getRows() ) ) {
foreach( $report_data->getRows() as $value ) {
$data[] = $value;
if( $description ) {
$table .= "<p>{$description}</p>";
$table .= "" .
"<table class='table all_posts' cellspacing='0'>" .
"<thead>" .
"<tr>" .
"<th width='55%'>" . __( 'Event', 'gemini' ) . "</th>" .
"<th class='right'>" . __( 'Status', 'gemini' ) . "</th>" .
"<th class='right'>" . __( 'Views', 'gemini' ) . "</th>" .
"<th class='right'>" . __( 'Avg View Time', 'gemini' ) . "</th>" .
"</tr>" .
"</thead>" .
foreach( $query as $event ) :
$views = 0;
$average = '00:00:00';
foreach( $data as $key => $report ) {
// parse URL and return only path component
// remove surrounding "/"
// explode parts into array
// return last element
$slug = parse_url( $report[0], PHP_URL_PATH );
$slug = end( explode( '/', trim( $slug, '/' ) ) );
if( $slug == $event->post_name ) {
$views = number_format( (int) $report[1] );
$average = gmdate( 'H:i:s', (int) $report[2] );
$table .= "" .
"<tr>" .
"<td><a class='title' href='" . get_permalink( $event->ID ) . "' title='" . sprintf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'gemini' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ) . "' rel='bookmark'>" . get_the_title( $event->ID ) . "</a></td>" .
"<td class='right'>" . self::display_post_status( $event->post_status ) . "</td>" .
"<td class='right'>{$views}</td>" .
"<td class='right'>{$average}</td>" .
$table .= "" .
"</tbody>" .
else {
$table = "<p class='center'>Coming soon.</p>";
catch( Exception $e ) {
$table = "<p class='center'>Could not connect to Google Analytics. :(</p>";
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