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Last active August 3, 2023 14:32
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Designing a database schema for an online merch store involves identifying the entities and their relationships. Here's a basic schema to get you started:
Users/Customer: Information about the store's customers.
UserID (Primary Key)
Password (hashed)
Shipping Address
Billing Address
Phone Number
Products: Information about the merchandise available in the store.
ProductID (Primary Key)
Product Name
CategoryID (Foreign Key referencing Categories)
Stock Quantity
Product Image
Categories: Categories for organizing products.
CategoryID (Primary Key)
Category Name
Orders: Information about customer orders.
OrderID (Primary Key)
UserID (Foreign Key referencing Users)
Order Date
Total Amount
Shipping Address
Billing Address
Order Items: Items included in each order.
OrderItemID (Primary Key)
OrderID (Foreign Key referencing Orders)
ProductID (Foreign Key referencing Products)
Payment: Information about customer payments for orders.
PaymentID (Primary Key)
OrderID (Foreign Key referencing Orders)
Payment Date
Payment Amount
Payment Method (e.g., Credit Card, PayPal, etc.)
Reviews: Customer reviews for products.
ReviewID (Primary Key)
UserID (Foreign Key referencing Users)
ProductID (Foreign Key referencing Products)
Review Date
This is a simplified schema to give you an idea of how the main entities would be structured. Depending on the specific requirements of your online merch store, you may need to add more tables or modify the existing ones. Also, don't forget to set appropriate constraints, indexes, and relationships to ensure data integrity and optimize performance. Additionally, consider implementing security measures like input validation and encryption for sensitive data.
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