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Created September 20, 2016 15:34
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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
based on from github ""
Customized for parallel scenarios
Authors: i4s-pserrano
from multiprocessing import Pool
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired
from glob import glob
import logging
import argparse
import json
import sys
from functools import partial
from datetime import datetime
format="[%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s] %(message)s")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
delimiter = "_BEHAVE_PARALLEL_BDD_"
start_time =
def parse_arguments():
Parses commandline arguments
:return: Parsed arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Run behave in parallel mode for scenarios')
parser.add_argument('--processes', '-p', type=int, help='Maximum number of processes. Default = 5', default=5)
parser.add_argument('--tags', '-t', help='specify behave tags to run')
parser.add_argument('--timeout', '-tout', type=int,
help='Maximum seconds to execute each scenario. Default = 300', default=300)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def _run_feature(feature_scenario, timeout):
Runs features/scenarios
:param feature_scenario: Feature/scenario that should be run
:type feature_scenario: str
:return: Feature/scenario and status
execution_code = {0: 'OK', 1: 'FAILED', 2: 'TIMEOUT'}
execution_elements = feature_scenario.split(delimiter)
logger.debug("Processing feature: {} and scenario {}".format(execution_elements[0], execution_elements[1]))
params = "--no-capture"
cmd = "behave --no-summary -k --no-junit -f plain {0} -i {1} --name \"{2}\" -o \"./reports/{1}/{2}.out\"".format(
params, execution_elements[0], execution_elements[1])
r = check_output(cmd, shell=True, timeout=timeout)
code = 0
except CalledProcessError as e:
out_bytes = e.output
code = e.returncode
except TimeoutExpired:
code = 2
status = execution_code[code]"{0:50}: {1} --> {2}".format(execution_elements[0], execution_elements[1], status))
return execution_elements[0], execution_elements[1], status
def main():
args = parse_arguments()
pool = Pool(args.processes)
if args.tags:
cmd = 'behave -d --no-junit --f json --no-summary -t {}'.format(args.tags)
cmd = 'behave -d --no-junit --f json --no-summary'
p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
out, err = p.communicate()
j = json.loads(out.decode())
except ValueError:
j = []
features = [e['location'].replace(r'features/', '')[:-2] for e in j]
# features dictionary with scenarios
features_scenarios = [[e['location'].replace(r'features/', '')[:-2] + delimiter + i['name']
for i in e['elements']
if i['keyword'].upper() in ["scenario".upper(), "scenario outline".upper()]]
for e in j]
features_and_scenarios = []
for elto in features_scenarios:
features_and_scenarios = features_and_scenarios + elto"Found {} features".format(len(features)))"Found {} scenarios".format(len(features_and_scenarios)))"Timeout for each scenario {} seconds".format(args.timeout))
if args.processes > len(features_and_scenarios):"You have defined {} and Will execute only necessary {} parallel process ".format(args.processes,
else:"Will execute {} parallel process".format(args.processes))
run_feature = partial(_run_feature, timeout=args.timeout)"--------------------------------------------------------------------------")
output = 0
for feature, scenario, status in, features_and_scenarios):
if status != 'OK':
if output == 0:
if status == "FAILED":
output = 1
output = 2"--------------------------------------------------------------------------")
end_time ="Duration: {}".format(format(end_time - start_time)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Hey Pedro, thx for publishing this utility. Vry helpful to run our automation suite in parellel. Is there any way to enable a verbose logging while using this class of yours? In our test suite we have a behave test which, if included with following command cause no features to be detected :
$ python3 -t browser --processes 1 --timeout 300 [INFO 2016-10-17 10:08:34,216] Found 0 features [INFO 2016-10-17 10:08:34,217] Found 0 scenarios [INFO 2016-10-17 10:08:34,217] Timeout for each scenario 300 seconds [INFO 2016-10-17 10:08:34,217] You have defined 1 and Will execute only necessary 0 parallel process [INFO 2016-10-17 10:08:34,217] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO 2016-10-17 10:08:34,217] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO 2016-10-17 10:08:34,217] Duration: 0:00:09.498820

If I exclude that feature, all tests run in parallel and as expected. Trying to see if an error can be printed on the console to better debug this.

Thx mate.

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Sorry Karmakoder! I hadn't saw your comment. This script/utility lets you to execute "scenarios" in parallel way! If you pass -t ARGS, the ARGS should be a tags of your scenarios. If you dont pass any tag of scenario, you will execute every scenario on every feature that you have at your environment

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