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Created November 24, 2015 00:51
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MirrorMe 1.1.2 (by Ced)
thanks to ## Haider Alghifary ## for feddback and improvements ideas...:)
Symetrise your polygon model (and dont care what you need to delete...)
Auto center middle-vertices even if they get offset...
Par default, la procedure rammene les points autour de 0+-tolerance sur 0 dans laxe concerne.
Si un set de nom "<nom de lobjet>_middleVtx" existe (ne pouvant contenir QUE des vertex), il les rammene sur 0
--- optimiser le code (utiliser "sets -q" au lieu de select) ---
--- utiliser l'axe local.
-place the script in your 6.x/script directory and type : source mirrorMe.mel or resart Maya;
Type and place this in shelf/hotkey.
-mirrorMeUI; to call the UI type.
-mirrorMeRead; to execute mirrorMe with the setting that you have save with the UI type.
This last command is design to place in hotkey, so you can always symmetrise when you want when you model...
//main Proc
global proc mirrorMe (string $axis, float $tolerance, int $mustMerge, int $mirrorUV, int $delHistory)
global int $mirrorMe_onlySelect;
string $nameSym;
string $list[];
int $cpCount;
int $cpLinkZeroCount = 0;
int $cpLinkPosCount = 0;
int $cpLinkNegCount = 0;
int $cpLinksZero[];
int $cpLinksPositive[];
int $cpLinksNegative[];
string $cpNamePositive[];
string $cpNameNegative[];
string $cpNameZero[];
int $Buf;
float $cpSym[3];
float $cpBuf[3];
float $cpDef[3];
int $xAsist = 0;
int $yAsist = 1;
int $zAsist = 2;
int $xSign = -1;
int $ySign = 1;
int $zSign = 1;
int $xZero = 0;
int $yZero = 1;
int $zZero = 1;
int $xVector = 0;
int $yVector = 0;
int $zVector = 0;
string $absAxis;
string $singleCpLinksNegative;
string $selGoodCV;
string $tempUV[];
if (($axis == "+x") || ($axis == "-x") || ($axis == "x"))
$absAxis = "x";
if (($axis == "+y") || ($axis == "-y") || ($axis == "y"))
$xAsist = 1; $xSign = 1; $xZero = 1;
$yAsist = 0; $ySign = -1; $yZero = 0;
$zAsist = 2; $zSign = 1; $zZero = 1;
$absAxis = "y";
if (($axis == "+z") || ($axis == "-z") || ($axis == "z"))
$xAsist = 2; $xSign = 1; $xZero = 1;
$yAsist = 1; $ySign = 1; $yZero = 1;
$zAsist = 0; $zSign = -1; $zZero = 0;
$absAxis = "z";
if ($axis == "+x") $xVector = 1;
if ($axis == "-x") $xVector = -1;
if ($axis == "+y") $yVector = 1;
if ($axis == "-y") $yVector = -1;
if ($axis == "+z") $zVector = 1;
if ($axis == "-z") $zVector = -1;
$list = `filterExpand -sm 10 -sm 12`;
if (`size $list` != 1)
error("No one geometry objects selected");
$nameSym = $list[0];
print "//----------------------------- mirrorMe 1.1 ---------------------- \n";
//place les vertex autour de 0, sur 0
string $middleVtxSet = ( $nameSym + "_middleVtx" );
string $selsList[];
//dabord utiliser middleVtx set....
//print "//OP : move point neat to 0\n";
if (`objExists $middleVtxSet`)
//verification de lintegrite du middleVtx
$bad = `verifiyIntegrity $nameSym`;
if ($bad == 1)
mirrorMeMessageWin "the middleVtx set for this object is not valid!!\nMay be you have duplicate this object before...\n\nPLEASE use 'clean' option...";
error "pas bon!! \n";
select -r $middleVtxSet;
move ("-" + $absAxis) 0;
print "//middleVtx set used ";
//il nexiste pas, methode manuelle...
