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Last active May 1, 2024 06:49
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  • Save pschmitt/097f2e833ed76d3f5e696d49656ad6f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pschmitt/097f2e833ed76d3f5e696d49656ad6f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
M/Monit Egress Certificate Check
2024-05-01 08:32:23 License exception: Could not create a trial license by connecting to -- SSL connect error [] error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed
# If you cannot connect to from this machine, use this
command to obtain a trial license from a machine connected to the internet:
curl -X POST -o license.xml
Copy license.xml to mmonit's conf/ directory on this machine and start mmonit
Note: This url is throttled and will fail with (429) if more requests
{ autoPatchelfHook
, coreutils
, cacert
, curl
, fetchurl
, lib
, makeWrapper
, stdenv
, port ? 8080
, mmonitHome ? "/var/lib/mmonit"
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "mmonit";
version = "4.2.1";
arch = if stdenv.isAarch64 then "arm64" else "x64";
checksum =
if stdenv.isAarch64 then
src = fetchurl {
url = "${pname}-${version}-linux-${arch}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "${checksum}";
buildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook makeWrapper ];
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out
cp -r ./* $out
ln -sfv $out/upgrade/upgrade $out/bin/mmonit-upgrade
# M/Monit tries to write to this pidfile on startup
ln -sfv /var/lib/mmonit/ $out/logs/
# Patch default server configuration
substituteInPlace $out/conf/server.xml \
--replace-fail 'sqlite:///db/mmonit.db' 'sqlite://${mmonitHome}/db/mmonit.db' \
--replace-fail 'Logger directory="logs"' 'Logger directory="${mmonitHome}/logs"' \
--replace-fail '<License file="license.xml"' '<License file="${mmonitHome}/license.xml"' \
--replace-fail '<Connector address="*" port="8080"' '<Connector address="" port="${toString port}"' \
--replace-fail '<CACertificatePath path="/path/to/ca/certs" />' '--><CACertificatePath path="${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt" /><!--'
# Create systemd service
mkdir -p $out/lib/systemd/system
# Wrapper to handle DB copy and startup
# FIXME The trial license retrieval should be done by M/Monit itself but it
# fails to verify the SSL certificate. It does seem to ignore the
# CACert setting from the config...
makeWrapper $out/bin/mmonit $out/bin/mmonit.wrapped \
--prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ curl coreutils ]} \
--run "mkdir -p ${mmonitHome}/logs" \
--run "if ! test -f ${mmonitHome}/conf || test -L ${mmonitHome}/conf; then rm -f ${mmonitHome}/conf; ln -sfv $out/conf ${mmonitHome}/conf; fi" \
--run "if ! test -f ${mmonitHome}/db/mmonit.db; then mkdir -p ${mmonitHome}/db && cp -v $out/db/mmonit.db ${mmonitHome}/db/mmonit.db; fi" \
--run "if ! test -f ${mmonitHome}/license.xml; then test -f /etc/mmonit/license.xml && ln -sfv /etc/mmonit/license.xml ${mmonitHome}/license.xml; fi"
# systemd service -
cat > $out/lib/systemd/system/mmonit.service <<EOF
Description = Easy, proactive monitoring of Unix systems, network and cloud services
ExecStart=$out/bin/mmonit.wrapped start -i
ExecStop=$out/bin/mmonit.wrapped stop
meta = {
homepage = "";
description = "Easy, proactive monitoring of Unix systems, network and cloud services";
license = lib.licenses.unfree;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ pschmitt ];
platforms = [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ];
mainProgram = "mmonit";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
M/Monit configuration file
The Server element represents the entire Servlet Container and is the single
outermost element in the configuration file. Only one Service element may be
nested inside a Server element
A Service element represents the combination of one or more Connector
components that share a single Engine component for processing incoming
requests. The only components that may be nested inside a Service element
are one or more Connector elements, followed by exactly one Engine element.
