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Created May 13, 2012 20:28
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Cross-process Python Callbacks
""", by Peter Sobot (, May 13, 2012
Handles callback functions in classes that have member functions that
are executed in a different process. A crazy experiment in Python
magic that breaks a lot of rules.
Do not use in production, for any reason. (Although I do.)
If your class takes in a callback, like so:
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, callback):
you can call MultiprocessCallback.register_all(queue) to auto-create
member functions with the names of the callback variables, which,
when called, will be safely executed in the parent process. E.g.:
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, my_callback):
self._pq = multiprocessing.Queue()
def start_other_process():
target =
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=target)
def runs_in_another_process():
self.my_callback("hey look, some data!")
The data in the callback must be picklable, as it will be sent across
the multiprocess boundary.
The parent process can read from the queue itself and run .execute()
on the MultiprocessCallback objects, or it can use the *blocking*
MultiprocessCallback.listen(), which provides a basic listener.
Known bugs or omissions:
- Will straight-up just not work in Windows.
(The scenario doesn't exist - you can't use multiprocessing on
member functions on Windows.)
import multiprocessing
import traceback
import inspect
import sys
import time
__author__ = "psobot"
class EndListener(Exception): pass
def register_all(queue=None):
_locals = inspect.getargvalues(sys._getframe(1))[3]
if not queue:
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
setattr(_locals['self'], "_mpcq", queue)
for n, v in dict([(_n, _v) for (_n, _v) in _locals.iteritems() if _n != "self"]).iteritems():
if hasattr(v, "__call__"):
proc = multiprocessing.current_process().name
setattr(_locals['self'], n, lambda *args, **kwargs: _safecall(proc, queue, n, v, *args, **kwargs))
def _safecall(proc, queue, n, _c, *args, **kwargs):
if multiprocessing.current_process().name != proc:
queue.put(MultiprocessCallback(n, *args, **kwargs))
return _c(*args, **kwargs)
def listen(queue=None):
if not queue:
_locals = inspect.getargvalues(sys._getframe(1))[3]
queue = _locals['self'].__dict__["_mpcq"]
data = queue.get()
while not isinstance(data, EndListener):
if isinstance(data, MultiprocessCallback):
data = queue.get()
def target(_callable, queue=None):
def _target(*args, **kwargs):
_callable(*args, **kwargs)
return _target
def end(queue=None):
if not queue:
i = 1
_locals = inspect.getargvalues(sys._getframe(i))[3]
while not 'self' in _locals or not '_mpcq' in _locals['self'].__dict__:
i += 1
_locals = inspect.getargvalues(sys._getframe(i))[3]
queue = _locals['self'].__dict__["_mpcq"]
class MultiprocessCallback(object):
def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): = name
self.stackf = traceback.format_stack(sys._getframe(3), 2)
self.originator = multiprocessing.current_process().name
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def execute(self, search=None):
if not search:
i = 1
search = inspect.getargvalues(sys._getframe(i))[3]
while not in search:
i += 1
search = inspect.getargvalues(sys._getframe(i))[3]
if not in search and 'self' in search:
search = search['self'].__dict__
if in search:
if hasattr(search[], '__call__'):
r = search[](*self.args, **self.kwargs)
if r is not None:
print "Warning: return value from callback ignored."
except Exception, e:
e.args = (" ".join(list(e.args) +
["\nOriginally called from %s (most recent call last):\n" % self.originator] +
self.stackf), )
raise ValueError("Function %s not callable." %
raise KeyError("Function %s not provided." %
if __name__ == "__main__":
class Test(object):
def __init__(self, callback = None):
def run_me(self):
Run self.separate_process in its own process.
When the callback is called, it will execute in the
parent process.
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=target(self.separate_process))
def separate_process(self):
for i in xrange(0, 10):
# some intense computation
count = 0
def my_callback(i):
Increments a global variable by i in the main process.
if multiprocessing.current_process().name != "MainProcess":
raise multiprocessing.ProcessError("The global is being incremented in the wrong process!")
global count
count += i
print "Counter in main process is now: %s" % count
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That only allows a single callback per function call. Imagine you want to output progress to a callback, you'd want to call the callback several times during the running of the sub process.

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Would it be possible to share a Test case of the no-blocking option to illustrate how to use the execute()?

Thank you!

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