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Created April 21, 2020 20:51
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Generative art animation with the magick package
# functions from
# helper functions --------------------------------------------------------
radians <- function(degree) {
2 * pi * degree / 360
adjust_scale <- function(s, scales) {
s * sample(x = scales, size = length(s), replace = TRUE)
adjust_angle <- function(a, angles) {
a + sample(x = angles, size = length(a), replace = TRUE)
adjust_x <- function(x, scale, angle) {
x + scale * cos(radians(angle))
adjust_y <- function(y, scale, angle) {
y + scale * sin(radians(angle))
# ashtree functions -------------------------------------------------------
grow_sapling <- function() {
sapling <- tibble(
old_x = 0, # sapling grows from the origin
old_y = 0, # sapling grows from the origin
new_x = 0, # sapling doesn't grow horizontally
new_y = 1, # sapling does grow vertically
angle = 90, # angle from horizontal is 90 degrees
scale = 1, # length of the sapling is 1
grow_from <- function(tips, settings) {
# read off the relevant settings
all_scales <- settings$scales
all_angles <- settings$angles
# mutate the tips tibble
new_growth <- tips %>%
scale = adjust_scale(scale, all_scales), # change segment length
angle = adjust_angle(angle, all_angles), # change segment angle
old_x = new_x, # begin where last seg ended
old_y = new_y, # begin where last seg ended
new_x = adjust_x(old_x, scale, angle), # end where this seg ends!
new_y = adjust_y(old_y, scale, angle) # end where this seg ends!
grow_many <- function(tips, settings) {
# read off the relevant settings
splits <- settings$splits
new_tips <- map_dfr(1:splits, ~grow_from(tips, settings))
grow_tree <- function(settings) {
# read off the relevant settings
cycles <- settings$cycles
# initialise
tips <- grow_sapling()
# grow tree in a loop
tree <- accumulate(2:cycles, ~grow_many(.x, settings), .init = tips)
tree <- bind_rows(tree)
draw_tree <- function(tree) {
pic <- ggplot(
data = tree,
mapping = aes(
x = old_x,
y = old_y,
xend = new_x,
yend = new_y
) +
geom_segment(show.legend = FALSE) +
theme_void() +
# generate a tree ------------------------------------
settings <- list(
seed = 1,
cycles = 14,
splits = 2,
scales = c(.5, .8, .9),
angles = c(-25, -10, -5, 5, 10, 20, 35)
tree <- grow_tree(settings)
# simple base plot to draw the tree ----------------------
base_plot <- function(tree, subset=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, add=FALSE, ...) {
if (is.null(xlim))
xlim <- c(range(tree$old_x, tree$new_x))
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim <- c(range(tree$old_y, tree$new_y))
if (!add)
plot(0, type="n", axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", asp=1,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
segments(tree$old_x, tree$old_y, tree$new_x, tree$new_y, ...)
# save images ------------------------------
k <- 20 # number of images to save
files <- sprintf("image-%s.png", 0:(2*k))
# background color
bg <- 1
# color palette to display along the branches
col <- colorRampPalette(c("darkgrey", "grey", "lightgrey", "orange"))(k)
lwd <- rep(0.5, k) # line widths
br <- exp(seq(0, log(nrow(tree)), length.out = k+2)) # breaks
br <- round(br[-1])
br[1] <- 0
ii <- as.integer(cut(seq_len(nrow(tree)), br))
# 1st image is background only, i.e. no tree
op <- par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), bg=bg)
base_plot(tree, col=bg)
# save images for the growing tree:
# draw branches with orange color at the tips
for (j in 1:k) {
op <- par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), bg=bg)
base_plot(tree, col=bg)
for (i in 1:j) {
.col <- rev(rev(col)[1:j])
.lwd <- rev(rev(lwd)[1:j])
base_plot(tree[ii==i,], col=.col[i], add=TRUE, lwd=.lwd[i])
# save images for fade-out:
# all the orange fades away to leave a grey tree behind
for (j in 1:k) {
op <- par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), bg=bg)
base_plot(tree, col=bg)
.col <- c(rep(col[1], j), rev(rev(col)[-(1:j)]))
for (i in 1:k) {
base_plot(tree[ii==i,], col=.col[i], add=TRUE, lwd=lwd[i])
img <- image_read(files) # read in images
img3 <- image_animate(img, 10, loop=1, optimize=TRUE) # animate
image_write(img3, "tree.gif") # save gif
unlink(files) # clean up png files
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