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Created December 15, 2016 03:12
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import fs = require("fs")
import color = require("cli-color")
enum IPNumberType {
interface IPNumber {
type: IPNumberType,
number: string
function parse(line: string): IPNumber[] {
let mode = IPNumberType.Regular
let numbers = []
let r = /(.+?)([\[\]]|$)/g
let match = r.exec(line)
while (match !== null) {
type: mode,
number: match[1]
mode = mode === IPNumberType.Regular ? IPNumberType.Hypernet : IPNumberType.Regular
match = r.exec(line)
return numbers
interface ValidationResult {
number: IPNumber[]
valid: boolean
function valid(ip: IPNumber[]): ValidationResult {
return {
number: ip,
valid: true
function invalid(ip: IPNumber[]): ValidationResult {
return {
number: ip,
valid: false
function isAbba(candidate: string): boolean {
if (!candidate || candidate.length !== 4) {
throw `Cannot determine if '${candidate}' is an ABBA - illegal input.`
return candidate[0] === candidate[3]
&& candidate[1] === candidate[2]
&& candidate[0] !== candidate[1]
function hasAbba(numberString: string): boolean {
const abbaLength = 4
const lastPossibleAbbaStartingPosition = numberString.length - abbaLength
let i = 0
for (i = 0; i <= lastPossibleAbbaStartingPosition; i++) {
if (isAbba(numberString.substr(i, abbaLength))) {
return true
return false
function validate(ip: IPNumber[]): ValidationResult {
const invalidHypernetNumbers = ip
.filter(x => x.type === IPNumberType.Hypernet
&& hasAbba(x.number))
if (invalidHypernetNumbers.length > 0) {
return invalid(ip)
const hasRegularAbbas = ip
.filter(x => x.type === IPNumberType.Regular
&& hasAbba(x.number))
if (hasRegularAbbas.length > 0) {
return valid(ip)
return invalid(ip)
function isAbaOrBab(candidate: string): boolean {
if (!candidate || candidate.length !== 3) {
throw `Cannot determine if '${candidate}' is an ABA or a BAB - illegal input.`
return candidate[0] === candidate[2]
&& candidate[0] !== candidate[1]
function getABAsOrBABsForSingleNumber(numberString: string): string[] {
const abaLength = 3
const lastPossibleAbaStartingPosition = numberString.length - abaLength
let i = 0
const abasOrBabs: string[] = []
for (i = 0; i <= lastPossibleAbaStartingPosition; i++) {
let candidate = numberString.substr(i, abaLength)
if (isAbaOrBab(candidate)) {
return abasOrBabs
function getABAsOrBABs(ip: IPNumber[], type: IPNumberType): string[] {
return ip
.filter(x => x.type === type)
.map(x => getABAsOrBABsForSingleNumber(x.number))
.reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => previousValue.concat(currentValue)) // .flatten()
function hasCorrespondingABA(possibleBAB: string, ABAs: string[]): boolean {
const ABA = possibleBAB[1].concat(possibleBAB[0]).concat(possibleBAB[1])
return ABAs.indexOf(ABA) !== -1
function supportsSSL(ip: IPNumber[]): boolean {
const ABAs = getABAsOrBABs(ip, IPNumberType.Regular)
const possibleBABs = getABAsOrBABs(ip, IPNumberType.Hypernet)
// I want lodash's _.intersection().some() here so bad, i can taste it
const legalBABs = possibleBABs.filter(possibleBAB => hasCorrespondingABA(possibleBAB, ABAs))
return legalBABs.length > 0
function runPartA(input: string, showDetailedResults?: boolean) {
const ipAddresses = input.split("\n")
.filter(x => x !== "")
.map(line => line.trim())
.map(line => parse(line))
const partA = ipAddresses
.map(ip => validate(ip))
const validIPs = partA.filter(x => x.valid === true)
if (showDetailedResults) {
partA.forEach(ip => {
const formattedNumbers = => x.type === IPNumberType.Hypernet ? `[${x.number}]` : x.number)
const text = `${formattedNumbers.join("")} - ${ip.valid}`
if (ip.valid === true) {
} else {
console.log(`Part A: ${validIPs.length} valid IPs (of ${ipAddresses.length})`)
function runPartB(input: string) {
const ipAddresses = input.split("\n")
.filter(x => x !== "")
.map(line => line.trim())
.map(line => parse(line))
const ipsThatSupportSSL = ipAddresses
.filter(x => supportsSSL(x))
console.log(`Part B: ${ipsThatSupportSSL.length} valid IPs (of ${ipAddresses.length})`)
const input = fs.readFileSync("./input.txt", "utf8")
const partAExamples = `abba[mnop]qrst
runPartA(partAExamples, true)
const partBExamples = `aba[bab]xyz
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