select -cl;
for ( $singleCpLinksZero in $cpLinksZero )
string $selGoodCV = ( $nameSym + ".vtx[" + $singleCpLinksZero + "]" );
select -add $selGoodCV;
move ( "-" + $absAxis ) 0;
print "//move point near to 0... (middleVtx doesnt exist!) ";
print "\n";
// Sort points
//print "//OP : sort points (negative and poitive)\n";
$cpCount = `getAttr -size ($nameSym + ".cp")`;
for ($currentPoint = 0; $currentPoint < $cpCount; $currentPoint++)
$cpSym = `xform -q -t -ws ($nameSym + ".cp[" + $currentPoint +"]")`;
if (abs($cpSym[$xAsist]) < $tolerance)
$cpLinksZero[$cpLinkZeroCount] = $currentPoint;
if ($cpSym[$xAsist] > 0)
$cpNamePositive[$cpLinkPosCount] = ( $nameSym + ".vtx[" + $currentPoint + "]" );
$cpNameNegative[$cpLinkNegCount] = ( $nameSym + ".vtx[" + $currentPoint + "]" );
//la variable $mirrorMe_onlySelect permet de selectionner seulement. 1 : side faces, 2 : middle points
//on a besoin des faces
if ($mirrorMe_onlySelect != 2)
//selectionne les vertex a effacer
//print "//OP : select del vtx \n";
select -cl;
if ( ($axis == "-x") || ($axis == "-y") || ($axis == "-z") )
select -r $cpNameNegative;
if ( ($axis == "+x") || ($axis == "+y") || ($axis == "+z") )
select -r $cpNamePositive;
//print "//OP : convert to face and del \n";
//error; //debug
selectType -ocm -alc false;
selectType -ocm -polymeshFace true;
//ou pas pour les middle points
$cpLinkZeroCount = 0;
$cpCount = `getAttr -size ($nameSym + ".cp")`;
for ($currentPoint = 0; $currentPoint < $cpCount; $currentPoint++)
$cpSym = `xform -q -t -ws ($nameSym + ".cp[" + $currentPoint +"]")`;
if (abs($cpSym[$xAsist]) < $tolerance)
$cpNameZero[$cpLinkZeroCount] = ( $nameSym + ".vtx[" + $currentPoint + "]" );
//et merge les points a 0 (operation sans risque : ils viennent detre placer a 0...)
select -r $cpNameZero;
//si on veut simmetriser
if ($mirrorMe_onlySelect == 0)
//error; //debug
//print "//OP : symmetrise \n";
//et symmetriser
select -r $nameSym;
//memorise la selection UV pour la symmetriser aussi
if (($mirrorUV == 2) || ($mirrorUV == 3))
PolySelectConvert 4;
$tempUV = `ls -sl`;
//print $tempUV;
select -r $nameSym;
//mirror selection + UV
polyMirror $xVector $yVector $zVector $mustMerge;
if ($mirrorUV == 2)
select -r $tempUV[0];
polyEditUV -pivotU 0.5 -scaleU -1;
if ($mirrorUV == 3)
select -r $tempUV[0];
polyEditUV -pivotV 0.5 -scaleV -1;
//print "//OP : merge point near to 0\n";
//repasse lobjet et reclasse les vrtx
$cpLinkZeroCount = 0;
$cpCount = `getAttr -size ($nameSym + ".cp")`;
for ($currentPoint = 0; $currentPoint < $cpCount; $currentPoint++)
$cpSym = `xform -q -t -ws ($nameSym + ".cp[" + $currentPoint +"]")`;
if (abs($cpSym[$xAsist]) < $tolerance)
$cpNameZero[$cpLinkZeroCount] = ( $nameSym + ".vtx[" + $currentPoint + "]" );
//et merge les points a 0 (operation sans risque : ils viennent detre placer a 0...)
select -r $cpNameZero;
//merge or not
if ($mustMerge == 1 )
polyMergeVertex -d $tolerance;
select -r $nameSym;
//print "//OP : fin \n";
if ($delHistory == 1) DeleteHistory;
//par secu...
if ($mirrorMe_onlySelect != 0)
$mirrorMe_onlySelect = 0;
global proc mirrorMeMessageWin(string $phrase)
-t "MirrorMe :"
-m $phrase
-b "Ok, ok..."
