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Created December 29, 2022 15:43
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# Health started
2022-12-13 19:28:24.484143 -0500 default 24642 default healthd healthd launched on 20B82
# Loop instance started
2022-12-13 19:29:01.353202 -0500 default 24708 connection Loop Initializing connection
2022-12-13 19:43:05.780361 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillEnterForeground(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:43:06.447745 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:43:09.062725 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillResignActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:43:09.062817 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidEnterBackground(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
# Healthd starts spamming with deleted objects
2022-12-13 19:43:09.925405 -0500 default 24642 query healthd <<HDAnchoredObjectQueryServer C038AD (Loop) QoS=Default state=Running> com.C2FH878SW2.loopkit.Loop>: Delivering initial results: 0 samples, 400 deleted objects (anchor:23498093 clear-pending:NO deliver:NO)
2022-12-13 19:45:58.908904 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillEnterForeground(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:45:59.564558 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:46:01.762861 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillResignActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:46:02.707564 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidEnterBackground(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:47:01.931708 -0500 default 24708 CarbStore Loop observeUpdates invoked - queueing handling com.loopkit.LoopKit
2022-12-13 19:47:01.931716 -0500 default 24708 CarbStore Loop observeUpdates invoked - queueing handling com.loopkit.LoopKit
2022-12-13 19:47:01.931730 -0500 default 24708 CarbStore Loop observeUpdates invoked - queueing handling com.loopkit.LoopKit
2022-12-13 19:47:01.931740 -0500 default 24708 CarbStore Loop observeUpdates invoked - queueing handling com.loopkit.LoopKit
2022-12-13 19:47:01.931750 -0500 default 24708 CarbStore Loop observeUpdates invoked - queueing handling com.loopkit.LoopKit
2022-12-13 19:47:01.931761 -0500 default 24708 CarbStore Loop observeUpdates invoked - queueing handling com.loopkit.LoopKit
2022-12-13 19:47:01.931770 -0500 default 24708 CarbStore Loop observeUpdates invoked - queueing handling com.loopkit.LoopKit
# Starts reporting memory issues: previous was 19:28, or 19 minutes ago
2022-12-13 19:47:00.766280 -0500 default <Missing Description> kernel memorystatus: System is unhealthy! memorystatus_available_pages: 30174 compressor_size:121128
2022-12-13 19:50:29.709590 -0500 default 24847 Lifecycle appstorecomponentsd Received low memory warning
2022-12-13 19:51:18.434081 -0500 default 24708 DeviceDataManager Loop CGMManager:G6CGMManager did update with 1 values com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:51:24.020359 -0500 default 24708 LoopDataManager Loop Loop ended com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:51:58.034760 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillEnterForeground(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:51:58.318566 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:52:01.570014 -0500 default 24708 Client,Interactive Loop evaluatePolicy:2 options:{ 2 = "Authenticate to Bolus 0.1 Units"; } on LAContext[24708:1] (async) cid:3
2022-12-13 19:52:01.976710 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillResignActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:52:02.544847 -0500 default 24708 RileyLinkDevice Loop ======================== Bolus =========================== com.ps2.rileylink
2022-12-13 19:52:03.410778 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:52:04.320234 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillResignActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:52:04.320666 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidEnterBackground(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:52:06.368522 -0500 default 24708 DeviceDataManager Loop PumpManager:OmnipodPumpManager did update status: ## PumpManagerStatus
* timeZone: GMT-0500 (fixed)
* device: <<HKDevice: 0x16ab0f640>, name:Omnipod, manufacturer:Insulet, model:Eros, firmware:2.10.0, software:44.0, localIdentifier:1F0AF0E3>
* pumpBatteryChargeRemaining: nil
* basalDeliveryState: Optional( 00:21:20 +0000))
* bolusState: inProgress(LoopKit.DoseEntry(type: LoopKit.DoseType.bolus, startDate: 2022-12-14 00:52:05 +0000, endDate: 2022-12-14 00:52:09 +0000, value: 0.1, unit: LoopKit.DoseUnit.units, deliveredUnits: nil, description: nil, insulinType: Optional(LoopKit.InsulinType.novolog), automatic: Optional(false), manuallyEntered: false, syncIdentifier: nil, isMutable: true, wasProgrammedByPumpUI: false, scheduledBasalRate: nil))
* insulinType: Optional(LoopKit.InsulinType.novolog)
* deliveryIsUncertain: false com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:52:14.589164 -0500 default 24708 <Missing Description> Loop Received memory warning.
