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Last active April 8, 2020 23:27
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Script to wait for an open GPU, then to run the job. Use with
`tsp` (task-spooler) for a common workflow, by queuing a job
that looks for a GPU and then runs the actual job.
Make this executable: chmod +x
This stacks jobs on a single GPU if memory is available and the
other process belongs to you. Otherwise, it finds a completely
unused GPU to run your command on.
# allocates 1 gpu for train script
./ 1 python ...
# allocates 2 gpus for train script
./ 2 python ...
pip install nvgpu
import subprocess
import argparse
import time
import logging
import sys
import os, pwd
import nvgpu
from nvgpu.list_gpus import device_statuses
mem_threshold = 50
def run(cmd):
print(cmd)[cmd], shell=True)
def _allocate_gpu(num_gpus):
current_user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name
gpu_info = nvgpu.gpu_info()
device_info = device_statuses()
# assume nothing is available
completely_available = [False for _ in gpu_info]
same_user_available = [False for _ in gpu_info]
for i, (_info, _device) in enumerate(zip(gpu_info, device_info)):
completely_available[i] = _device['is_available']
if _info['mem_used_percent'] < mem_threshold and current_user in _device['users']:
same_user_available[i] = True
available_gpus = same_user_available
if sum(same_user_available) == 0:
available_gpus = completely_available
available_gpus = [i for i, val in enumerate(available_gpus) if val]
return available_gpus[:num_gpus]
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = sys.argv
num_gpus = int(sys.argv[1])
cmd = sys.argv[2:]
available_gpus = _allocate_gpu(num_gpus)
while len(available_gpus) < num_gpus:"Waiting for available GPUs. Checking again in 30 seconds.")
available_gpus = _allocate_gpu(num_gpus)
available_gpus = ','.join(map(str, available_gpus))
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
cmd = f"{CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES} {cmd}"
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