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Forked from zntfdr/firebase-iOS-breakdown.swift
Last active January 5, 2024 10:59
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Firebase OS Version breakdown
// How to:
// 1. Go in the Firebase Analytics Dashboard
// 2. Filter iOS or Android Platform only
// 3. Scroll down to the "What is your audience like?" widget, select the `Devices` tab
// 4. Export the CSV data (top right corner, there's a "Download CSV" button)
// 5. Open the file and select the OS breakdown raw data
// 6. Replace the sample data in this script with your data
// 7. Run the script in a Xcode Playground
// 8. See the terminal output
import Foundation
var data = """
ios 13.1.3,38215
iOS 13.1.3,14333
ios 13.2.3,12667
iOS 13.2.3,9568
ios 12.4.1,8392
ios 13.2.2,6816
ios 13.1.2,6652
ios 13.2,5439
ios 12.4.2,4008
ios 12.4.3,3715
iOS 12.4.1,3111
ios 12.3.1,3021
iOS 13.1.2,2514
iOS 12.4.3,2455
let lines = data.split { $0.isNewline }
var OSDictionary: [String: Int] = [:]
for line in lines {
let OSVersion: String = String(line.split(separator: ".").first!).lowercased()
let numberOfUsers = Int(line.split(separator: ",").last!)!
OSDictionary[OSVersion, default: 0] += numberOfUsers
let totalUsers: Int = OSDictionary.values.reduce(into: 0, { $0 += $1 })
for (OSVersion, numberOfUsers) in OSDictionary {
let percent = String(format: "%.2f", Double(numberOfUsers) / Double(totalUsers) * Double(100))
print("\(OSVersion): \(percent)%")
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larryonoff commented Jan 5, 2024

сделал UP скрипта

// How to:
// 1. Go in the Firebase Analytics Dashboard
// 2. Filter iOS or Android Platform only
// 3. Scroll down to the "What is your audience like?" widget, select the `Devices` tab
// 4. Export the CSV data (top right corner, there's a "Download CSV" button)
// 5. Open the file and select the OS breakdown raw data
// 6. Replace the sample data in this script with your data
// 7. Run the script in a Xcode Playground
// 8. See the terminal output

import Foundation

var data = """
ios 13.1.3,38215
iOS 13.1.3,14333
ios 13.2.3,12667
iOS 13.2.3,9568
ios 12.4.1,8392
ios 13.2.2,6816
ios 13.1.2,6652
ios 13.2,5439
ios 12.4.2,4008
ios 12.4.3,3715
iOS 12.4.1,3111
ios 12.3.1,3021
iOS 13.1.2,2514
iOS 12.4.3,2455

let usersByMajorVersion = data
  .split(whereSeparator: \.isNewline)
  .reduce(into: [String: Int]()) { result, line in
    let majorVersion: String = String(line.split(separator: ".").first!).lowercased()
    let usersCount = Int(line.split(separator: " ").last!)!
    result[majorVersion, default: 0] += usersCount

let totalUsersCount: Int = usersByMajorVersion.values.reduce(into: Int(0), +=)

let usersPercentageByMajorVersion = usersByMajorVersion
  .reduce(into: [String: Double]()) { result, versionPair in
    result[versionPair.key] = Double(versionPair.value) / Double(totalUsersCount) * Double(100)
  .sorted { lhs, rhs in lhs.value > rhs.value }

let result = usersPercentageByMajorVersion.reduce(into: "") { result, versionPair in
  let percents = String(format: "%.2f%%", versionPair.value)
  result += "\(versionPair.key): \(percents)\n"

print("users percentage by major OS version\n\(result)")

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