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Last active March 12, 2018 14:27
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A dirty example of monadic value processing pipeline
import cats.Foldable
import shapeless.ops.product._
import shapeless.ops.tuple._
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
trait Pipeline[+A] {
@inline def map[B](f: A => B): Pipeline[B]
@inline def flatMap[B](f: A => Pipeline[B]): Pipeline[B]
@inline def eff(f: A => Unit): Pipeline[A]
@inline def end(f: A => Unit): Unit
@inline def end(): Unit
@inline def value: A
case class PipelineImpl[+A](value: A) extends Pipeline[A] {
@inline final def map[B](f: A => B): Pipeline[B] = PipelineImpl(f(this.value))
@inline final def flatMap[B](f: A => Pipeline[B]): Pipeline[B] = f(this.value)
@inline def eff(f: A => Unit): this.type = {
@inline def end(f: A => Unit): Unit = f(value)
@inline def end(): Unit = {}
@inline def get: A = value
object Pipeline {
def apply[A](value: A): Pipeline[A] = new PipelineImpl[A](value)
sealed trait TPipeline[+A] {
this: Pipeline[A] =>
type TupledPipeline[+A] = Pipeline[A] with TPipeline[A]
implicit class ValueOps[V](v: Pipeline[V]) {
@inline final def pull[B](f: => B): Pipeline[(V, B)] = {
PipelineImpl(Tuple2(v.value, f))
@inline final def pull[R[_] : Foldable, K[_] <: Traversable[_], E]
(f: => R[K[E]])
(implicit ev: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[Traversable[E], E, K[E]]
, ev1: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[K[E], E, Traversable[E]]
: Pipeline[K[E]] = {
val folded = f.foldLeft(Traversable.empty[E]) {
case (acc, r) =>
acc ++ ev1(r).result()
@inline final def fork[B](f: V => B): Pipeline[(V, B)] = {
PipelineImpl(Tuple2(v.value, f(v.value)))
@inline final def tupled: TupledPipeline[Tuple1[V]] = {
new PipelineImpl(Tuple1(v.value)) with TPipeline[Tuple1[V]]
@inline def flatten[K](implicit ev: V <:< Pipeline[K]): Pipeline[K] = {
implicit class ValueProductOps[V <: Product](v: Pipeline[V]) {
@inline final def tupled[T](implicit toTuple: ToTuple.Aux[V, T]): TupledPipeline[T] = {
new PipelineImpl(toTuple(v.value)) with TPipeline[T]
implicit class ValueTupledOps[V <: Product](v: Pipeline[V] with TPipeline[V]) {
@inline final def pull[B](f: => B)(implicit prepend: Prepend[V, Tuple1[B]]): TupledPipeline[prepend.Out] = {
new PipelineImpl(prepend(v.value, Tuple1(f))) with TPipeline[prepend.Out]
@inline final def pullt[B <: Product](f: => B)(implicit prepend: Prepend[V, B]): TupledPipeline[prepend.Out] = {
new PipelineImpl(prepend(v.value, f)) with TPipeline[prepend.Out]
@inline final def fork[B](f: V => B)(implicit prepend: Prepend[V, Tuple1[B]]): TupledPipeline[prepend.Out] = {
new PipelineImpl(prepend(v.value, Tuple1(f(v.value)))) with TPipeline[prepend.Out]
@inline final def forkt[B](f: V => B)(implicit prepend: Prepend[V, B]): TupledPipeline[prepend.Out] = {
new PipelineImpl(prepend(v.value, f(v.value))) with TPipeline[prepend.Out]
@inline def flatten[K](implicit ev: V <:< TupledPipeline[K]): TupledPipeline[K] = {
.pullt((3, 4))
Pipeline((0, 1))
Pipeline((0, 1))
.pullt((3, 4))
Pipeline(1).fork(_ * 2)
Pipeline((0, 1))
.pullt((3, 4))
.fork(_._1 * 2)
.forkt(v => v)
.pullt((3, 4))
.map(v => v)
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