The Connector element represents a Connector component that supports the
HTTP/1.1 protocol. It enables the Servlet Container to function as a
stand-alone web server, in addition to its ability to execute servlets. A
particular instance of this component listens for connections on a
specific TCP port number on the server. One or more such Connectors can
be configured as part of a single Service, each forwarding to the
associated Engine to perform request processing and create the response.
At server startup time, the Connector will create a pool of servlet
request processing threads. The maximum number of threads in the pool is
specified by the attribute; processors. Each incoming servlet request
requires a thread for processing. Usually, only CPU bound operations are
performed in the servlet thread, while a separate thread handle i|o bound
operations for all servlet requests and responses. Recommended settings
for the processor attribute is 10 or the number of CPU cores on the
system if that number is higher.
If more simultaneous servlet requests are received than can be handled by
the currently available thread pool, requests are queued up inside the
Connector, up to the systems maximum available descriptors and when a
processor thread becomes available it will immediately start to consume
requests from the queue.
The attribute, processorTimeout sets the number of seconds a processor
thread will wait for more work before timeout. The Connector increase and
reduce the number of processor threads available depending on the work
load. The default timeout value is 30 seconds.
The attribute, connectionTimeout specify the number of seconds a
Connector will wait, after accepting a connection, for the client to send
a HTTP request. The default value is 30 seconds.
The attributes, address and port, specify respectively the network
interface M/Monit binds to and the port number M/Monit listen to for
incoming connections. Address may be specified as an IP address string,
as a host name or you can use '*' to bind to all available interfaces.
The attribute ipversion specify the IP-version the Connector should use.
If not specified, IP-version 4 will be used. To support both IPv4 and
IPv6, specify two Connectors, one setting ipversion to 4 and the other
setting ipversion to 6.
By default, a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector is established on port 8080. You
may also enable a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 by uncommenting the
second Connector entry. To make a Connector secure and use SSL, set the
secure attribute to true. The Container will use TLSv1.2 or later unless
specified with the tls attribute. In addition, each virtual Host below
must specify a certificate file to be used for that specific Host. It is
possible to run the Container with both a secure Connector using SSL and
a non-secure Connector.
The ciphers attribute can optional be used to explicit set the list of
OpenSSL ciphers to use when SSL is active. If not set, a default cipher
list is used which in most cases is "good enough". For TLS 1.2, it's
crucial to exclude weak or outdated cipher suites to maintain strong
security. For TLS 1.3, the protocol itself takes care of selecting secure
cipher suites and if you only plan to use version 1.3, setting your own
are no longer considered necessary.
The tls attribute can optionally be used to specify the TLS version
number. This attribute specify a range from the minimum version number to
the maximum version number. If not specified, TLS version 1.2 or later
will be used. The general format of the tls attribute string is [min:max]
where min and max are TLS version numbers. For instance [1.2:1.3] which
means support for TLS version 1.2 to 1.3. Both min and max are optional.
E.g. [TLS 1.2:] which means support TLS version 1.2 to the highest
version supported by the ssl library. You can also use an exact version
string like "TLS version 1.3" or simply "1.3" which means that the
Connector will only support TLS version 1.3. Any attempt to connect with
a different version will be denied. Note that the minimum TLS version
supported by M/Monit is version 1.2. Any SSL version or TLS version 1.0
and 1.1 are not supported and will result in an error if specified here.
By default, DNS lookup is disabled and the Access Logger will log the IP
address instead of the host name. You can enable DNS lookup by setting
the enableLookups attribute to "true", but notice that DNS lookups will
have an adverse impact on performance if you use an Access Logger.
<Connector address="" port="8080" processors="10" />
Define a SSL/TLS HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443.
