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Last active October 13, 2017 10:10
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Optimizing DNF converter
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait Expr
case class Not(expr: Expr) extends Expr {
override def toString = s"!$expr"
case class Value[T](t: T) extends Expr {
override def toString = s"$t"
case object True extends Expr {
override def toString = "T"
case object False extends Expr {
override def toString = "F"
trait Aggregate extends Expr {
def exprs: Set[Expr]
case class Or(e: Traversable[Expr]) extends Aggregate {
override val exprs = e.toSet
override def toString = e.mkString("|( ", " | ", " )")
object Or {
def apply(exprs: Expr*): Or = new Or(exprs)
case class And(e: Traversable[Expr]) extends Aggregate {
override val exprs = e.toSet
override def toString = exprs.mkString("&( ", " & ", " )")
object And {
def apply(exprs: Expr*): And = new And(exprs)
object DNF {
def toDNF(e: Expr): Expr = {
e match {
case v@Not(_: Aggregate) =>
case v: Or =>
case v: And =>
val conjunction = doAnd(
conjunction match {
case a: And =>
val (disjunctions, conjunctions) = a.exprs.foldLeft((List.empty[Or], Set.empty[Expr])) {
case (acc, c: Or) => (acc._1 :+ c, acc._2)
case (acc, c) => (acc._1, acc._2 + c)
disjunctions match {
case Nil =>
case head :: tail =>
toDNF(deMorganLaw(head, conjunctions ++ tail))
case o => o
case v =>
@inline private def deMorganLaw(disjunction: Or, conjunctions: Set[Expr]): Or = {
new Or( => doAnd(conjunctions + d)))
@inline private def distributionLaw(v: Not): Expr = {
v.expr match {
case se: Value[_] => v
case se: Not => se.expr
case se: Or => doAnd(
case se: And => doOr(
@inline private def doAnd(exprs: Set[Expr]) = {
val withoutTrue = exprs.filterNot(_ == True)
doAgg[And](withoutTrue, v => new And(v)) match {
case v: And if containsPair(v) => False
case v => v
@inline private def doOr(exprs: Set[Expr]): Expr = {
val withoutFalse = exprs.filterNot(_ == False)
doAgg[Or](withoutFalse, Or.apply) match {
case v: Or if containsPair(v) => True
case v => v
@inline private def containsPair(a: Aggregate): Boolean = {
a.exprs.exists(e => a.exprs.contains(Not(e)))
@inline private def doAgg[T <: Aggregate : ClassTag](exprs: Set[Expr], c: Traversable[Expr] => T): Expr = {
exprs.flatMap {
case a: T => a.exprs
case v => Set(v)
} match {
case e if e.size == 1 => e.head
case e => c(e)
DNF.toDNF(And(Value(1), Not(Value(1))))
DNF.toDNF(Or(Value(1), Not(Value(1))))
DNF.toDNF(And(Value(5), Value(6)))
DNF.toDNF(Or(Value(5), Value(6)))
DNF.toDNF(Not(And(Value(5), Value(6))))
DNF.toDNF(Not(Or(Value(5), Value(6))))
DNF.toDNF(And(Value(1), Or(Value(5), Value(6))))
, Value("y")
, Or(
, Not(
, Not(And(Value("a"), Value("b")))
, Not(Or(Value("x1"), Value("y1")))
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