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Last active December 30, 2015 22:18
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Save przhu/7892814 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
for lilydjwg , try it. It uses show as a simple repl. of filesize ( I do not have that). It is still quite slow (I believe) (currenly I do not have a linux machine to test it..)
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException)
import Control.Monad (mapM)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Format as T
import Data.Text.Lazy(toStrict)
import Data.Text.Read(decimal)
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Control.Arrow(second)
-- import Math.Number (filesize)
-- import Text.String (trChar)
filesize :: Int -> String
filesize = show
type Pid = T.Text
format :: String
format = "%5s %9s %s"
totalFmt :: String
totalFmt = "Total: %8s"
pidTitl :: T.Text
pidTitl = "PID"
swapTitl :: T.Text
swapTitl = "SWAP"
cmdTitl :: T.Text
cmdTitl = "COMMAND"
format _1 _2 _3 = toStrict $ T.format "{} {} {}" (b1, b2, b3) where
b1 = T.left 5 ' ' _1
b2 = T.left 9 ' ' _2
b3 = _3
totalFmt _1 = toStrict $ T.format "Total: {}" (T.Only b1) where
b1 = T.left 8 ' ' _1
main = do
ps <- pids
ss <- mapM swapusedNoExcept ps
let !t = 1024 * sum ss
r <- mapM formatResult (transformData (zip ps ss))
let printResult = do
T.putStrLn $ format pidTitl swapTitl cmdTitl
T.putStr . T.unlines $ r
T.putStrLn $ totalFmt $ filesize t
where swapusedNoExcept !p = do
su <- catch (swapused p) (\(_::SomeException) -> return 0)
return $! su
pids :: IO [Pid]
pids = filter digitsOnly . map T.pack <$> getDirectoryContents "/proc"
where digitsOnly = T.all isDigit
swapused :: Pid -> IO Int
swapused pid = sum . map getNumber . filter (T.isPrefixOf "Swap:") . T.lines <$>
T.readFile (T.unpack $ "/proc/" `T.append` pid `T.append` "/smaps")
where getNumber line =
case T.dropWhile (not.isDigit) line of
t -> case decimal t of
(Right (n, _)) -> n
(Left _) -> 0
transformData :: [(Pid, Int)] -> [(Pid, String)]
transformData = map (second humanSize) .
sortBy (\ (_, !x) (_, !y) -> compare x y) .
filter ((/=) 0 . snd)
where humanSize = filesize . (* 1024)
formatResult :: (Pid, String) -> IO T.Text
formatResult (pid, size) = do
cmd <- getCommand pid
return $ format pid size cmd
getCommand :: Pid -> IO T.Text
getCommand pid = T.strip <$> T.readFile (T.unpack $ "/proc/" `T.append` pid `T.append` "/cmdline")
total :: [X Int] -> Int
total = sum . map _2
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przhu commented Dec 10, 2013

@lilydjwg, you may check this slightly modified version (should run at similar speed)

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@przhu, This version is 5.6% faster (589ms vs 624ms, 20 times average) :-)
but still slower than Python version which is 571ms.

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przhu commented Dec 11, 2013

@lilydjwg, new revision requires text-format package . Further optimization may include: using conduit (though in my computational heavy projects, this does not make much difference from current simple hand written impl with text( I even use print/show, but not read )

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@przhu, text-format is not in ArchHaskell repo :-(

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