SSL/TLS configuration checklist:
1. Add the <Connector> element with secure="true" (uncomment the
example with port 8443 below)
2. Set the <Engine defaultHost="..."> attribute to the host name,
matching the one in the SSL certificate
3. Set the <Host name="..."> attribute to the host name, matching the
one in the SSL certificate
4. Add SSL certificates to the <Host>
<Connector address="*" port="8443" processors="10" secure="true" tls="[1.2:]"/>
Define a Connector for using a HTTPS proxy in-front of M/Monit
<Connector address="" port="8080" processors="10" proxyScheme="https"
proxyName="" proxyPort="443" />
The Engine element represents the entire request processing machinery
associated with a particular Service. It receives and processes all
requests from one or more Connectors, and returns the completed response
to the Connector for ultimate transmission back to the client. Exactly
one Engine element MUST be nested inside a Service element.
The Host defined in the defaultHost attribute is used to process Requests
directed at Virtual Hosts not configured in this configuration file. The
default Host will also handle HTTP/1.0 based requests without a Host
header. When you use SSL/TLS, the defaultHost should match the host name
in the SSL certificate.
The fileCache attribute is used to set the file cache size for the
Engine. The Engine cache static files to speed up transmission. The cache
size attribute is set in number of megabytes (MB). The default size is 10
MB. You can disabled the cache by setting fileCache to 0. Disabling the
file cache is strongly advised against for production systems
You can nest one or more Host elements inside the Engine element, each
representing a different virtual host associated with this server. At
least one Host is required, and one of the nested Hosts MUST have a name
that matches the name specified for the defaultHost attribute, mentioned
You can also nest at most one instance of the following utility
components inside an Engine element:
* Realm - The security realm database used to authenticate individual
users and store persistent sessions. The Realm database is also used
by M/Monit to store its data.
* ErrorLogger - Configure an error logger that is used by the Server to
dump error and warning messages.
<Engine name="mmonit" defaultHost="localhost" fileCache="10 MB">
The Realm element specify the database to be used by M/Monit and the
underlying security realm to authenticate individual users and store
HTTP sessions. If the Realm database is not defined, M/Monit will not
start and abort its operation.
Connections from M/Monit to the Realm database is maintained by a
database Connection Pool. The url attribute specify the connection to
the database server on a standard URL format. The format of the
connection URL is defined as:
The property names, user and password are always recognized and specify
how to login to the database. Other properties depends on the database
server in question. User name and password can alternatively be
specified in the auth-part of the URL. If port number is omitted, the
default port number for the database server is used. The password
should be URL encoded, especially if it contains URL unsafe characters.
See all properties that can be set for a mysql connection URL: and PostgreSQL
The optional attributes, minConnections and maxConnections, specify
respectively, the minimum number of concurrent available connection and
the maximum number of database connections that can be created. The
pool will dynamically increase and reduce the number of active
Connections in the pool between minConnections and maxConnections
depending on the load.
If not set, minConnections is 5 and maxConnections is 20.
The attribute reapConnections specify if the Connection Pool should run
a reaper thread, which will close and remove unused Connections from
the Pool. The value is sweep time in seconds. I.e. the reaper thread
will sleep for reapConnections seconds, wake up, clean up the pool if
necessary and go back to sleep. If this attribute is not set, the
Connection Pool will not start with a reaper thread.
The location of the default SQLite Realm database may be given as an
absolute or relative path. If relative, the absolute path is computed
relative to M/Monit home.
As mentioned above, instead of SQLite you may use MySQL or PostgreSQL
as demonstrated in the commented out Realms below.
Notice for MySQL connection, if you need to connect over TCP on
localhost use, otherwise if the host name is localhost,
connection to MySQL is attempted via a unix socket and the default
location for the socket file is /tmp/mysql.sock. If located elsewhere,
use the unix-socket property to specify the location.
Only one Realm database should be defined in this file.
