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Last active November 26, 2017 03:49
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class StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgo {
type GraphAdjList = Vector[Set[Int]]
type SubGraphAdjList = Map[Int, Set[Int]]
def compute(adjacencyList: GraphAdjList): Vector[SubGraphAdjList] = {
def strongConnect(v: Int, state: State): State = {
if (!state.visited(v).isDefined) {
// Consider successors of v
adjacencyList(v).foldLeft(state.visit(v))((s, w) => {
strongConnect(w, s).updateLowLink(v, w)
else state
val n = adjacencyList.length
val initialState = State(
visited = Vector.fill(n)(None),
next = 0,
stack = Stack.empty,
stacked = Vector.fill(n)(false),
results = Vector.empty)
(0 until n).foldLeft(initialState)((state, v) => strongConnect(v, state))
nodes => GraphUtils.subGraph(adjacencyList, nodes))
private case class Visited(index: Int, lowLink: Int)
private case class State(visited: Vector[Option[Visited]],
next: Int,
stack: Stack[Int],
stacked: Vector[Boolean],
results: Vector[Set[Int]]) {
def collectScc(v: Int): State = {
def pop(r: Set[Int], s: Stack[Int]): (Set[Int], Stack[Int]) = {
val (w, ss) = s.pop2
if (w == v) (r + w, ss)
else pop(r + w, ss)
// If v is a root node, pop the stack and generate an SCC
visited(v).get match {
case Visited(index, lowLink) if (index == lowLink) => {
val (scc, remainingStack) = pop(Set.empty, stack)
val stackedLessScc = scc.foldLeft(stacked)((s, w) => s updated(w, false))
copy(stack = remainingStack, stacked = stackedLessScc, results = results :+ scc)
case _ => this
def visit(i: Int) = copy(
visited = visited updated(i, Some(Visited(next, next))),
next = next + 1,
stack = stack push (i),
stacked = stacked updated(i, true)
def updateLowLink(v: Int, w: Int): State = (visited(v).get, visited(w).get) match {
case (vv, ww) if (stacked(w) && ww.lowLink < vv.lowLink) => copy(visited = visited updated(v, Some(Visited(vv.index, ww.lowLink))))
case _ => this
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