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Created October 26, 2018 17:44
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Turn on keyboard backlight/leds on wayland (xset led 3 alternative)
# "input0::scrolllock" might be different (?)
# On
sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/input0::scrolllock/brightness'
# Off
# sudo sh -c 'echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/input0::scrolllock/brightness'
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UMLAUTaxl commented Jul 20, 2019

# Alternatively
# On
echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/input0\:\:scrolllock/brightness 
# Off
# echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/input0\:\:scrolllock/brightness 

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abrarwali commented Jul 25, 2021

there's input4::capslock input4::numlock input4::scrolllock in the leds directory and changing to input4 doesn't work

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ps1dr3x commented Aug 30, 2021

there's input4::capslock input4::numlock input4::scrolllock in the leds directory and changing to input4 doesn't work

Yes, as commented the number of the input and probably also the name can be different, depending on the system and the hardware. You should try to play around with what you have to eventually find the path that works for you

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for some reason this only blinks the led for me, any thoughts?

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This works perfectly but when I press caps lock or num lock key, my backlights turnoff again. Is there a way to set them turn on in a permanent way?

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ps1dr3x commented Oct 30, 2021

@Magnitudexx hmm weird, no idea. Maybe there are other paths, you could try searching for other ones.
@MrGeodude I had the same problem with one keyboard. I just set a cronjob writing the bit every few seconds, worked just fine (apart from the few seconds off).

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NGR-NP commented Apr 24, 2022

echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/input12::scrolllock/brightness

This work for but the 2 input folder with scrollock and the name is static but the number keep changing on 2 days it changes 3 times first its was input12::scrolllock and 2 was input3::scrolllock but after 12 hour it change to 36 and 43 and again next day it return on to same as first time input12::scrolllock and input3::scrolllock

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Encontraron alguna solucion?, cuando presiono Block mayus, o numeral se me apaga.

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Esto funciona perfectamente, pero cuando presiono el bloqueo de mayúsculas o la tecla de bloqueo numérico, mis luces de fondo se apagan nuevamente. ¿Hay alguna forma de configurarlos para que se enciendan de forma permanente?

Encontraste solucion?

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Tryware commented Jul 16, 2022

@Magnitudexx The brightness file just rewrites the value inside, it doesn't matters if you try changing it with echo or directly with a text editor. I don't know what's preventing it to change tho.

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aevim commented Jul 18, 2022

I also have the same problem.. It gets overwrite to 0 again after I changed it to 1, so the keyboard just blinks.

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ps1dr3x commented Jul 20, 2022

Hmm.. Maybe you have a daemon or something else running and rewriting the value @aevim @Tryware, maybe you could try to monitor the i/o operations on that path. I guess the behavior of this operation is also dependent on the keyboard's hardware, firmware and drivers. I changed keyboard and I don't need this workaround anymore, but in my case for example I had to put that in a 5 seconds cronjob because for some reasons the value was rewritten to 0 every time I was pressing the CapsLock key (but only in that case as far as I remember).

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how to learn the input device?

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alejrot commented Jun 22, 2024

I've made a Systemd task to detect and force the LEDs to turn on periodically.
There's the repository

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for some reason this only blinks the led for me, any thoughts?

Because that file 'inputX::scrolllock' changes always, in my case the number was input23::scrolllock first then it changes to input26::scrolllock, after when i run the command 'sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/inputX::scrolllock/brightness'

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zero-stacks commented Nov 3, 2024

well guys i had this problem on many recent linux distros, on fedora 40 it used to work fine by default but fedora 41 doesn't anymore, decided to make my own script/systemd service to monitor the brightness file under the scroll lock device and change value to 1

check it here:
it's well explained and detailed

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for some reason this only blinks the led for me, any thoughts?

Because that file 'inputX::scrolllock' changes always, in my case the number was input23::scrolllock first then it changes to input26::scrolllock, after when i run the command 'sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/inputX::scrolllock/brightness' '

changing manually wont help cuz for some reason it resets back to 0 whenever you press capslock or numlock this is why i made a systemd service to check the file every 2 secs, it is resourceless and harmless, works very well

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somniasum commented Jan 13, 2025

I use the brightnessctl tool, here is how :

To turn on
brightnessctl -d $(brightnessctl -l | grep scrolllock | awk 'NR==1 {print $2}' | tr -d "'") s +100%

To turn off
brightnessctl -d $(brightnessctl -l | grep scrolllock | awk 'NR==1 {print $2}' | tr -d "'") s 100%-

You can set this command to an alias for easy access. No need to worry about the scolllock input number changing it works regardless.

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