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Created December 2, 2015 05:31
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macro_rules! guard {
(let $($tt:tt)*) => {
let guard!(@lets (_) let $($tt)*)
= guard!(@step (()) let $($tt)*)
(match $($tt:tt)*) => {
let guard!(@lets (_) match $($tt)*)
= guard!(@step (()) match $($tt)*)
// the @lets rules discard all but the very last statement's `let` pattern.
// the @step rules do all the actual matching.
// the @else rules skip statements until the next `else` statement.
// plain match;
(@lets ($last:pat) match $e:expr { $pat:pat }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
guard!(@lets (_) $($tt)*)
(@step ($last:expr) match $e:expr { $pat:pat }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
match $e { $pat => guard!(@step (()) $($tt)*), _ => guard!(@else $($tt)*) }
(@else match $e:expr { $pat:pat }; $($tt:tt)*) => (guard!(@else $($tt)*));
// match if condition;
(@lets ($last:pat) match $e:expr { $pat:pat if $cond:expr }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
guard!(@lets (_) $($tt)*)
(@step ($last:expr) match $e:expr { $pat:pat if $cond:expr }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
match $e { $pat if $cond => guard!(@step (()) $($tt)*), _ => guard!(@else $($tt)*) }
(@else match $e:expr { $pat:pat if $cond:expr }; $($tt:tt)*) => (guard!(@else $($tt)*));
// let tuple = match;
(@lets ($last:pat) let ($($a:ident),+) = match $e:expr { $pat:pat }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
guard!(@lets (($($a),+)) $($tt)*)
(@step ($last:expr) let ($($a:ident),+) = match $e:expr { $pat:pat }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
match $e { $pat => guard!(@step (($($a),+)) $($tt)*), _ => guard!(@else $($tt)*) };
(@else let ($($a:ident),+) = match $e:expr { $pat:pat }; $($tt:tt)*) => (guard!(@else $($tt)*));
// let tuple = match if condition;
(@lets ($last:pat) let ($($a:ident),+) = match $e:expr { $pat:pat if $cond:expr }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
guard!(@lets (($($a),+)) $($tt)*)
(@step ($last:expr) let ($($a:ident),+) = match $e:expr { $pat:pat if $cond:expr }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
match $e { $pat if $cond => guard!(@step (($($a),+)) $($tt)*), _ => guard!(@else $($tt)*) };
(@else let ($($a:ident),+) = match $e:expr { $pat:pat if $cond:expr }; $($tt:tt)*) => (guard!(@else $($tt)*));
// let var = match;
(@lets ($last:pat) let $a:ident = match $e:expr { $pat:pat }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
guard!(@lets ($a) $($tt)*)
(@step ($last:expr) let $a:ident = match $e:expr { $pat:pat }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
match $e { $pat => guard!(@step ($a) $($tt)*), _ => guard!(@else $($tt)*) }
(@else let $a:ident = match $e:expr { $pat:pat }; $($tt:tt)*) => (guard!(@else $($tt)*));
// let var = match if condition;
(@lets ($last:pat) let $a:ident = match $e:expr { $pat:pat if $cond:expr }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
guard!(@lets ($a) $($tt)*)
(@step ($last:expr) let $a:ident = match $e:expr { $pat:pat if $cond:expr }; $($tt:tt)*) => {
match $e { $pat if $cond => guard!(@step ($a) $($tt)*), _ => guard!(@else $($tt)*) }
(@else let $a:ident = match $e:expr { $pat:pat if $cond:expr }; $($tt:tt)*) => (guard!(@else $(tt)*));
// else err;
(@lets ($last:pat) else $err:expr; $($tt:tt)+) => (guard!(@lets ($last) $($tt)+));
(@step ($last:expr) else $err:expr; $($tt:tt)+) => (guard!(@step ($last) $($tt)+));
(@else else $err:expr; $($tt:tt)+) => ($err);
// end condition
(@lets ($last:pat) else $err:expr) => ($last);
(@step ($last:expr) else $err:expr) => ($last);
(@else else $err:expr) => ($err);
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