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Last active April 6, 2019 02:43
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Making coherent music mixtures with Scaper
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '.')
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import os
from utils import parallel_process
from scaper import Scaper, generate_from_jams
import librosa
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import sox
import os
# Assuming data @ "/storage/data/musdb/train"]
# Assuming data @ "/storage/data/musdb/validation"]
mixture_parameters = {
'training': {
'num_mixtures': 20000,
'foreground_path': '/storage/data/musdb/train',
'background_path': '/storage/data/musdb/train',
'target_path': '/storage/data/musdb/generated/train',
'scene_duration': 10
'validation': {
'num_mixtures': 1000,
'foreground_path': '/storage/data/musdb/validation',
'background_path': '/storage/data/musdb/validation',
'target_path': '/storage/data/musdb/generated/validation',
'scene_duration': 10
silent_files = {'default': True}
def instantiate_and_get_event_spec(sc, master_label, scene_duration):
file_name = 'default'
while silent_files[file_name]:
label=('const', master_label),
source_file=('choose', []),
source_time=('uniform', 0, 1000),
event_time=('const', 0),
event_duration=('const', sc.duration),
snr=('const', 0.0),
pitch_shift=('uniform', -2, 2),
event = sc._instantiate_event(sc.fg_spec[0])
if event.source_file not in silent_files:
silent_files[event.source_file] = sox.file_info.silent(event.source_file)
file_name = event.source_file
if event.source_file not in timings:
audio, sr = librosa.load(event.source_file, sr=None, mono=True)
duration = audio.shape[0] / float(sr)
rms = librosa.feature.rmse(audio)[0, :]
loud = np.argwhere(rms > np.percentile(rms, 50))[:, 0]
times = librosa.frames_to_time(loud, sr=sr).tolist()
timings[event.source_file] = times
times = timings[event.source_file]
sc.fg_spec = []
label=('const', 'vocals'),
source_file=('choose', []),
source_time=('choose', times),
event_time=('const', 0),
event_duration=('const', sc.duration),
snr=('uniform', 0, 5),
pitch_shift=('uniform', -2, 2),
event = sc._instantiate_event(sc.fg_spec[0])
sc.fg_spec = []
return sc, event
def make_one_mixture(sc, path_to_file, labels):
sc, event = instantiate_and_get_event_spec(sc, labels[0], sc.duration)
for label in labels:
label=('const', label),
source_file=('const', event.source_file.replace('vocals', label)),
source_time=('const', event.source_time),
event_time=('const', 0),
event_duration=('const', sc.duration),
snr=('uniform', 0, 5),
pitch_shift=('const', event.pitch_shift),
sc.generate(path_to_file, path_to_file.replace('.wav', '.jams'), no_audio=True)
sc.fg_spec = []
for key, params in mixture_parameters.items():
labels = ['vocals', 'bass', 'drums', 'other']
sc = Scaper(
os.makedirs(params['target_path'], exist_ok=True)
sc.ref_db = -25
timings = {}
for i in tqdm(range(params['num_mixtures'])):
path_to_file = os.path.join(params['target_path'], f'{i:08d}.wav')
make_one_mixture(sc, path_to_file, labels)
def synthesize_one_mixture(jams_file):
wav_file = jams_file.replace('.jams', '.wav')
generate_from_jams(jams_file, wav_file, save_sources=True)
def synthesize_mixtures_in_parallel(target_path, n_jobs):
jam_files = [
os.path.join(target_path, x) for x in os.listdir(target_path) if '.jams' in x
jam_files, synthesize_one_mixture, cpu_count()
for key, params in mixture_parameters.items():
synthesize_mixtures_in_parallel(params['target_path'], cpu_count())
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