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Created December 1, 2010 23:33
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Application.stores.users = new
url: "/users"
restful: true
idProperty: '_id'
root: 'results'
totalProperty: 'total'
fields: [
{name: 'first_name', type: 'string', allowBlank: false}
{name: 'last_name', type: 'string', allowBlank: false}
{name: 'email', type: 'string', allowBlank: false}
Application.stores.users = new
url: "/users"
restful: true
idProperty: '_id'
root: 'results'
totalProperty: 'total'
- name: 'first_name', type: 'string', allowBlank: false
- name: 'last_name', type:'string', allowBlank: false
- name: 'email', type: 'string', allowBlank: false
Application.stores.users = new
url: "/users"
restful: true
idProperty: '_id'
root: 'results'
totalProperty: 'total'
name: 'first_name', type: 'string', allowBlank: false
name: 'last_name', type: 'string', allowBlank: false
name: 'email', type: 'string', allowBlank: false, {
store: new{
reader: new{}, [
{name: 'icon', type: 'string'},
{name: 'id', type: 'string'},
{name: 'when', type: 'string'},
{name: 'type', type: 'string'},
{name: 'details', type: 'string'},
{name: 'action', type: 'string'}
data: [
['money_delete', '1', "01.04.2010", "Zahlung", "<div style='float:left' width='200'>Daimler-Chrysler-Krippe</div>\tfür 04/2010\tEltern: 350 €\toffen\tper Lastschrift\tSpardaBank BLZ 123456790", "pencil"],
['link', '2', "<div>01.04.2008</div><div>31.08.2011</div>", "Platznutzung", "Daimler-Chrysler-Krippe\tFlitzergruppe\tEltern: 350 €\tFirma: 350 €\tKom.: 470€\tIns.: 1270 €", "pencil"],
['money', '3', "01.03.2010", "Zahlung", "Daimler-Chrysler-Krippe\tfür 03/2010\tEltern: 350 €\terledigt\tper Lastschrift\tSpardaBank BLZ 123456790", "pencil"],
['money', '4', "01.02.2010", "Zahlung", "Daimler-Chrysler-Krippe\tfür 02/2010\tEltern: 350 €\terledigt\tper Lastschrift\tSpardaBank BLZ 123456790", "pencil"],
['comments', '5', "01.04.2010", "Gespräch", "16:30 - 17:30 Uhr\tRaum 304\tMutter Lea Skywalker\tVater Luke Skywalker", "pencil"]
columns: columns,
tbar: superverlauf_tools2,
border: false,
autoExpandColumn: 'details'
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