-db "ok...";
global proc MiddleSetOp ( string $operation )
//var for create
string $selsList[] = `ls -sl`;
string $simpleName;
string $secondName;
string $finalName;
string $buffer[];
int $numTokens;
//int $CNsize =`size $selsList`;
//var for clean
int $CNsize;
int $CNsizeName;
int $cond;
int $bad;
int $i;
string $CNsubstring;
string $thing;
string $middleVtxSet;
switch ($operation)
case "autoSelect":
case "create":
$numTokens = `tokenize $selsList[0] "." $buffer`;
$simpleName = $buffer[0];
$secondName = `substring $buffer[1] 1 3`;
if ( ($secondName != "vtx") || ($numTokens != 2))
error "selection MUST be vertices";
$finalName = $simpleName + "_middleVtx";
if (`objExists $finalName`)
mirrorMeMessageWin "the middle set for this object already exist";
error "the middle set for this object already exist";
sets -text "gCharacterSet" -name $finalName;
$bad = `verifiyIntegrity $simpleName`;
if ($bad == 1)
mirrorMeMessageWin "Le set middleVtx de l'objet n'est pas valide!!!";
error "pas bon!! \n";
string $mess = "You have recorded middle points:\n";
$mess+= "Now you can mirror your object without be sure that these points are on the origin axis.\n\n";
$mess+= "Be carefull when you duplicate or rename (use 'clean' option)!";
mirrorMeMessageWin $mess;
case "clean":
$CNsize =`size $selsList`;
$nameSym = $selsList[0];
$middleVtxSet = ( $nameSym + "_middleVtx" );
if (($CNsize == 0) || ($CNsize > 1))
mirrorMeMessageWin "please select only ONE object to clean";
error "please select only ONE object to clean";
if (`objExists $middleVtxSet` == 0)
mirrorMeMessageWin "there is no middlesetVtx for the current object ";
error "there is no middlesetVtx for the current object ";
select -r $middleVtxSet;
$selsList = `ls -sl`;
$CNsizeName =`size $nameSym`;
$cond = 0;
$bad = 0;
$i = 0;
$thing = $selsList[$i];
//print ( "thing : " + $thing + " \n" );print ( "nameS : " + $nameSym + " \n" );print ( "i : " + $i + " \n" );print ( "sub : " + $CNsubstring + " \n" );
print ($selsList[$i] + " -- thing \n" );
if ( $thing == "" )
//print "thing vide \n";
$cond = 1;
else $CNsubstring = `substring $thing 1 $CNsizeName`;
if ( ( $CNsubstring != $nameSym ) && ( $thing != "" ))
print ($middleVtxSet + " " + $thing );
sets -rm $middleVtxSet $thing;
print "bad!!! \n";
} while ($cond == 0);
select -r $middleVtxSet;
case "delete":
$CNsize =`size $selsList`;
$nameSym = $selsList[0];
$middleVtxSet = ( $nameSym + "_middleVtx" );
if (($CNsize == 0) || ($CNsize > 1))
mirrorMeMessageWin "please select only ONE object to clean";
error "please select only ONE object to clean";
if (`objExists $middleVtxSet` == 0)
mirrorMeMessageWin "there is no middlesetVtx for the current object ";
error "there is no middlesetVtx for the current object ";
select -ne -r $middleVtxSet;
case "show":
$CNsize =`size $selsList`;
$nameSym = $selsList[0];
$middleVtxSet = ( $nameSym + "_middleVtx" );
if (($CNsize == 0) || ($CNsize > 1))
mirrorMeMessageWin "please select only ONE object to clean";
error "please select only ONE object to clean";
if (`objExists $middleVtxSet` == 0)
mirrorMeMessageWin "there is no middlesetVtx for the current object ";
error "there is no middlesetVtx for the current object ";
select -r $middleVtxSet;
case "show":
$CNsize =`size $selsList`;
$nameSym = $selsList[0];
$middleVtxSet = ( $nameSym + "_middleVtx" );
if (($CNsize == 0) || ($CNsize > 1))
mirrorMeMessageWin "please select only ONE object to clean";
error "please select only ONE object to clean";
if (`objExists $middleVtxSet` == 0)
mirrorMeMessageWin "there is no middlesetVtx for the current object ";
