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Last active January 18, 2019 09:21
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SextetStreamStdinTest to demonstrate that my StepMania SextetStream driver is functioning
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.010;
use Carp;
# 1: Use arrow display (dance/techno)
# 0: Use generic display (other games)
my $use_dance_display = 1;
# As with anything perl, there's more than one way to do this.
sub sextet_values {
my $value = shift;
return (
(($value & 0x01) and 1),
(($value & 0x02) and 1),
(($value & 0x04) and 1),
(($value & 0x08) and 1),
(($value & 0x10) and 1),
(($value & 0x20) and 1),
sub lit {
my $condition = shift;
my $symbol = shift;
if(not $condition) {
$symbol =~ s/./ /g;
return $symbol;
sub get_cabinet_symbol {
my $cabinet_bits = shift;
my($marquee_ul, $marquee_ur, $marquee_ll, $marquee_lr,
$bass_l, $bass_r) = sextet_values($cabinet_bits);
return "[" .
lit($bass_l, 'O') .
lit($marquee_ll, '_') .
lit($marquee_ul, '^') .
lit($marquee_ur, '^') .
lit($marquee_lr, '_') .
lit($bass_r, 'O') .
# For any game
sub get_generic_buttons_symbol {
my @buttons = @_;
my @button_indicators = ('1' .. '9', 'X', '1' .. '9');
my $sym = "";
my $i = 0;
for $i(0 .. $#button_indicators) {
$sym .= lit($buttons[$i], $button_indicators[$i]);
return $sym;
# For dance or techno
sub get_dance_buttons_symbol {
my($l, $r, $u, $d, $ul, $ur, $c, $dl, $dr) = @_;
lit($dl, '/') .
lit($l, '<') .
lit($ul, '\\') .
lit($d, 'v') .
lit($c, '#') .
lit($u, '^') .
lit($ur, '/') .
lit($r, '>') .
lit($dr, '\\')
sub get_controller_symbol {
my @b1 = sextet_values(shift);
my @b2 = sextet_values(shift);
my @b3 = sextet_values(shift);
my @b4 = sextet_values(shift);
my @b5 = sextet_values(shift);
my @b6 = sextet_values(shift);
my($menu_l, $menu_r, $menu_u, $menu_d, $start, $select) = @b1;
my($back, $coin, $operator, $effect_u, $effect_d, undef) = @b2;
my @buttons = (@b3, @b4, @b5, @b6);
my $current_buttons =
$use_dance_display ?
get_dance_buttons_symbol(@buttons) :
return ' [' .
lit($menu_l, '<') .
lit($menu_d, 'v') .
lit($menu_u, '^') .
lit($menu_r, '>') .
lit($start, 'S') .
lit($select, 's') .
lit($back, '!') .
lit($coin, '$') .
lit($operator, '?') .
lit($effect_d, '-') .
lit($effect_u, '+') .
'|' .
$current_buttons .
sub compose_line {
my $line = "";
$line .= get_cabinet_symbol(shift);
while(@_ >= 6) {
my @controller_values = splice(@_, 0, 6);
$line .= get_controller_symbol(@controller_values);
return $line;
while(<>) {
say compose_line(unpack('C*', $_));
$| = 1;
<job id="Job1">
<script language="JScript">
// true: Use arrow display (dance/techno)
// false: Use generic display (other games)
var useDanceDisplay = true;
var stdin = WScript.StdIn;
var stdout = WScript.StdOut;
function sextetValues(sextet) {
return [
(sextet & 0x01) != 0,
(sextet & 0x02) != 0,
(sextet & 0x04) != 0,
(sextet & 0x08) != 0,
(sextet & 0x10) != 0,
(sextet & 0x20) != 0
function blanked(str) {
return str.replace(/./g, ' ');
function lit(condition, symbol) {
return condition ? symbol : blanked(symbol);
function getCabinetSymbol(sextet) {
var sv = sextetValues(sextet);
var marquee_ul = sv[0],
marquee_ur = sv[1],
marquee_ll = sv[2],
marquee_lr = sv[3],
bass_l = sv[4],
bass_r = sv[5];
return "[" +
lit(bass_l, 'O') +
lit(marquee_ll, '_') +
lit(marquee_ul, '^') +
lit(marquee_ur, '^') +
lit(marquee_lr, '_') +
lit(bass_r, 'O') +
// For any game
function getGenericButtonsSymbol(buttons) {
var button_indicators = [
var sym = "";
for(var i = 0; i < button_indicators.length; ++i) {
sym += lit(buttons[i], button_indicators[i]);
return sym;
// For dance or techno
function getDanceButtonsSymbol(buttons) {
var l = buttons[0],
r = buttons[1],
u = buttons[2],
d = buttons[3],
ul = buttons[4],
ur = buttons[5],
c = buttons[6],
dl = buttons[7],
dr = buttons[8];
return (
lit(dl, '/') +
lit(l, '<') +
lit(ul, '\\') +
lit(d, 'v') +
lit(c, '#') +
lit(u, '^') +
lit(ur, '/') +
lit(r, '>') +
lit(dr, '\\')
function getControllerSymbol(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6) {
var b1 = sextetValues(s1),
b2 = sextetValues(s2),
b3 = sextetValues(s3),
b4 = sextetValues(s4),
b5 = sextetValues(s5),
b6 = sextetValues(s6);
var menu_l = b1[0],
menu_r = b1[1],
menu_u = b1[2],
menu_d = b1[3],
start = b1[4],
select = b1[5],
back = b2[0],
coin = b2[1],
operator = b2[2],
effect_u = b2[3],
effect_d = b2[4];
// b2[5] not used
var buttons = b3.concat(b4, b5, b6);
var currentButtons =
useDanceDisplay ?
getDanceButtonsSymbol(buttons) :
return ' [' +
lit(menu_l, '<') +
lit(menu_d, 'v') +
lit(menu_u, '^') +
lit(menu_r, '>') +
lit(start, 'S') +
lit(select, 's') +
lit(back, '!') +
lit(coin, '') +
lit(operator, '?') +
lit(effect_d, '-') +
lit(effect_u, '+') +
'|' +
currentButtons +
function composeLine(sextets) {
var line = "";
var controllerValues;
line += getCabinetSymbol(sextets.shift());
while(sextets.length >= 6) {
controllerValues = sextets.splice(0, 6);
line += getControllerSymbol.apply(null, controllerValues);
return line;
function unpackChars(str) {
var values = [];
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
values[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return values;
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psmay commented Oct 8, 2014

These are test programs to demonstrate that my StepMania SextetStream driver is functioning.

One is a perl script to be used with Linux or similar. To run it on data from a FIFO called "$SM/Data/StepMania-Lights-SextetStream.out", do

./ < "$SM/Data/StepMania-Lights-SextetStream.out"

The other is a Windows Script Host script for use with a Windows command line (cmd.exe). To create a named pipe with the path \\.\pipe\StepMania-Lights-SextetStream and run this script on the incoming data, acquire createAndReadPipe and pipe its output into this script:

createAndReadPipe StepMania-Lights-SextetStream | cscript //nologo SextetStreamStdinTest.wsf

By default, these scripts are configured to display the sensors for the dance and techno game modes. To use a generic display of all available buttons:

  • For the perl version, set the $use_dance_display variable at the top to 0.
  • For the WSH version, set the useDanceDisplay variable at the top to false.

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