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Created December 16, 2017 14:00
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"overview": "Overview",
"useCases": "Use Cases",
"strategy": "Strategy",
"team": "Team",
"advisors": "Advisors",
"blog": "Blog",
"title_A": "Calls powered",
"title_B": "by cryptocurrencies",
"topic_A": "Experty in TOP10 ICOs to watch in 2018 by",
"topic_b": "Bonus applications accepted until Jan,15th 2018",
"days": "days",
"hours": "hours",
"minutes": "minutes",
"seconds": "seconds",
"subtitle": "And get up to 60% more tokens",
"seeHow_A": "see how",
"seeHow_B": "experty works",
"sloganMain": "Uber for knowledge sharing",
"sloganSecondary": "Democratizing the consultations market",
"blockchainHuman": "Instant access. Instant answers. Instant payment. Worldwide.",
"clickHere": "click here",
"subscribe": "Subscribe",
"yourEmail": "Your email address",
"email": "email:",
"asSeen": "As seen on",
"skypeLike": "Our mission",
"decentralizedSkypeLikeText": "Our current focus is on solving the talent crisis in the blockchain community by allowing experts to monetize their skills through a skype-like voice and video application. Payments are handled through an automated smart contract system using Experty’s native token EXY. This will let companies obtain the talent they need, allowing the blockchain community to continue to expand and flourish.",
"downloadWhitepaper": "DOWNLOAD WHITEPAPER",
"teamAboutProject": "About The Project",
"appDemoPreview": "Application Demo",
"explainerVideo": "Explainer Video",
"howExpertyWorks": "How experty works",
"useCasesFirstParagraph": "The Experty app allows blockchain influencers, advisors, and developers, and companies to monetize their time and knowledge.",
"BlockchainInfluencers": "Blockchain Influencers",
"BlockchainInfluencersText": " – Influential individuals have the power to sway masses, set trends, and bring attention to promising blockchain projects.",
"BlockchainYouTubers": "Blockchain YouTubers",
"BlockchainYouTubersText": " – Popular YouTubers, such as Omar Bham from Crypt0’s News, have large audiences wanting to contact them directly. Due to time restrictions, direct contact usually occurs through comment replies or live streams. Omar has expressed interest in using Experty to schedule consultations with those that want his direct attention. Integrating with our platform will allow Youtubers an additional income stream by charging for private calls.",
"Advisors": "Advisors",
"AdvisorsText": " – Short consultations with successful business advisors can become a critical pivot point for many companies on all levels.",
"Developers": "Developers",
"DevelopersText": " – Talented developers are hard to find, and their skills are often needed for multiple projects. Experty allows them to easily get involved on new projects and be paid for their work.",
"ICOHotlines": "ICO Hotlines",
"ICOHotlinesText": " ICOs have become very popular. Companies and associations such as Bitcoin Suisse and CryptoValley Association deal with huge amounts of requests every day. These organizations are interested in using Experty as a hotline, so that people can pay to talk with specific people within the organizations.",
"PaidPremiumSupport": "Paid Premium Support",
"PaidPremiumSupportText": " – It can be difficult for exchanges to handle the high volume of support requests they get. Instead of waiting, customers can skip the line and pay for premium support.",
"webcamChats": "Webcam Chats",
"webcamChatsText": " - It can be difficult for exchanges to handle the high volume of support requests they get. Instead of waiting, customers can skip the line and pay for premium support.",
"bloggersYoutubers": "Bloggers & Youtubers",
"bloggersYoutubersText": " – both groups have large audiences wanting to contact them directly. Due to time restrictions, direct contact usually occurs through comment replies or live streams. Integrating with our platform will allow these individuals to provide additional monetization of their audience group by charging for private calls.",
"celebritiesInfluencers": "Celebrities & Influencers",
"celebritiesInfluencersText": " – similar to bloggers and YouTubers, celebrities and influencers often have time constraints preventing them from contacting their audience directly. Experty allows for monetization of this direct contact with their audience.",
"charityDonations": "Charity Donations",
"charityDonationsText": " – celebrities or well-known individuals frequently give their time for charity. Experty would allow for increased transparency of funds through the Blockchain and a decrease in costs or fees taken by intermediaries.",
"marketplaceFirstParagraph": "To increase decentralization, we have decided to depart from the classic approach of creating a marketplace where users can search for a specialist. The market is already fully saturated with such services.",