error "there is no middlesetVtx for the current object ";
select -r $middleVtxSet;
case "addPoint":
$numTokens = `tokenize $selsList[0] "." $buffer`;
$simpleName = $buffer[0];
$secondName = `substring $buffer[1] 1 3`;
if ( ($secondName != "vtx") || ($numTokens != 2))
error "selection MUST be vertices";
$finalName = $simpleName + "_middleVtx";
print $finalName;
for ($selList in $selsList)
sets -e -in $finalName $selList;
$bad = `verifiyIntegrity $simpleName`;
if ($bad == 1)
mirrorMeMessageWin "Le set middleVtx de l'objet n'est pas valide!!!";
error "pas bon!! \n";
case "remPoint":
$numTokens = `tokenize $selsList[0] "." $buffer`;
$simpleName = $buffer[0];
$secondName = `substring $buffer[1] 1 3`;
if ( ($secondName != "vtx") || ($numTokens != 2))
error "selection MUST be vertices";
$finalName = $simpleName + "_middleVtx";
print $finalName;
for ($selList in $selsList)
sets -e -rm $finalName $selList;
$bad = `verifiyIntegrity $simpleName`;
if ($bad == 1)
mirrorMeMessageWin "Le set middleVtx de l'objet n'est pas valide!!!";
error "pas bon!! \n";
//verify integrity of the specified middleSet
global proc int verifiyIntegrity ( string $nameSym )
string $middleVtxSet = ( $nameSym + "_middleVtx" );
select -r $middleVtxSet;
$selsList = `ls -sl`;
int $CNsize =`size $selsList`;
int $CNsizeName =`size $nameSym`;
int $cond = 0;
int $bad = 0;
int $i = 0;
string $CNsubstring;
string $thing;
//print $CNvtxInSet;
$thing = $selsList[$i];
//print ( "thing : " + $thing + " \n" );print ( "nameS : " + $nameSym + " \n" );print ( "i : " + $i + " \n" );print ( "sub : " + $CNsubstring + " \n" );
if ( $thing == "" )
//print "thing vide \n";
$cond = 1;
else $CNsubstring = `substring $thing 1 $CNsizeName`;
if ( ( $CNsubstring != $nameSym ) && ( $thing != "" ) )
print "bad!!! \n";
$cond = 1;
$bad = 1;
//print ( "bad : " + $bad + " \n" );
} while ($cond == 0);
return $bad;
//main proc to create UI...
global proc mirrorMeUI ()
global int $mirrorMe_onlySelect = 0;
if ((`window -ex mirMe`) == true) deleteUI mirMe;
window -t "mMe" -h 220 -width 160 -resizeToFitChildren true mirMe ;
columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth2 160 15;
text -ann "mirrorMe1.1 by Ced -" -align "center" -l " mirrorMe 1.1";
button -h 18 -l "?" -c "mirrorMe_Help;";
setParent ..;
separator -h 10 ;
string $form = `formLayout`;
string $tabs = `tabLayout -innerMarginWidth 2 -innerMarginHeight 2 -w 50`;
formLayout -edit
-attachForm $tabs "top" 0
-attachForm $tabs "left" 0
-attachForm $tabs "bottom" 0
-attachForm $tabs "right" 0
string $child1 = `columnLayout -adjustableColumn true`;
string $rg1 = `radioButtonGrp -numberOfRadioButtons 2 -cw3 30 40 40 -ann "Enter here the direction of the mirror (World space)" -label "Axis" -labelArray2 "-x" "+x" -select 1 mmui_rg1`;
string $rg2 = `radioButtonGrp -numberOfRadioButtons 2 -cw3 30 40 40 -ann "Enter here the direction of the mirror (World space)" -label "" -labelArray2 "-y" "+y" -shareCollection $rg1 mmui_rg2`;
string $rg3 = `radioButtonGrp -numberOfRadioButtons 2 -cw3 30 40 40 -ann "Enter here the direction of the mirror (World space)" -label "" -labelArray2 "-z" "+z" -shareCollection $rg1 mmui_rg3`;
separator -h 10 ;
floatFieldGrp -numberOfFields 1 -cw2 60 50 -ann "tolerance to merge points in the middle" -label "tolerance" -precision 4 -value1 0.001 tolField;
checkBoxGrp -numberOfCheckBoxes 1 -cw2 60 50 -ann "Do you want to merge the points in the middle after the mirror?" -label "merge" -value1 true mergeCeck;
checkBoxGrp -numberOfCheckBoxes 1 -cw2 60 50 -ann "Do you want to delete history after the merge process?" -label "del History" -value1 false historyCheck;
