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Forked from thomasahle/
Created September 10, 2024 14:26
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Manim heat exchange
from manim import *
import numpy as np
class HeatTransferAnimation(Scene):
def construct(self):
# Configuration
num_blocks = 10
block_size = 1
spacing = 0.1
step_time = 0.5
fps = 30 # frames per second
pause_time = 0.1 # pause duration when blocks align
color_change_time = 0.5 # duration of color change animation
# Create top and bottom rows
top_row = VGroup(
*[Square(side_length=block_size, stroke_width=1) for _ in range(num_blocks)]
bottom_row = VGroup(
*[Square(side_length=block_size, stroke_width=1) for _ in range(num_blocks)]
# Set initial positions
top_row.arrange(RIGHT, buff=spacing)
bottom_row.arrange(RIGHT, buff=spacing)
bottom_row.shift(DOWN * (block_size + spacing))
bottom_row.shift(RIGHT * (block_size + spacing) * num_blocks / 2)
top_row.shift(LEFT * (block_size + spacing) * num_blocks / 2)
# Set initial temperatures and colors
top_temps = [1.0] * num_blocks
bottom_temps = [0.0] * num_blocks
def get_color(temp):
return color_gradient((BLACK, RED), 101)[int(temp * 100)]
def update_colors(row, temps):
for square, temp in zip(row, temps):
square.set_fill(color=get_color(temp), opacity=1)
update_colors(top_row, top_temps)
update_colors(bottom_row, bottom_temps)
# Add rows to the scene
self.add(top_row, bottom_row)
# Animate the movement and heat transfer
for offset in range(num_blocks * 2):
# Move rows
top_row.animate.shift(RIGHT * (block_size + spacing) / 2),
bottom_row.animate.shift(LEFT * (block_size + spacing) / 2),
# Pause movement
# Perform heat transfer and prepare color change animations
color_animations = []
for i in range(num_blocks):
top_index = num_blocks - 1 - i
bottom_index = offset - i
if bottom_index < 0 or bottom_index >= num_blocks:
avg_temp = (top_temps[top_index] + bottom_temps[bottom_index]) / 2
top_temps[top_index] = avg_temp
bottom_temps[bottom_index] = avg_temp
# Animate all color changes concurrently
if color_animations:*color_animations, run_time=color_change_time)
# Pause movement
# Final wait
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