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Last active October 9, 2023 16:43
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Modifies the output of Get-PhysicalDisk to have enclosure information. Works On My Machine™ certified with an LSI SAS 9201-16e and Promise SAS enclosures.
Wrote this to scratch an itch for tracking where my disks are physically located within and across
storage enclosures. Before writing this I was using a spreadsheet, which was tedious to maintain.
For this script to be useful, you'll need a storage enclosure that Windows recognizes and exposes
through WMI, ie: one that provides SCSI Enclosure Services (SES).
Check the output of Get-StorageEnclosure.
On my systems with multiple Promise J610S/J630S enclosures, Get-PhysicalDisk provides "Slot #" in
the PhysicalLocation property but the EnclosureNumber isn't populated. This script adds two
Properties to the objects returned by Get-PhysicalDisk:
EnclosureSN = Enclosure SerialNumber as provided by Get-StorageEnclosure
SizeString = Disk size coverted from Bytes to KB/MB/GB/TB/PB units.
I do not know how broadly applicable this is to other brands of enclosure, the only other model I
own does not provide SES.
# Format-Bytes borrowed and modified from
Function Format-Bytes {
ValueFromPipeline = $true
$sizes = 'KB','MB','GB','TB','PB'
Process {
# New for loop
for($x = 0;$x -lt $sizes.count; $x++){
if ($number -lt "1$($sizes[$x])"){
if ($x -eq 0){
return "$number B"
} else {
$num = $number / "1$($sizes[$x-1])"
$num = "{0:N2}" -f $num
return "$num $($sizes[$x-1])"
$disks = Get-PhysicalDisk | ForEach-Object {
$_ | `
Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name EnclosureSN `
-Value ( ( $_ | Get-StorageEnclosure ).SerialNumber ) `
-PassThru | `
Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name SizeString `
-Value ( Format-Bytes $_.Size ) `
-PassThru `
} | Sort-Object EnclosureSN, SlotNumber, { [int] $_.DeviceId }
return $disks
# $disks | Format-Table DeviceId,FriendlyName,SerialNumber,MediaType,EnclosureSN,SlotNumber,SizeString -AutoSize
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psitem commented Oct 9, 2023

Sample output from my Plex server:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> .\Get-DisksWithEnclosureInfo.ps1 | Format-Table DeviceId,FriendlyName,MediaType,EnclosureSN,SlotNumber,SizeString -AutoSize

DeviceId FriendlyName                   MediaType   EnclosureSN  SlotNumber SizeString
-------- ------------                   ---------   -----------  ---------- ----------
0        Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 500GB SSD                                 465.76 GB
1        Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 500GB SSD                                 465.76 GB
2        Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 2TB   SSD                                 1.82 TB
3        COVECUBE CoveFsDisk_____       Unspecified                         2.00 TB
35       COVECUBE CoveFsDisk_____       Unspecified                         2.00 TB
7        ATA WDC WD40EFRX-68N           HDD         R80095037394 1          3.64 TB
13       ATA WDC WD40EFRX-68N           HDD         R80095037394 2          3.64 TB
26       ATA WDC WD40EZRZ-00G           HDD         R80095037394 3          3.64 TB
20       ATA WDC WD40EZRZ-00G           HDD         R80095037394 4          3.64 TB
18       HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R80095037394 5          9.10 TB
16       IBM-D050 HUH721010AL4200       HDD         R80095037394 6          9.03 TB
24       HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R80095037394 7          9.10 TB
30       HGST HUH721010AL42C0           HDD         R80095037394 8          9.10 TB
17       HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R80095037394 9          9.10 TB
27       ATA WDC WD120EMAZ-11           HDD         R80095037394 10         10.91 TB
23       HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R80095037394 11         9.10 TB
29       HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R80095037394 12         9.10 TB
25       ATA WDC WD120EMAZ-11           HDD         R80095037394 13         10.91 TB
22       IBM-D050 HUH721010AL4200       HDD         R80095037394 14         9.03 TB
28       HGST HUH721010AL42C0           HDD         R80095037394 15         9.10 TB
8        ATA WDC WD120EMAZ-11           HDD         R800A4042605 1          10.91 TB
9        ATA WDC WD120EMAZ-11           HDD         R800A4042605 2          10.91 TB
10       HGST H7210A520SUN010T          HDD         R800A4042605 3          8.91 TB
5        HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R800A4042605 4          9.10 TB
19       ATA WDC WD120EMFZ-11           HDD         R800A4042605 5          10.91 TB
33       ATA HGST HUH721010AL           HDD         R800A4042605 6          9.10 TB
32       ATA HGST HUH721010AL           HDD         R800A4042605 7          9.10 TB
31       ATA HGST HUH721010AL           HDD         R800A4042605 8          9.10 TB
14       HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R800A4042605 9          9.10 TB
15       ATA WDC WD120EMAZ-11           HDD         R800A4042605 10         10.91 TB
12       HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R800A4042605 11         9.10 TB
21       ATA WDC WD120EMAZ-11           HDD         R800A4042605 12         10.91 TB
6        HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R800A4042605 13         9.10 TB
4        HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R800A4042605 14         9.10 TB
11       HGST HUH721010AL4200           HDD         R800A4042605 15         9.10 TB

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