radioButtonGrp -numberOfRadioButtons 3 -cw4 60 40 30 30 -ann "Do you want to mirror UV too? (in U or V)" -label "mirror UV" -labelArray3 "No" "U" "V" -select 1 UVCheck;
/* pour la 1.2
optionMenu -label "Mirror UV " UVcheck2;
menuItem -label "No";
menuItem -label "+U";
menuItem -label "-U";
menuItem -label "+V";
menuItem -label "-V";
pour interroger : int $test2 = `optionMenu -q -sl UVcheck2`;
separator -h 20;
text -align "center" -l "--action:--";
button -l "save" -ann "save current setting to call with the mirrorMeRead procedure/button" -c "mirrorMeSave";
button -l "apply (doesnt save)" -ann "Apply current setting without save (test it!)" -c "mirrorMeApply";
text -align "center" -l "\n'Save' for using these settings\nwith 'mirrorMeRead' command...";
// setParent ..;
setParent ..;
// separator -h 20;
string $child2 = `columnLayout -adjustableColumn true`;
// text -align "center" -l "Auto mid-points centering";
text -align "center" -l "Auto center middle-vertices\n even if they get offset";
separator -h 20;
text -align "center" -l "--auto-Select--";
rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth2 80 80;
button -w 80 -l "Side faces" -ann "select faces on the side of the model" -c "$mirrorMe_onlySelect = 1 ; mirrorMeApply;";
button -w 80 -l "Zero points" -ann "Select points in the right axis" -c "$mirrorMe_onlySelect = 2 ; mirrorMeApply;";
setParent ..;
separator -h 20;
text -align "center" -l "--middle vertices--";
rowLayout -numberOfColumns 1 -columnWidth1 160;
button -bgc 0.9 0.5 0.5 -w 160 -l "record" -ann "Record points that will be always at the origin... No need to be carefull if you move it after or not..." -c "MiddleSetOp create";
setParent ..;
rowLayout -numberOfColumns 1 -columnWidth1 160;
button -w 160 -l "delete set" -ann "Delete set of middle points and return to the auto detection of the Zero points" -c "MiddleSetOp delete";
setParent ..;
rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth2 80 80;
button -w 80 -l "show" -ann "Show middle pointsthat you record..." -c "MiddleSetOp show";
button -w 80 -l "clean" -ann "Clean middle points (eg. if you have do a duplicate)" -c "MiddleSetOp clean";
setParent ..;
separator -h 10;
rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth2 80 80;
button -w 80 -l "add vertices" -ann "Add vertices to the middle points Set" -c "MiddleSetOp addPoint";
button -w 80 -l "del vertices" -ann "remove vertices from the middle points Set" -c "MiddleSetOp remPoint";
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
tabLayout -edit
-tabLabel $child1 "Mirror" -tabLabel $child2 "Mid-points"
showWindow mirMe;
//save prefs from UI
global proc mirrorMeSave ()
string $finAxis;
int $Xaxis = `radioButtonGrp -q -select mmui_rg1`;
int $Yaxis = `radioButtonGrp -q -select mmui_rg2`;
int $Zaxis = `radioButtonGrp -q -select mmui_rg3`;
float $tol = `floatFieldGrp -q -value1 tolField`;
int $mergeOrNot = `checkBoxGrp -q -value1 mergeCeck`;
int $mirrorUV = `radioButtonGrp -q -select UVCheck`;
int $delHistory = `checkBoxGrp -q -value1 historyCheck`;
if ($Xaxis == 1) $finAxis = "-x";
if ($Xaxis == 2) $finAxis = "+x";
if ($Yaxis == 1) $finAxis = "-y";
if ($Yaxis == 2) $finAxis = "+y";
if ($Zaxis == 1) $finAxis = "-z";
if ($Zaxis == 2) $finAxis = "+z";
optionVar -stringValue "mirMe_axis" $finAxis;
optionVar -intValue "mirMe_merge" $mergeOrNot;
optionVar -floatValue "mirMe_tol" $tol;
optionVar -intValue "mirMe_UV" $mirrorUV;
optionVar -intValue "mirMe_history" $delHistory;
