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Created December 19, 2016 07:35
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// Main - Node console runner
import fs = require("fs")
import Factory = require("./factory")
import parse = require("./parse")
const input = fs.readFileSync("./input.txt", "utf8")
const events = parse(input)
const factory = new Factory()
events.forEach(event => factory.process(event))
// Factory.ts - meat of the "domain"
// the only thing Factory.ts exposes to the rest of the world is via its public methods.
import _ = require("lodash")
import Global = require("./global")
interface Chips {
low: number,
high: number
class Instructions {
public giveLowTo: Global.Destination
public giveHighTo: Global.Destination
constructor(giveLowTo: Global.Destination, giveHighTo: Global.Destination) {
this.giveLowTo = giveLowTo
this.giveHighTo = giveHighTo
class Bot {
public id: number
private chips: number[]
private instructions: Instructions
constructor(id: number) { = id
this.chips = []
public recordInstructions(giveLowTo: Global.Destination, giveHighTo: Global.Destination) {
this.instructions = new Instructions(giveLowTo, giveHighTo)
public canDistributeChips(): boolean {
return this.chips.length === 2
public receive(chip: number): Instructions {
if (this.chips.length >= 2) {
throw `Error: bots can't hold more than 2 chips. Bot ${} `
+ `with chips ${this.chips.join(",")} attempting to receive chip ${chip}`
const chips = _(this.chips).sortBy(x => x).value()
if (chips.length === 2 && chips[0] === 17 && chips[1] === 61) {
console.log(`Part A solution: bot ${} dealt chips 17 and 61.`)
return this.instructions
public takeChips(): Chips {
const sortedChips = _(this.chips).sortBy(x => x).value()
this.chips = []
return {
low: sortedChips[0],
high: sortedChips[1]
class Bin {
public id: number
public chips: number[]
constructor(id: number) { = id
this.chips = []
public receive(chip: number): void {
public toString(): string {
return `Bin[${}]: ${this.chips.join(",")}`
class Factory {
private bots: Bot[]
private bins: Bin[]
constructor() {
this.bots = []
this.bins = []
public process(event: Global.BotReceivesChip|Global.BotInstructionsCreated): void {
if (event instanceof Global.BotReceivesChip) {
} else if (event instanceof Global.BotInstructionsCreated) {
} else {
throw `Error: expected event ${event} to be a legal event, but it reached this impossible place in the code.`
// this method makes no sense, but alas, ADVENT OF CODE DEMANDS IT
public solvePartB() {
const bin0 = this.getBin(0)
const bin1 = this.getBin(1)
const bin2 = this.getBin(2)
console.log(`Part B solution: ${bin0.chips[0] * bin1.chips[0] * bin2.chips[0]} `
+ `| bins: ${bin0.toString()} ${bin1.toString()} ${bin2.toString()}`)
private getBot(id: number): Bot {
const matches = this.bots.filter(x => === id)
if (matches.length > 0) {
return matches[0]
const bot = new Bot(id)
return bot
private getBin(id: number): Bin {
const matches = this.bins.filter(x => === id)
if (matches.length > 0) {
return matches[0]
const bin = new Bin(id)
return bin
private processReceiveEvent(event: Global.BotReceivesChip): void {
const bot = this.getBot(event.botId)
private getDestination(destination: Global.Destination): Bot|Bin {
if (destination.destinationType === Global.DestinationType.Bot) {
return this.getBot(
} else if (destination.destinationType === Global.DestinationType.Bin) {
return this.getBin(
private processBotInstructionsCreatedEvent(event: Global.BotInstructionsCreated): void {
const from = this.getBot(event.givenFromBotId)
from.recordInstructions(event.giveLowTo, event.giveHighTo)
this.processInstructions(from, {giveLowTo: event.giveLowTo, giveHighTo: event.giveHighTo})
private processInstructions(from: Bot, instructions: Instructions) {
if (!from.canDistributeChips()) {
const lowGivenTo = this.getDestination(instructions.giveLowTo)
const highGivenTo = this.getDestination(instructions.giveHighTo)
const chips = from.takeChips()
console.log(`Bot ${} giving low:`
+ `[chip:${chips.low} to `
+ `${Global.DestinationType[instructions.giveLowTo.destinationType]}|${}] `
+ `high:[chip:${chips.high} to `
+ `${Global.DestinationType[instructions.giveHighTo.destinationType]}|${}]`)
const instructions1 = lowGivenTo.receive(chips.low)
const instructions2 = highGivenTo.receive(chips.high)
if (instructions1 instanceof Instructions && lowGivenTo instanceof Bot) {
this.processInstructions(lowGivenTo, instructions1)
if (instructions2 instanceof Instructions && highGivenTo instanceof Bot) {
this.processInstructions(highGivenTo, instructions2)
export = Factory
// parse.ts - turn text into event objects
import Global = require("./global")
function parseReceiveEvent(line: string): Global.BotReceivesChip {
const matches = /^value (\d+) goes to bot (\d+)$/.exec(line)
return new Global.BotReceivesChip(Number(matches[1]), Number(matches[2]))
function parseBotInstructionsCreatedEvent(line: string): Global.BotInstructionsCreated {
const matches = /^bot (\d+) gives low to (\w+) (\d+) and high to (\w+) (\d+)$/.exec(line)
const lowDestination = matches[2] === "bot" ? Global.DestinationType.Bot : Global.DestinationType.Bin
const highDestination = matches[4] === "bot" ? Global.DestinationType.Bot : Global.DestinationType.Bin
const givenFromBotId = Number(matches[1])
const lowGivenTo = {
id: Number(matches[3]),
destinationType: lowDestination
const highGivenTo = {
id: Number(matches[5]),
destinationType: highDestination
return new Global.BotInstructionsCreated(givenFromBotId, lowGivenTo, highGivenTo)
function parse(text: string): Array<Global.BotReceivesChip|Global.BotInstructionsCreated> {
const lines = text
.map(x => x.trim())
.filter(x => x !== "")
const receiveEvents = lines.filter(x => x[0] === "v") // value 5 goes to bot 189
.map(x => parseReceiveEvent(x))
const giveEvents = lines.filter(x => x[0] === "b") // bot 138 gives low to bot 9 and high to bot 47
.map(x => parseBotInstructionsCreatedEvent(x))
let typeSafeArray: Array<Global.BotReceivesChip|Global.BotInstructionsCreated> = []
typeSafeArray = typeSafeArray
return typeSafeArray
export = parse
// Global.ts - because I didn't know what else to name it. Stores DTOs shared by
// Factory.ts and parse.ts
export class BotReceivesChip {
public chipId: number
public botId: number
constructor(chipId: number, botId: number) {
this.chipId = chipId
this.botId = botId
export enum DestinationType {
export interface Destination {
id: number,
destinationType: DestinationType
export class BotInstructionsCreated {
public givenFromBotId: number
public giveLowTo: Destination
public giveHighTo: Destination
constructor(givenFromBotId: number, giveLowTo: Destination, giveHighTo: Destination) {
this.givenFromBotId = givenFromBotId
this.giveLowTo = giveLowTo
this.giveHighTo = giveHighTo
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