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Created June 10, 2018 18:11
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pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
/* import ""; */
/// @title Contract to bet Ether for a number and win randomly when the number of bets is met.
/// @author Merunas Grincalaitis
contract Casino {
/* is usingOraclize */
address owner;
// The minimum bet a user has to make to participate in the game
uint public minimumBet = 3 finney; // Equal to 0.003 ether
// The total amount of Ether bet for this current game
uint public totalBet;
// The total number of bets the users have made
uint public numberOfBets;
// The maximum amount of bets can be made for each game
uint public maxAmountOfBets = 3;
// The max amount of bets that cannot be exceeded to avoid excessive gas consumption
// when distributing the prizes and restarting the game
uint public constant LIMIT_AMOUNT_BETS = 100;
// The number that won the last game
uint public numberWinner;
// Array of players
address[] public players;
// Each number has an array of players. Associate each number with a bunch of players
mapping(uint => address[]) numberBetPlayers;
// The number that each player has bet for
mapping(address => uint) playerBetsNumber;
// Modifier to only allow the execution of functions when the bets are completed
modifier onEndGame(){
if(numberOfBets >= maxAmountOfBets) _;
modifier onlyowner {if (msg.sender == owner) _; }
/// @notice Constructor that's used to configure the minimum bet per game and the max amount of bets
/// @param _minimumBet The minimum bet that each user has to make in order to participate in the game
/// @param _maxAmountOfBets The max amount of bets that are required for each game
function Casino(uint _minimumBet, uint _maxAmountOfBets){
owner = msg.sender;
if(_minimumBet > 0) minimumBet = _minimumBet;
if(_maxAmountOfBets > 0 && _maxAmountOfBets <= LIMIT_AMOUNT_BETS)
maxAmountOfBets = _maxAmountOfBets;
// Set the proof of oraclize in order to make secure random number generations
/* oraclize_setProof(proofType_Ledger); */
/// @notice Check if a player exists in the current game
/// @param player The address of the player to check
/// @return bool Returns true is it exists or false if it doesn't
function checkPlayerExists(address player) returns(bool){
if(playerBetsNumber[player] > 0)
return true;
return false;
function checkPlayersBet(address player) public constant onlyowner returns(uint256){
if(playerBetsNumber[player] > 0)
return playerBetsNumber[player];
return 11;
function kill() public {
if(msg.sender == owner) selfdestruct(owner);
/// @notice To bet for a number by sending Ether
/// @param numberToBet The number that the player wants to bet for. Must be between 1 and 10 both inclusive
function bet(uint numberToBet) payable{
// Check that the max amount of bets hasn't been met yet
assert(numberOfBets < maxAmountOfBets);
// Check that the player doesn't exists - dont care?
//assert(checkPlayerExists(msg.sender) == false);
// Check that the number to bet is within the range
assert(numberToBet >= 1 && numberToBet <= 10);
// Check that the amount paid is bigger or equal the minimum bet
assert(msg.value >= minimumBet);
// Set the number bet for that player
playerBetsNumber[msg.sender] = numberToBet;
// The player msg.sender has bet for that number
numberOfBets += 1;
totalBet += msg.value;
if(numberOfBets >= maxAmountOfBets) generateNumberWinner();
/// @notice Generates a random number between 1 and 10 both inclusive.
/// Must be payable because oraclize needs gas to generate a random number.
/// Can only be executed when the game ends.
function generateNumberWinner() payable onEndGame {
uint256 numberGenerated = block.number % 10 + 1; // For starters
//uint256 numberGenerated = 8; // For starters
numberWinner = numberGenerated;
/* uint numberRandomBytes = 7;
uint delay = 0;
uint callbackGas = 200000;
bytes32 queryId = oraclize_newRandomDSQuery(delay, numberRandomBytes, callbackGas); */
/// @notice Callback function that gets called by oraclize when the random number is generated
/// @param _queryId The query id that was generated to proofVerify
/// @param _result String that contains the number generated
/// @param _proof A string with a proof code to verify the authenticity of the number generation
/* function __callback(
bytes32 _queryId,
string _result,
bytes _proof
) oraclize_randomDS_proofVerify(_queryId, _result, _proof) onEndGame {
// Checks that the sender of this callback was in fact oraclize
assert(msg.sender == oraclize_cbAddress());
numberWinner = (uint(sha3(_result))%10+1);
} */
/// @notice Sends the corresponding Ether to each winner then deletes all the
/// players for the next game and resets the `totalBet` and `numberOfBets`
function distributePrizes() onEndGame {
//%10 to house
uint houseAmount = this.balance / 10;
if(numberBetPlayers[numberWinner].length > 0) {
uint winnerEtherAmount = this.balance / numberBetPlayers[numberWinner].length; // How much each winner gets
// Loop through all the winners to send the corresponding prize for each one
for(uint i = 0; i < numberBetPlayers[numberWinner].length; i++){
// Delete all the players for each number
for(uint j = 1; j <= 10; j++){
numberBetPlayers[j].length = 0;
//delete numberBetPlayers[j];
totalBet = 0;
numberOfBets = 0;
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