print( "//set prefs to : " + $finAxis + " " + $tol + " " + $mergeOrNot + " " + $mirrorUV + " " + $delHistory + " ... \n");
print "//----- Use now the 'mirrorMeRead' command to call these settings in one clic! (shelf/hotkey) ----\n";
//apply settings from window
global proc mirrorMeApply ()
string $finAxis;
int $Xaxis = `radioButtonGrp -q -select mmui_rg1`;
int $Yaxis = `radioButtonGrp -q -select mmui_rg2`;
int $Zaxis = `radioButtonGrp -q -select mmui_rg3`;
float $tol = `floatFieldGrp -q -value1 tolField`;
int $mergeOrNot = `checkBoxGrp -q -value1 mergeCeck`;
int $mirrorUV = `radioButtonGrp -q -select UVCheck`;
int $delHistory = `checkBoxGrp -q -value1 historyCheck`;
if ($Xaxis == 1) $finAxis = "-x";
if ($Xaxis == 2) $finAxis = "+x";
if ($Yaxis == 1) $finAxis = "-y";
if ($Yaxis == 2) $finAxis = "+y";
if ($Zaxis == 1) $finAxis = "-z";
if ($Zaxis == 2) $finAxis = "+z";
mirrorMe ($finAxis , $tol , $mergeOrNot, $mirrorUV, $delHistory);
//read settings from optionVar
global proc mirrorMeRead ()
string $finAxis = `optionVar -q "mirMe_axis"`;
int $mergeOrNot = `optionVar -q "mirMe_merge"`;
float $tol = `optionVar -q "mirMe_tol"`;
int $mirrorUV = `optionVar -q "mirMe_UV"`;
int $delHistory = `optionVar -q "mirMe_history"`;
if ( ( $finAxis == 0 ) && ( $mergeOrNot == 0 ) && ( $tol == 0 ) )
mirrorMeMessageWin "please lunch the mirrorMeUI and save some settings before!!";
error "//MirrorMe Error : please lunch the mirrorMeUI and save some settings before!!";
print( "//lunch mirrorMe with this settings : " + $finAxis + " " + $tol + " " + $mergeOrNot + " " + $mirrorUV + " " + $delHistory +" ... \n");
mirrorMe ($finAxis , $tol , $mergeOrNot, $mirrorUV, $delHistory);
// help window....
global proc mirrorMe_Help()
if ((`window -ex mm_helpWindow`) == true) deleteUI mm_helpWindow;
window //Create a window
-title "mirrorMe Help" //Label on the title bar
-iconName "Help" //Icon name when window is minimized
-sizeable true //Let user resize the window
-resizeToFitChildren true //Resize to fit the things inside of it
mm_helpWindow; //Name of the window
columnLayout //Column Layout
-adjustableColumn true //Make the columns adjustable
-columnAlign "left" //Align left
layoutOne; //Layout Name
text -l "";
text -al "center" -l "mirrorMe 1.1 by Ced";
button -al "center" -ann "goto URL" -w 25 -l "visit the grain.s project :" -c "gotoUrl;";
text -l "thanks to ## Haider Alghifary ## for feddback and improvements ideas...:)";
text -l "";
text -l " -- Symmetrise your polygon model in one clic! --";
text -l "";
text -l " -type 'mirrorMeUI' to lunch the UI";
text -l " Make your settings 'axes, tolerance, etc...'";
text -l " Test with APPLY";
text -l " When you are Ok, clic on SAVE";
text -l " \nNow you can : \n";
text -l " -type mirrorMeRead to call in one clic your settings";
text -l " Usually, put this command in shelf or horkey";
text -l " \n\nWHAT IS MIDDLE POINTS?";
text -l " Middle points are a set of vertices that you record. This points will be";
text -l " your vertices who are in the middle of your polygon model and who will be merged after the symmetry.";
text -l " If you create this set and move this points, mirrorMe will automaticly put this points in the middle...";
text -l " that you see in this time throught cameraCut. ";
text -l " \nHOW USE IT?";
text -l " -select your middle vertices (you can use the autoSelect button)";
text -l " -clic on RECORD";
text -l " -A new set have been create. This points will be always put in the middle, even you move it!";
text -l " No need to be carefull, you are free now!!";
//end of file
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