<Realm url="sqlite:///var/lib/mmonit/db/mmonit.db?synchronous=full&heap_limit=100000&foreign_keys=on&journal_mode=wal&temp_store=memory&mmap_size=255000000"
reapConnections="300" />
<Realm url="mysql://mmonit:mmonit@"
reapConnections="300" />
<Realm url="postgresql://mmonit:mmonit@"
reapConnections="300" />
The global error logger for the Engine. Only one ErrorLogger is
<ErrorLogger directory="/var/lib/mmonit/logs" fileName="error.log" rotate="month" />
The Host element represents a virtual host, which is an association of
a network name for a server (such as "" with the
particular server on which M/Monit is running. This name must be
registered in the Domain Name Service (DNS) server that manages the
Internet domain you belong to - contact your Network Administrator for
more information. If you use SSL/TLS, the name has to match the host
name in the SSL certificate.
In many cases, System Administrators will wish to associate more than
one network name (such as and with the
same virtual host. This can be accomplished by using the alias
attribute. You may add as many Host aliases as you like, but note that
a Host alias must also be a valid DNS name.
The appBase attribute defines the application root directory for the
Host. This directory may contain web applications to be deployed on
this virtual host.
The certificate attribute is used to specify the SSL certificate for
the Host. Certificates must be in the PEM format and the file must
contain the following entries in this order: The Host certificate and
the certificate of the authority that signed the Host certificate. Use
the certificateKey attribute to specify the Host certificate's private
key, also in PEM format. Alternatively, you can add the private key to
the start of the certificate file and not use the certificateKey
If you use Let's Encrypt, you will receive two files which should be
configure as follows: certificate="fullchain.pem"
If you don't already have a SSL certificate you can create a
self-signed certificate yourself using this OpenSSL command:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -days 365 -nodes \
-out mmonit.pem -keyout mmonit.pem
The certificate file can be placed in 'conf/' and the certificate
attribute for <Host> should be specified like so:
certificate="conf/mmonit.pem". In this case the private key is embedded
in "mmonit.pem" so no need to specify certificateKey.
You can nest one or more Context elements inside the Host element, each
representing a different web application associated with the virtual
You can also nest at most one instance of the following utility
components by nesting a corresponding element inside your Host element:
* AccessLogger - When you run a web server, one of the output files
normally generated is an access log, which generates
one line of information for each request processed by
the server, in a standard format.
* Logger - A Logger shared by all Contexts related to this virtual
host. The Logger will process all log messages for a
Host, plus messages from Contexts and Servlets
associated with the Host.
Define the default virtual host which name must match the Engine
defaultHost attribute
<Host name="localhost" appBase=".">
Configure outbound TLS connections for the application
Controls the acceptance of self-signed SSL certificates for
outbound TLS connections.
- allow (attribute): Specifies whether to allow (true) or disallow
(false) connections to servers with self-signed certificates.
Default: false (disallow). Omitting this element also defaults to
<SelfSignedCertificate allow="false" />
Specifies the list of cipher suites to be used for outbound TLS
connections. The format follows the one used in OpenSSL
Note: For TLS 1.3, it is generally not necessary to specify cipher
suites because the protocol maintains a small, secure selection of
ciphers. Specifying cipher suites is more relevant for TLS 1.2 and
earlier versions to ensure the use of secure ciphers and to exclude
weak ones. Omitting this element defaults to a good enough suites.
(The one commented out below).
Defines the TLS protocol versions to be enabled for outbound
- versions (attribute): The format of the versions string is the
same as the tls attribute in <Connector> above.
Example: "[TLSv1.2:TLSv1.3]"
Note: Only TLS version 1.2 and 1.3 are supported.
Default: [1.2:]. Omitting this element also defaults to
1.2 and 1.3.
<Protocols versions="[TLSv1.2:TLSv1.3]" />
Determines whether hostname verification is enabled for outbound
TLS connections.
- enable (attribute): Set to true to enforce hostname
verification, ensuring the server's certificate hostname
matches the requested hostname. Set to false to disable
Default: true (enabled). Disabling hostname verification can
introduce security vulnerabilities and should be used with
caution. Omitting this element also defaults to true.
<HostnameVerification enable="true" />
Specifies the path to the client certificate and key, used for
mutual TLS authentication in outbound connections.
- path (attribute): An absolute file path to the client's
certificate (PEM format required).
