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Last active February 25, 2018 15:29
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Save prystupa/4376018 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OrderBook implementation with support for Market Orders price and time priority
class OrderBook(side: Side, orderTypes: (Order => OrderType)) {
private var marketBook: List[Order] = Nil
private var limitBook: List[(Double, List[Order])] = Nil
private val priceOrdering = if (side == Sell) Ordering[Double] else Ordering[Double].reverse
def add(order: Order) {
orderTypes(order).price match {
case MarketPrice => marketBook = marketBook :+ order
case LimitPrice(limit) => addLimit(limit, order)
def top: Option[Order] = marketBook match {
case head :: _ => Some(head)
case _ =>{
case (_, orders) => orders.head
def decreaseTopBy(qty: Double) {
marketBook match {
case top :: tail => marketBook = if (qty == top.qty) tail else orderTypes(top).decreasedBy(qty) :: tail
case _ => limitBook match {
case ((level, orders) :: tail) => {
val (top :: rest) = orders
limitBook = (qty == top.qty, rest.isEmpty) match {
case (true, true) => tail
case (true, false) => (level, rest) :: tail
case _ => (level, orderTypes(top).decreasedBy(qty) :: rest) :: tail
case Nil => throw new IllegalStateException("No top order in the empty book")
def orders(): List[Order] = marketBook ::: limitBook.flatMap({
case (_, orders) => orders
private def addLimit(limit: Double, order: Order) {
def insert(list: List[(Double, List[Order])]): List[(Double, List[Order])] = list match {
case Nil => List((limit, List(order)))
case (head@(bookLevel, orders)) :: tail =>, bookLevel) match {
case 0 => (bookLevel, orders :+ order) :: tail
case n if n < 0 => (limit, List(order)) :: list
case _ => head :: insert(tail)
limitBook = insert(limitBook)
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