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Created April 9, 2021 07:56
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Oxy Ultimate Content Slider JS
!(function (e) {
(OUContentSlider = function (t) {
( =,
(this.compClass = "." +,
(this.elements = ""),
(this.slidesPerView = t.slidesPerView),
(this.slidesPerColumn = t.slidesPerColumn),
(this.slidesToScroll = t.slidesToScroll),
(this.settings = t),
(this.swipers = {}),
"undefined" == typeof Swiper
? e(window).on(
e.proxy(function () {
"undefined" != typeof Swiper && this._init();
}, this)
: this._init();
(OUContentSlider.prototype = {
id: "",
compClass: "",
elements: "",
slidesPerView: {},
slidesToScroll: {},
settings: {},
swipers: {},
_init: function () {
if (((this.elements = { mainSwiper: this.compClass }), (this.elements.swiperSlide = e(this.elements.mainSwiper).find(".swiper-slide")), !(1 >= this._getSlidesCount()))) {
var t = this._getSwiperOptions();
this.swipers.main = new Swiper(this.elements.mainSwiper, t.main);
var s = this;
e(this.compClass).on("mouseenter", function (e) {
s.settings.pause_on_hover && s.swipers.main.autoplay.stop();
e(this.compClass).on("mouseleave", function (e) {
s.settings.pause_on_hover && s.swipers.main.autoplay.start();
_getEffect: function () {
return this.settings.effect;
_getSlidesCount: function () {
return this.elements.swiperSlide.length;
_getInitialSlide: function () {
return this.settings.initialSlide;
_getSpaceBetween: function () {
var e = this.settings.spaceBetween.desktop;
e = parseInt(e);
return isNaN(e) && (e = 10), e;
_getSpaceBetweenTablet: function () {
var e = this.settings.spaceBetween.tablet;
e = parseInt(e);
return isNaN(e) && (e = this._getSpaceBetween()), e;
_getSpaceBetweenLandscape: function () {
var e = this.settings.spaceBetween.landscape;
e = parseInt(e);
return isNaN(e) && (e = this._getSpaceBetweenTablet()), e;
_getSpaceBetweenPortrait: function () {
var e = this.settings.spaceBetween.portrait;
e = parseInt(e);
return isNaN(e) && (e = this._getSpaceBetweenLandscape()), e;
_getSlidesPerView: function () {
var e = this.slidesPerView.desktop;
return Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), +e);
_getSlidesPerViewTablet: function () {
var e = this.slidesPerView.tablet;
return ("" !== e && 0 !== e) || (e = this.slidesPerView.desktop), e || "coverflow" !== this.settings.type ? Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), +e) : Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), 3);
_getSlidesPerViewLandscape: function () {
var e = this.slidesPerView.landscape;
return ("" !== e && 0 !== e) || (e = this._getSlidesPerViewTablet()), e || "coverflow" !== this.settings.type ? Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), +e) : Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), 3);
_getSlidesPerViewPortrait: function () {
var e = this.slidesPerView.portrait;
return ("" !== e && 0 !== e) || (e = this._getSlidesPerViewLandscape()), e || "coverflow" !== this.settings.type ? Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), +e) : Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), 3);
_getSlidesPerColumn: function () {
return this.slidesPerColumn.desktop;
_getSlidesPerColumnTablet: function () {
var e = this.slidesPerColumn.tablet;
return ("" !== e && 0 !== e) || (e = this.slidesPerColumn.desktop), e || "coverflow" !== this.settings.type ? e : Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), 1);
_getSlidesPerColumnLandscape: function () {
var e = this.slidesPerColumn.landscape;
return ("" !== e && 0 !== e) || (e = this._getSlidesPerColumnTablet()), e || "coverflow" !== this.settings.type ? e : Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), 1);
_getSlidesPerColumnPortrait: function () {
var e = this.slidesPerColumn.portrait;
return ("" !== e && 0 !== e) || (e = this._getSlidesPerColumnLandscape()), e || "coverflow" !== this.settings.type ? e : Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), 1);