- keyPath (attribute): An absolute file path to the client's
private key.
Note: Both attributes are required for mutual TLS. Omitting this
element defaults to ClientCertificate not beeing used.
<ClientCertificate path="/path/to/cert" keyPath="/path/to/key" />
Specifies the file or directory path containing CA certificates
used to verify server certificates for outbound TLS connections.
- path (attribute): An absolute path to a file or directory holding
one or more CA certificates (PEM format required).
Note: Use this setting to override the default CA certificate store
of the SSL library or to provide additional trusted CAs.
--><CACertificatePath path="/nix/store/bzq2rmi43bm049rfw3qciip56d248pln-nss-cacert-3.98/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt" /><!--
Defines the timeout for the TLS handshake process in outbound
connections, specified in milliseconds.
- value (attribute): Timeout duration in milliseconds or seconds.
Default: 3000 (3 seconds). Adjust based on network conditions and
server responsiveness. Omitting this element also defaults to
3 seconds.
<HandshakeTimeout value="3 seconds" />
Access logger that logs all requests for this virtual host. The
rotate attribute may be used to rotate the log file. The value is
either "day", "week" or "month". If the value is "day" then on the
first logged message after midnight each day, the current log file
will be closed and renamed with a postfix date and a new log file is
opened with the file name given in the fileName attribute. If the
value is "week" then on the first logged message after midnight each
Saturday the log file is rotated. Likewise if the value is "month"
then on the first logged message in a new month the log file is
rotated. The current log file, that is, the file the server writes to
is *always* the file given in the fileName attribute.
The access logger is turned off by default to avoid creating large
log-files that are seldom read. To activate the access logger,
uncomment the entry below.
<AccessLogger directory="/var/lib/mmonit/logs" fileName="access.log" rotate="month" />
Logger shared by all Contexts related to this virtual host. M/Monit
will log application specific entries to this file.
<Logger directory="/var/lib/mmonit/logs" fileName="mmonit.log" rotate="month"
timestamp="true" />
The Context element represents a web application, which is run within
a particular virtual host. A web application is a collection of
servlets, html documents, images and other resources put in a
directory structure with a standard layout.
The web application used to process each HTTP request is selected by
the Container based on matching the longest possible prefix of the
Request URI against the context path of each defined Context. Once
selected, that Context will select an appropriate servlet to process
the incoming request, according to the servlet mappings defined in
the web application deployment descriptor file (which MUST be located
at WEB-INF/web.xml within the web app's directory hierarchy).
You may define as many Context elements as you wish, nested within a
Host element. Each such Context MUST have a unique context path,
which is defined by the path attribute. In addition, you can define a
Context with a context path equal to a zero-length string. This
Context becomes the default web application for this virtual host,
and is used to process all requests that do not match any other
Context's context path.
M/Monit is bound to the default context and its path must remain ""
and cannot be changed. Likewise, the collector context path can also
not be changed. Please use a HTTP proxy in front of M/Monit if, for
some reasons, either of these paths must be changed.
Each Context utilize a Session Manager to manage HTTP sessions. The
maxActiveSessions attribute specify the maximum number of active
sessions (i.e. sessions joined by clients) that will be created for
the Context. The manager expire idle sessions after sessionTimeout
seconds. Note that sessions are not enabled unless maxActiveSessions
is defined and set to a positive value. To enable persistent
Sessions, set the saveSessions attribute to "true". This tell M/Monit
to store and load Sessions from the Realm database at server start
and stop. That is, Sessions are persistent between server restart
<!-- The Default Context -->
<Context path="" docBase="docroot" sessionTimeout="30 min"
maxActiveSessions="1024" saveSessions="true" />
The Collector is defined in its own Context so it can be protected
with Basic Authentication
<Context path="/collector" docBase="docroot/collector" />
The location of M/Monit's license file may be given as an absolute or
relative path. If relative, the absolute path is computed relative to
M/Monit's conf/ directory.
<License file="/var/lib/mmonit/license.xml" />
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