"marketplaceSecondParagraph": "Instead of using a central marketplace, we are implementing a completely decentralized solution. Users are free to share their Experty contact information wherever they want, such as discussion boards, Linkedin profiles, their websites, Twitter, etc. This way, blockchain experts aren’t limited to a single marketplace.",
"marketplaceThirdParagraph": "This approach allows us to omit two huge problems:",
"marketplaceFirstLi": "Identity of the Experts, which is already verified by third party services.",
"marketplaceSecondLi": "Lack of potential customers, because of a large amount of users in already existing services.",
"roadmap": "PRODUCT ROADMAP",
"showRoadmap": "Show product roadmap",
"goToStrategy": "GO TO MARKET STRATEGY",
"strategySecondParagraph": "In our first year we will work with influencers and companies in the blockchain space to increase adoption of the application. Later on, we would like to expand and integrate with large portals such as GitHub, Linkedin, Quora, and Coursera.",
"strategyThirdParagraph": "We believe it's a very efficient go-to-market strategy and win-win situation between the users, the company and large web portals. Using a revenue sharing model, they will have an incentive to integrate the platform into their existing system. We will also provide them software development services in order to make the integration process as smooth as possible.",
"expertyToken": "EXPERTY TOKEN",
"kamilPrzeorski": "KAMIL PRZEORSKI",
"kamilPrzeorskiPosition": "CEO Founder",
"tomDyl": "TOM DYL",
"tomDylPosition": "CTO CO-Founder",
"gregKucmierz": "GREG KUCMIERZ",
"gregKucmierzPosition": "Solidity engineer, co-founder",
"anatoliiMenlyk": "ANATOLII MENLYK",
"anatoliiMenlykPosition": "Full Stack Developer",
"mattSaczewski": "MATT SACZEWSKI",
"mattSaczewskiPosition": "Marketing Manager",
"lukeKubica": "LUKE KUBICA",
"lukeKubicaPosition": "Mobile Developer",
"reactPoland": "REACT POLAND",
"developmentStudio": "Development Studio",
"michalParashidis": "MICHAL PARASHIDIS",
"michalParashidisPosition": "Security & Blockchain Advisor",
"szczepanBentyn": "SZCZEPAN BENTYN",
"szczepanBentynPosition": "Popular Polish Community Youtuber",
"joshOlczewicz": "JOSH OLSZEWICZ",
"joshOlczewiczPosition": "Blockchain Community Influencer",
"luisCarranza": "LUIS CARRANZA",
"luicsCarranzaPosition": "FinTechWeek Founder, Marketing Strategist",
"nicolaiOster": "NICOLAI OSTER",
"nicolaiOsterPosition": "Head of ICOs @ Bitcoin Suisse",
"followUs": "FOLLOW US",
"getConnectedWithUs": "get connected with us",
"polandAddressFirst": "Wieczorka 11/9",
"polandAddressSecond": "44-100 Gliwice, Poland",
"switzerlandAddressFirst": "Gubelstrasse 11",
"switzerlandAddressSecond": "6300 Zug, Switzerland",
"experty": "Experty",
"getNotified": "Get Notified",
"press": "Press",
"tokenSale": "TOKEN SALE",
"downloadGraphics": "DOWNLOAD APP SCREENSHOTS",
"downloadLogo": "DOWNLOAD OUR LOGOS",
"liveDemo": "LIVE DEMO",
"ourCommunity": "OUR COMMUNITY",
"medium": "medium",
"jasonKing": "JASON KING",
"jasonKingPosition": "",
"craigSellars": "CRAIG SELLARS",
"craigSellarsPosition": "Ex-CTO Bitfinex, CTO of Tether & BLOCKv",
"pawelBylica": "PAWEL BYLICA",
"pawelBylicaPosition": "Ethereum, Golem, Software Architect",
"FAQ": "FAQ",
"joinTelegram": "Join our telegram group",
"joinBitcoinTalk": "Experty BitcoinTalk's Thread",
"connectWithUs": "Join our 5000+ community on Telegram",
"bitcoinDesc": "Share your opinion about Experty",
"thorughTelegram": "for most recent updates",
"mauroCappiello": "Mauro Cappiello",
"mauroCappielloPosition": "Experty AG Board Member, Legal and Business Advisory",
"kenLiu": "Ken Liu",
"kenLiuPosition": "ICO and Token Mechanics Expert, Investor Relations",
"chrisHunichen": "Chris Hunichen",
"chrisHunichenPosition": "ICO and Token Mechanics Expert, Investor Relations",
"thomasLinder": "Thomas Linder",
"thomasLinderPosition": "MME, Legal and Tax advisory",
"moelevin": "Moe Levin",
"moelevinPosition": "Founder of Blockchain Forum",
"danielKanas": "Daniel Kanas",
"danielKanasPosition": "Backend Developer",
"alexKowalczuk": "Alex Kowalczuk",
"alexKowalczukPosition": "Software QA",
"adamStrzempa": "Adam Strzempa",
"adamStrzempaPosition": "Mobile Developer",
"pawelRokosz": "Pawel Rokosz",
"pawelRokoszPosition": "Frontend Developer",
"hubertStemplewski": "Hubert Stemplewski",
"hubertStemplewskiPosition": "Mobile Developer",
"patrykSzczyglo": "Patryk Szczyglo",
"patrykSzczygloPosition": "Mobile Developer",
"presaleDesc": "Reserve your spot with Experty",
"whyToUseExperty": "Why use Experty?",
"whyToUseExpertyFirstColumnHeader": "Instant access",
"whyToUseExpertyFirstColumnContent": "There are a lack of incentives to share phone numbers with strangers and answer their calls. Experty aims to solve this problem. Through Experty any influencer, professional, or expert can grant instant access to their knowledge from anywhere in the world to anyone in the world.",
"whyToUseExpertySecondColumnHeader": "Instant answers",
