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Created August 1, 2016 06:07
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Google App Engine compatible server-side Python token-verification for Firebase 3.
def base64url_decode(s):
""" Decode base64 encoded strings with stripped trailing '=' """
import base64
return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(s + '=' * (-len(s) % 4))
def unpack_jwt_token(token):
""" Splits and decodes a JWT into a header, payload and signature. """
import json
encoded_header, encoded_payload, encoded_signature = token.split('.')
header = json.loads(base64url_decode(encoded_header))
payload = json.loads(base64url_decode(encoded_payload))
signature = base64url_decode(encoded_signature)
return header, payload, signature
def get_google_certificate(key_id):
""" Get Google Service Account certificate for specific key ID. """
import httplib
import json
c = httplib.HTTPSConnection("")
c.request("GET", "/robot/v1/metadata/x509/")
response = c.getresponse()
cert_str =
cert_obj = json.loads(cert_str)
cert = cert_obj.get(key_id)
return cert
def verify_signature_rs256(token, cert):
""" Verifies an RS256 token using a public-key PEM certificate. """
from binascii import a2b_base64
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerSequence
# Split token into message and signature sections.
message, signature = token.rsplit('.', 1)
# Convert from PEM to DER.
pem = cert
lines = pem.replace(" ",'').split()
der = a2b_base64(''.join(lines[1:-1]))
# Extract subjectPublicKeyInfo field from X.509 certificate (see RFC3280).
cert = DerSequence()
tbsCertificate = DerSequence()
subjectPublicKeyInfo = tbsCertificate[6]
# Initialize RSA key.
rsakey = RSA.importKey(subjectPublicKeyInfo)
# Verify signature
signer =
digest =
# Assumes the data is base64 encoded to begin with
return signer.verify(digest, base64url_decode(signature)) is True
class TokenException(Exception):
""" Exceptions relating to token validation. """
def verify_firebase_token(token, firebase_project_id):
# From:
# If you'd like to verify client ID tokens without using the official Firebase
# Node.js or Java libraries (which have built-in verification methods), you
# will need to ensure the ID token (which is a JWT) conforms to the following:
import datetime
# Split token into header, payload, and signature sections.
header, payload, signature = unpack_jwt_token(token)
# Its decoded header has an alg (algorithm) claim equal to "RS256".
if header['alg'] != 'RS256':
raise TokenException("Token must use algorithm 'RS256'.")
# Its decoded payload has an aud (audience) claim equal to your Firebase project ID.
if payload['aud'] != firebase_project_id:
raise TokenException("Token audience did not match project ID.")
# Its decoded payload has an iss (issuer) claim equal to "<projectId>".
if payload['iss'] != '' + firebase_project_id:
raise TokenException("Token issuer did not match Google Secure Token URL For project ID.")
# Its decoded payload has a non-empty string sub (subject) claim. Note that this is the uid for that Firebase user.
if not payload['sub']:
raise TokenException("Token had empty subject claim.")
# Its decoded header has a kid (key ID) claim that corresponds to one of the public keys listed at
cert = get_google_certificate(header['kid'])
except KeyError:
raise TokenException("Token Key ID did not match any known Google Service Account public keys.")
# Check that token is not expired.
expiration_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(payload['exp']))
if (expiration_time <= datetime.datetime.utcnow()):
raise TokenException("Token is already expired.")
# Use a JWT library to verify the token with the public key to prove the token was signed with the public keys' corresponding private key.
if not verify_signature_rs256(token, cert):
raise TokenException("Token signature did not match payload.")
# If all of the above checks pass, then the token is valid.
return True
# Example usage:
# try:
# verify_firebase_token(jwt_token, 'firebase-project-id-goes-here')
# except TokenException:
# pass
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