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Last active October 20, 2020 21:24
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Custom Google sheets script for highlighting my & my friends movie ratings
// The columns that will contain opinions (emoji).
const opinionColumns = [16, 17, 18, 19, 20];
// The columns to change the colour of.
const toColourColumns = [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20];
// The weights given to each individual opinion.
const opinionWeights = {
"😍": 6,
"👍": 3,
"🤔": 1,
"😤": 0
// The colours to use.
// The number of colours must match up to all possible opinion averages (the opinion avg is rounded).
const opinionAvgColours = [
"#ffffff", // 0
"#ffffff", // 1
"#ffffff", // 2
"#c7f0c7", // 3
"#87e187", // 4
"#228B22", // 5
"#39ff14" // 6
// The row that the reviews start on.
const startingRow = 7;
// Update the colour for a specific row.
// Returns the opinion average for the row.
function updateRowColour(sheet, rowNum) {
const opinionCells = sheet.getRange(rowNum, opinionColumns[0], 1, opinionColumns.length);
let opinionTotal = 0;
let opinionCount = 0;
const values = opinionCells.getValues()[0];
values.forEach((val) => {
if (val in opinionWeights) {
opinionCount += 1;
opinionTotal += opinionWeights[val];
const toColourCells = sheet.getRange(rowNum, toColourColumns[0], 1, toColourColumns.length);
const opinionAvg = Math.round(opinionTotal / opinionCount);
return opinionTotal;
// Run whenever an edit is made to the sheet.
function onEdit(e) {
// Will only edit colours if the left most edited cell is within the toColourColumns range.
if (e.range.getRow() >= startingRow && toColourColumns.includes(e.range.getColumn())) {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
updateRowColour(sheet, e.range.getRow());
// Iterates over all rows and updates the colours.
// If 3 rows with an opinion avg of 0 occur one after the other it stops (prevents it going on forever).
function updateAllColours() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
blankRows = 0;
currentRow = startingRow;
while (blankRows <= 3) {
const rowOpinionAvg = updateRowColour(sheet, currentRow);
if (rowOpinionAvg == 0) {
blankRows += 1
} else {
blankRows = 0
currentRow += 1;
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