"whyToUseExpertySecondColumnContent": "Calls can be made over Experty with very little setup. This means that answers from qualified experts can be obtained at short notice. Per minute rates are set by publicly rated experts, and refunds can be given via the smart contract if they fail to provide adequate service.",
"whyToUseExpertyThirdColumnHeader": "Instant payment",
"whyToUseExpertyThirdColumnContent": "Experty allows experts to be paid instantly for time they spend on a call, without going through third party intermediaries. Callers don’t have to pay upfront, as payment is handled during the call through our smart contract system.",
"whoPlansToUse": "Who plans to use Experty?",
"quantstamp": "Quantstamp",
"quantstampDescription": "The Protocol for Securing Smart Contracts",
"bitcoinSuisse": "Bitcoin Suisse",
"bitcoinSuisseDescription": "Swiss-based financial service provider specializing in crypto-assets",
"reactPolandDescription": "React.js Development and Consulting",
"whitepaperlink": "",
"ourMission": "Our mission is to encourage the adoption of cryptocurrency on a global scale by creating an intuitive, easy to use application that is suitable for wide scale usage. We expect mass adoption within the next 3 years. Anyone who needs to make a consultation via the Experty app will also have a cryptocurrency wallet in their pocket.",
"blaiseMathai": "Blaise Mathai",
"blaiseMathaiPosition": "Communications Manager",
"sarahKhan": "Sarah Khan",
"sarahKhanPosition": "Project Director",
"danielChmiel": "Daniel Chmiel",
"danielChmielPosition": "Fullstack developer",
"patrykHuzarski": "Patryk Huzarski",
"patrykHuzarskiPosition": "Frontend Developer",
"davidAirdropAlrert": "David @airdropalert",
"davidAirdropAlrertPosition": "Analyst airdrops for",
"omarCrypt0": "Omar Bham",
"omarCrypt0Position": "YouTube's \"Crypt0\"​",
"joinWhitelist": "Join the Whitelist",
"whitepaper": "Whitepaper",
"contact": "Contact",
"login": "login",
"security": "security",
"registrationSlogan": "Proof-of-Caring and Pre-Allocation Registration",
"register": "Pre-ICO registration",
"register_A": "Register",
"register_B": "Register now",
"token": "Experty token",
"TGEdetails": "TGE details",
"tokentExplanation": "The Experty Token (EXY) is a major constituent of the Experty platform. EXY is created only during the Token Generation Event. EXY is a utility token that will be used for the following:",
"token_A": "will be used for all feeless payments from advice seekers to knowledge providers",
"token_B": "will be staked by users for access to premium features",
"token_C": "will be used by advice seekers as a deposit for advance scheduling with a knowledge provider",
"token_D": "All use cases above have 0 additional fees in order to use them. All this comes 100% free for EXY users.",
"token_E": "There are additional fees, always paid in EXY, for additional services.",
"token_F": "If a knowledge provider accepts other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum or Bitcoin (RSK will make it possible) then the knowledge provider will be obliged to pay monthly subscription fees in EXY",
"token_G": "We plan to integrate stable coins in the future to accept FIAT based tokens like USD and EUR. This will make the application easier to use for non crypto-wise people (all FIAT based tokens will be kept on the blockchain like USDT). We plan to work with different FIAT based tokens providers. This service will have additional fees, always paid in EXY",
"security_A": "For our Third Party Escrow and Multisig wallet policy for fund discretion, we joined efforts with Bitcoin Suisse. Bitcoin Suisee is a well known Swiss financial service provider, specializing in crypto-assets. They are also auditing our smart contract to ensure a secure launch.",
"distribution_A": "Our token distribution is designed to provide the best possible funding for the application. We are setting aside partner tokens for influencers in order to create mass adoption of Experty, raising usage and awareness. These tokens are vested for 18 months, and will incentivise influencers to use the application. In addition, the tokens that are being kept by the company will be vested for 3 years, and will be used for marketing and campaigning.",
"tokenSecurity": "MULTI-SIG AND SECURITY",
"teamDescription": "Our core technical team comes from the web consulting company ReactPoland. They have years of experience developing applications, as well as a deep understanding of consulting and the problems that arise when billing clients. Partnered with experienced leaders and international team members, the Experty team is prepared to take on challenges and ensure the success of the company.",
"jaeKim": "Jae Kim",
"jaeKimPosition": "Korean Investor Relations",
"simonCocking": "Simon Cocking",
"simonCockingPosition": "Blockchain Influencer, Irish Tech News",
"mindsports": "Mindsports",
"mindsportsDescription": "Decentralized social gaming network"
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