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Last active September 7, 2021 13:26
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Save pshriwise/80444a536408828a84339ad745347794 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python file designed to update DAGMC model group names from the old conventions to the new ones.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import argparse
from pymoab import core, types
# some convenience functions
def get_category(mbi, category):
get the category tag and find all of the groups
catTag = mbi.tag_get_handle("CATEGORY")
return mbi.get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0,
def get_groups(mbi):
"""returns all meshsets with a 'Group' category tag"""
return get_category(mbi, "Group")
def get_volumes(mbi):
"""returns all meshsets with a 'Volume' category tag"""
return get_category(mbi, "Volume")
def update_file(filename, output_file=None, print_only=False, strip_rho=False):
updates a dagmc file's naming scheme and validates it's volume to group
# create a new moab instance
mb = core.Core()
# load the file
if print_only:
print("Group names of " + filename + " are:")
for groupName in get_group_names(mb):
update_names(mb, strip_rho)
# write file with "new_names" appended
if output_file is None or output_file is "":
ext = filename[-4:]
basename = filename[:-4]
suffix = "new_names"
new_filename = basename+"_new_names"+ext
new_filename = str(output_file)
def get_group_names(mbi, groupSets):
returns a list of group names from the input PyMOAB instance
# get the name tag (material specification) for each group
nameTag = mbi.tag_get_handle("NAME")
groupNames = mbi.tag_get_data(nameTag, groupSets, flat=True)
return groupNames
def update_names(mbi, strip_density=False):
updates the group names of a MOAB instance to the new UWUW
naming scheme
# get the group EntitySets
groupSets = get_groups(mbi)
groupNames = get_group_names(mbi, groupSets)
print("Old Group Names", groupNames)
# update the group names to the new naming scheme
newGroupNames = []
for name in groupNames:
# if this is a material specification, update name
if 'mat' in name:
# split on old naming delimiter
temp = name.split('_')
# join each key/value pair with new ":" delimiter
temp = [":".join(temp[i:i+2]) for i in range(0, len(temp), 2)]
# separate material properties with new "/" delimiter
name = "/".join(temp)
if strip_density and 'rho' in name:
# split name on new separator
split_name = name.split('/')
rho_entries = [s for s in split_name if 'rho:' in s]
if len(rho_entries) > 1:
print("Warning: multiple density entries "
"found in mat: {}".format(name))
for s in rho_entries:
name = '/'.join(split_name)
# update reflecting boundary condition
if 'reflect' in name.lower():
name = "boundary:Reflecting"
# add name (modified or not) to the set of newGroupNames
if 'graveyard' in name.lower():
name = "mat:Graveyard"
# make newGroupNames into a numpy array
newGroupNames = np.array(newGroupNames)
print("New Group Names", newGroupNames)
# set this data in the moab instance
nameTag = mbi.tag_get_handle("NAME")
mbi.tag_set_data(nameTag, groupSets, newGroupNames)
def get_group_name(mbi, group_set):
retrieves the group name for a given group
nameTag = mbi.tag_get_handle("NAME")
groupName = mbi.tag_get_data(nameTag, group_set, flat=True)
return groupName[0]
def validate_group_topology(mbi):
# get all of the volumes
vols = list(get_volumes(mbi))
# get all of the groups
groups = list(get_groups(mbi))
# keys used to check for material
mat_keys = ['mat', 'graveyard']
# check each group's volumes
for group in groups:
# make sure the group is a material group
groupName = get_group_name(mbi, group)
if any(mat_key in groupName.lower() for mat_key in mat_keys):
# get the group volumes
group_vols = mbi.get_entities_by_handle(group)
for group_vol in group_vols:
if group_vol in vols:
except ValueError:
raise Exception("A volume exists in multiple groups")
if len(vols) != 0:
print("Found "+str(len(vols))+" empty volumes. "
"They will be assigned material vacuum.")
vacuum_group = None
# look for a group with the material name vacuum
for group in groups:
# get the group name
groupName = get_group_name(mbi, group)
# check the group name
if "Vacuum" in groupName:
vacuum_group = group
# if there is no pre-existing vacuum group,
# create one
if vacuum_group is None:
vacuum_group = mbi.create_meshset()
mbi.add_entities(vacuum_group, vols)
catTag = mbi.tag_get_handle("CATEGORY")
mbi.tag_set_data(catTag, vacuum_group, ["Group"])
nameTag = mbi.tag_get_handle("NAME")
mbi.tag_set_data(nameTag, vacuum_group, ["mat:Vacuum"])
geomTag = mbi.tag_get_handle("GEOM_DIMENSION")
mbi.tag_set_data(geomTag, vacuum_group, [4])
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Update naming syntax for "
"groups in a DAGMC model.")
parser.add_argument('filename', type=str,
help="Filename of the DAGMC Model to update.")
parser.add_argument('-o', type=str, dest='output_file',
help="Output file name "
"(default is input file + '_new_names')")
parser.add_argument('-p', dest='print_current_mats', action='store_true',
help="Print current group names and exit")
parser.add_argument('-s', dest='strip_rho', action='store_true',
help="Strip density values "
"from material assignements.")
args = parser.parse_args()
# call main function
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