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Last active December 15, 2020 16:41
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“Pattern matching” with Typescript
// Inspired by:
import { match, None } from "./lib";
const A = Symbol("A");
interface A {
readonly _tag: typeof A;
num: number;
const B = Symbol("B");
interface B {
readonly _tag: typeof B;
str: string;
type Set = A | B;
describe("match", () => {
() => {
// it typechecks
const m = match<Set>()({
[A]: (v) => 1, // typeof v === A
[B]: (v) => "lkj", // typeof v === B
[None]: (v) => true, // typeof v === unknown
})({ _tag: A, num: 1 });
type test = typeof m; // string | number | boolean
const m2 = match<Set>()({
[A]: (v) => 1, // typeof v === A
[B]: (v) => "lkj", // typeof v === B
[None]: (v) => true as unknown, // typeof v === unknown
})({ _tag: A, num: 1 });
type test2 = typeof m2; // unknown, because returntype of None handler
const m3 = match<Set>()({
[A]: (v) => 1, // typeof v === A
[B]: (v): any => "lkj", // typeof v === B
[None]: (v) => true, // typeof v === unknown
})({ _tag: A, num: 1 });
type test3 = typeof m3; // any, because returntype of B handler
// @ts-expect-error missing None branch
const mError1 = match<Set>()({
[A]: (v) => 1, // typeof v === A
[B]: (v) => "lkj", // typeof v === B
})({ _tag: A, num: 1 });
// @ts-expect-error missing A branch
const mError2 = match<Set>()({
[B]: (v) => "lkj", // typeof v === B
[None]: (v) => true, // typeof v === unknown
})({ _tag: A, num: 1 });
const mError3 = match<Set>()({
// @ts-expect-error A handler's v mistyped
[A]: (v: string) => 1, // typeof v === A
[B]: (v) => "lkj", // typeof v === B
[None]: (v) => true, // typeof v === unknown
})({ _tag: A, num: 1 });
it("matches", () => {
[A]: (v) => v.num * 2,
[B]: (v) => "Hello " + v.str,
[None]: (v) => "something broke",
})({ _tag: A, num: 2 })
[A]: (v) => v.num * 2,
[B]: (v) => "Hello " + v.str,
[None]: (v) => "something broke",
})({ _tag: B, str: "world" })
).toBe("Hello world");
// invalid: no tag
[A]: (v) => v.num * 2,
[B]: (v) => "Hello " + v.str,
[None]: (v) => "something broke",
})({ num: 2 } as A)
).toBe("something broke");
// invalid: wrong tag
[A]: (v) => v.num * 2,
[B]: (v) => "Hello " + v.str,
[None]: (v) => "something broke",
})({ _tag: Symbol("A"), num: 2 } as A)
).toBe("something broke");
export interface Tagged {
readonly _tag: symbol;
type TagMap<T extends Tagged> = {
[K in T["_tag"]]: T extends { _tag: K } ? T : never;
export const None = Symbol("None");
export type Pattern<S extends Tagged> = {
[K in keyof TagMap<S>]: (v: TagMap<S>[K]) => any;
} & { [None]: (v: unknown) => any };
export function match<S extends Tagged>() {
return <
P extends Pattern<S>,
R extends {
[K in keyof P]: ReturnType<P[K]>;
R2 extends R[keyof R]
p: P
) => <A extends S>(v: A): R2 => {
if("_tag" in v && v._tag in p) {
return p[v._tag](v);
return p[None](v);
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