_getSlidesToScroll: function (e) {
if ("slide" === this._getEffect()) {
var t = this.slidesToScroll[e];
return Math.min(this._getSlidesCount(), +t || 1);
return 1;
_getSlidesToScrollDesktop: function () {
return this._getSlidesToScroll("desktop");
_getSlidesToScrollTablet: function () {
return this._getSlidesToScroll("tablet");
_getSlidesToScrollLandscape: function () {
return this._getSlidesToScroll("landscape");
_getSlidesToScrollPortrait: function () {
return this._getSlidesToScroll("portrait");
_getSwiperOptions: function () {
var t = this.settings.breakpoint.desktop,
s = this.settings.breakpoint.tablet,
i = this.settings.breakpoint.landscape;
(portrait_breakpoint = this.settings.breakpoint.portrait), (compClass = this.compClass);
var n = {
navigation: { prevEl: e(compClass).closest(".oxy-ou-content-slider").find(".ou-swiper-button-prev")[0], nextEl: e(compClass).closest(".oxy-ou-content-slider").find(".ou-swiper-button-next")[0] },
pagination: { el: compClass + " .swiper-pagination", type: this.settings.pagination, dynamicBullets: this.settings.dynamicBullets, clickable: !0 },
grabCursor: !1,
effect: this._getEffect(),
initialSlide: this._getInitialSlide(),
slidesPerView: this._getSlidesPerView(),
slidesPerColumn: this._getSlidesPerColumn(),
slidesPerColumnFill: "row",
slidesPerGroup: this._getSlidesToScrollDesktop(),
spaceBetween: this._getSpaceBetween(),
centeredSlides: this.settings.centered,
loop: this.settings.loop,
speed: this.settings.speed,
autoHeight: this.settings.autoHeight,
breakpoints: {},
return (
this.settings.isBuilderActive &&
"edit" == this.settings.builderPreview &&
((n.simulateTouch = !1), (n.shortSwipes = !1), (n.longSwipes = !1), (n.preventClicks = !1), (n.preventClicksPropagation = !1), (n.preventInteractionOnTransition = !0), (n.touchStartPreventDefault = !1)),
this.settings.isBuilderActive || !1 === this.settings.autoplay_speed || (n.autoplay = { delay: this.settings.autoplay_speed, disableOnInteraction: !!this.settings.pause_on_interaction }),
"cube" !== this._getEffect() &&
"fade" !== this._getEffect() &&
((n.breakpoints[t] = { slidesPerView: this._getSlidesPerView(), slidesPerColumn: this._getSlidesPerColumn(), slidesPerGroup: this._getSlidesToScrollDesktop(), spaceBetween: this._getSpaceBetween() }),
(n.breakpoints[s] = { slidesPerView: this._getSlidesPerViewTablet(), slidesPerColumn: this._getSlidesPerColumnTablet(), slidesPerGroup: this._getSlidesToScrollTablet(), spaceBetween: this._getSpaceBetweenTablet() }),
(n.breakpoints[i] = {
slidesPerView: this._getSlidesPerViewLandscape(),
slidesPerColumn: this._getSlidesPerColumnLandscape(),
slidesPerGroup: this._getSlidesToScrollLandscape(),
spaceBetween: this._getSpaceBetweenLandscape(),
(n.breakpoints[portrait_breakpoint] = {
slidesPerView: this._getSlidesPerViewPortrait(),
slidesPerColumn: this._getSlidesPerColumnPortrait(),
slidesPerGroup: this._getSlidesToScrollPortrait(),
spaceBetween: this._getSpaceBetweenPortrait(),
"cube" == this._getEffect() && (n.cubeEffect = { shadow: !0, slideShadows: !0, shadowOffset: 20, shadowScale: 0.94 }),
"coverflow" === this.settings.type && (n.effect = "coverflow"),
{ main: n }
_onElementChange: function (e) {
0 === e.indexOf("width") && this.swipers.main.onResize(), 0 === e.indexOf("spaceBetween") && this._updateSpaceBetween(this.swipers.main, e);
_updateSpaceBetween: function (e, t) {
var s = this._getSpaceBetween(),
i = t.match("space_between_(.*)");
if (i) {
var n = { tablet: this.settings.breakpoint.tablet, landscape: this.settings.breakpoint.landscape, portrait: this.settings.breakpoint.portrait };
e.params.breakpoints[n[i[1]]].spaceBetween = s;
} else e.originalParams.spaceBetween = s;
(e.params.spaceBetween = s), e.onResize();
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