2022-12-13 19:52:14.666318 -0500 default 24708 <Missing Description> Loop Received memory warning.
2022-12-13 19:52:14.678075 -0500 default 24708 <Missing Description> Loop Received memory warning.
2022-12-13 19:53:55.625118 -0500 default 24708 <Missing Description> Loop Received memory warning.
2022-12-13 19:53:55.630897 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillEnterForeground(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:53:56.283996 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:53:58.039609 -0500 default 24708 InsulinDeliveryStore Loop anchoredObjectQuery.resultsHandler: new: 142 deleted: 5842061 anchor: Optional(<HKQueryAnchor: 39147380 e4a939e772b8154805b76f2ce6c0eb3d1d40fe76710e7096b45b96ba3c7215d069e58ccded2a88ca8cc4f6e283bf489e8c6a1cb08aafd1cf65b12f87edc1fb3d>) com.loopkit.LoopKit
2022-12-13 19:54:12.644529 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillResignActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:54:12.660792 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidEnterBackground(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:54:13.200056 -0500 info 23293 Events suggestd PPEventCache: memory pressure critical
2022-12-13 19:54:13.970829 -0500 default 24708 <Missing Description> Loop Received memory warning.
2022-12-13 19:54:14.095227 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillEnterForeground(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:54:14.800286 -0500 default 24708 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:54:24.450165 -0500 default 24708 Loop Hang detected: 0.31s (always-on hang reporting)
2022-12-13 19:54:25.796298 -0500 default <Missing Description> kernel 382113.891 memorystatus: killing_specific_process pid 24708 [Loop] (per-process-limit 100) 2149875KB - memorystatus_available_pages: 27895
2022-12-13 19:54:54.138695 -0500 default 25070 AppDelegate Loop application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) with launchOptions: nil com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:54:54.615134 -0500 default 25070 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:54:54.700241 -0500 default 25070 AppDelegate Loop application(_:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:55:01.416749 -0500 default 25070 Client,Interactive Loop evaluatePolicy:2 options:{ 2 = "Authenticate to Bolus 0.75 Units";} on LAContext[25070:1] (async) cid:3
2022-12-13 19:55:01.530246 -0500 default 25070 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillResignActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:55:02.239779 -0500 default 25070 LoopDataManager Loop Received notification of carb entries changing com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:55:02.859147 -0500 default 25070 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:55:04.197032 -0500 default 25070 AppDelegate Loop applicationWillResignActive(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:55:04.198009 -0500 default 25070 AppDelegate Loop applicationDidEnterBackground(_:) com.loopkit.Loop
2022-12-13 19:55:23.677087 -0500 default 25070 DeviceDataManager Loop PumpManager:OmnipodPumpManager did update status: ## PumpManagerStatus
* timeZone: GMT-0500 (fixed)
* device: <<HKDevice: 0x123d72f30>, name:Omnipod, manufacturer:Insulet, model:Eros, firmware:2.10.0, software:44.0, localIdentifier:1F0AF0E3>
* pumpBatteryChargeRemaining: nil
* basalDeliveryState: Optional( 00:21:20 +0000))
* bolusState: inProgress(LoopKit.DoseEntry(type: LoopKit.DoseType.bolus, startDate: 2022-12-14 00:55:23 +0000, endDate: 2022-12-14 00:55:53 +0000, value: 0.75, unit: LoopKit.DoseUnit.units, deliveredUnits: nil, description: nil, insulinType: Optional(LoopKit.InsulinType.novolog), automatic: Optional(false), manuallyEntered: false, syncIdentifier: nil, isMutable: true, wasProgrammedByPumpUI: false, scheduledBasalRate: nil))
* insulinType: Optional(LoopKit.InsulinType.novolog)
* deliveryIsUncertain: false com.loopkit.Loop
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