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Created September 26, 2019 17:30
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CSC 208: Tribools Homework Problem
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (log)
import TryPureScript (render, withConsole)
- Problem (tribools): traditional boolean logic involves two values: true and
- false. However, it is sometimes beneficial to consider logics that involve
- three values, traditional labeled `true`, `false`, and `indeterminate`
- For example, SQL handles comparisons between booleans with potential NULL
- values as a logic with three values.
- First complete the definition of the tribool algebraic datatype below:
data Tribool =
Placeholder -- TODO: delete this line and fill in the definition!
- Then complete the definitions of the standard logic operations for tribools
- below. There are several interpretations of the operators of tri-value
- logic; here we will use Kleene's interpretation:
- A not A
- --------
- T F
- I I
- F T
- A B A /\ B
- ------------
- T T T
- T I I
- T F F
- I T I
- I I I
- I F F
- F T F
- F I F
- F F F
- A B A \/ B
- ------------
- T T T
- T I T
- T F T
- I T T
- I I I
- I F I
- F T I
- F I I
- F F F
- As you fill in the definitions, write several relevant test
- cases in the main function below demonstrating that your
- functions work. Note that the `log` function takes a string
- which you can produce using the `show` function provided that
- you implement the `show` function below. Each function
- should have at least 3 tests associated with it.
-- N.B., this instance declaration defines the `show` function
-- for Tribools.
instance showTribool :: Show Tribool where
show :: Tribool -> String
show _ = "Placeholder" -- TODO: delete and fill me in
-- Returns true if and only if the given tribool is true.
triboolToBool :: Tribool -> Boolean
triboolToBool t = false -- TODO: delete and fill me in!
-- Returns the negation of the given tribool.
triboolNot :: Tribool -> Tribool
triboolNot t = Placeholder -- TODO: delete and fill me in!
-- Returns the conjunction of the given tribools.
triboolAnd :: Tribool -> Tribool -> Tribool
triboolAnd t1 t2 = Placeholder -- TODO: delete and fill me in!
-- Returns the disjunction of the given tribools.
triboolOr :: Tribool -> Tribool -> Tribool
triboolOr t1 t2 = Placeholder -- TODO: delete and fill me in!
main = render =<< withConsole do
log "===== triboolToBool ====="
-- TODO: triboolToBool tests should go here
log "===== triboolNot ====="
-- TODO: triboolNot tests should go here
log "===== triboolAnd ====="
-- TODO: triboolAnd tests should go here
log "===== triboolOr ====="
-- TODO: triboolOr tests should go here
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