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Created November 29, 2012 20:37
Shiny App allowing online selection of subjects for graphical and tabular presentation of daily Wikipedia search rates
# libraries used. install as necessary
library(RJSONIO) # acquiring and parsing data
library(ggplot2) # graphs
library(plyr) # manipulating data
library(lubridate) #dates
trim.leading <- function (x) sub("^\\s+", "", x)
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
data <- reactive(function() {
# create a set of months to be analyzed
dates <-seq(Sys.time()-months(input$obs[2]),Sys.time()-months(input$obs[1]), by = "month")
# create blank dataframe to hold three fields
allData <- data.frame(count=numeric(),date=character(),name=character())
# seperate each variable of the subject vector
subject <- str_split(input$subjects, ",")[[1]]
# loop through subjects and months
for(k in 1:length(subject)) {
# handle remote problems related to strings
target <- trim.leading(subject[k])
target <- str_replace(target," ","_")
# create dataframe for individual records
df <- data.frame(count=numeric())
for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
yr <- year(dates[i])
mth <- month(dates[i])
if (str_length(mth)==1) {
# obtain and process daily count data by month by target
url <- paste0("",yr,mth,"/",target) <- readLines(url, warn="F")
rd <- fromJSON(
rd.views <- rd$daily_views
df <- rbind(df,
#create the dataframe with all targets search counts by day
df$date <- as.Date(rownames(df))
df$name <- subject[k]
colnames(df) <- c("count","date","name")
df <- arrange(df,date)
allData <- rbind(allData,df)
# Create a heading based on range of dates selected for printing as a caption
output$caption <- reactiveText(function() {
endDate <- Sys.time()-months(input$obs[1])
startDate <- Sys.time()-months(input$obs[2])
if (input$obs[2]==0){
paste("Daily rates for",month(Sys.time(), label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE),year(Sys.time()),sep=" ")
} else if ((input$obs[2]!=0)&(year(endDate)==year(startDate))) {
paste("Daily rates from",month(startDate, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE),"to",month(endDate, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE), year(endDate),sep=" ")
} else {
paste("Daily rates from",month(startDate, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE),year(startDate),"to",month(endDate, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE), year(endDate),sep=" ")
# create plot for linear and log scales
output$plot <- reactivePlot(function() {
if (input$log) {
print(ggplot(data(), aes(x=date,y=log10(count),group=name,colour=name))+
geom_line()+ylab("log10")+xlab("")+theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position="top",legend.title=element_blank(),legend.text = element_text(colour="blue", size = 14, face = "bold")))
} else {
print(ggplot(data(), aes(x=date,y=count,group=name,colour=name))+
geom_line()+ylab("")+xlab("") +theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position="top",legend.title=element_blank(),legend.text = element_text(colour="blue", size = 14, face = "bold")))
# create summary data for each subject
output$view <- reactiveTable(function() {
myTable <- data()
myTable$count <- as.integer(myTable$count)
myTable$date <- as.character(myTable$date)
mySummary <- ddply(subset(myTable,count>0),.(name), summarize, mean=mean(count),median=median(count),min=min(count),max=max(count),maxdate=date[which.max(count)])
mySummary$showMax <- paste0(day(mySummary$maxdate)," ",month(mySummary$maxdate, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE),", ",year(mySummary$maxdate))
mySummary$maxdate <- NULL
mySummary <- arrange(mySummary,desc(mean))
colnames(mySummary) <- c("","Mean","Median","Min","Max","Max Date")
# make data downloadable
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
# filename = function() { paste(input$data, '.csv', sep='') }, in tutorial to distinguish files trickier with my work
filename = function() { paste('results.csv', sep='') },
content = function(file) {
write.csv(data(), file)
# Application title
headerPanel("Wikipedia Search Rates"),
# Sidebar with controls to select the subjects and time span
"The graph represents the daily number of Wikipedia searches for
any subject(s) - animal, vegetable or mineral - over recent months."),
p("The data is available from December 2007
to the present day. Adjust the slider to amend the time covered."),
p("Increasing the number of subjects and
extending the time period will impact processing time")),
p(strong("Enter Subject(s), correctly spelt, seperated by commas")),
textInput(inputId = "subjects", label = " ", value = "Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber"),
p("For ambiguous names use wiki nomenclature e.g. Andrew Clark (priest)"),
p(strong("Date range (months back from present);")),
sliderInput(inputId = "obs",
label=" ",
min = 0, max = 60, step = 1, value = c(0,2))
div(class="span6", submitButton("Get Graph")),
div(class="span6", checkboxInput(inputId = "log", label = "log10 scale", value = FALSE)),
helpText("Use log scale if compared searches are significantly different"),
downloadButton('downloadData', 'Download Output as csv')
# Show the caption a line graph of the dauly rate and summary of results
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