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Created May 2, 2020 15:24
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plugins = resize command oswitch grid window-rules autostart place animate move fast-switcher expo cube alpha idle tile matcher switcher switcher decoration
vwidth = 4
vheight = 1
xwayland = 1
background_color = 0 0 0 1
background = wf-background
panel = wf-panel
mako = /usr/bin/mako
dock = wf-dock
a0 = <command>
# Enable Polkit at the start of the session. Allows for GUI package manager to function as expected.
a1 = /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1
# For Light use: " chmod 4755 /usr/bin/light " Source:
binding_1 = <super> KEY_D
command_1 = dmenu_run
binding_2 = <super> KEY_ENTER
command_2 = termite
binding_3 = KEY_VOLUMEUP
command_3 = amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%+
binding_4 = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN
command_4 = amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%-
binding_5 = KEY_MUTE
command_5 = amixer -q sset Master toggle
command_6 = brightnessctl s 5%-
command_7 = brightnessctl s +5%
binding_lock = <super> KEY_L
command_lock = swaylock
repeatable_binding_echo = <ctrl> <alt> <super> <shift> KEY_E
command_echo = echo "Test"
binding_screenshot = <super> KEY_S
command_screenshot = grim $HOME/Pictures/screenshot-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S").png
binding_slurp = <super> <shift> KEY_S
command_slurp = slurp | grim -g - ~/Pictures/slurped.png
# Taking screenshot
binding_screenshot_key = KEY_PRINT
command_screenshot_key = grim $HOME/Pictures/screenshot-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S").png
binding_screenshot_interactive = <shift> KEY_PRINT
command_screenshot_interactive = slurp | grim -g - $(date '+%F_%T').webp
mouse_cursor_speed = 0
touchpad_cursor_speed = 0
mouse_scroll_speed = 1
touchpad_scroll_speed = 1
natural_scroll = 1
click_method = default
scroll_method = default
disable_while_typing = 1
disable_touchpad_while_mouse = 0
modifier_binding_timeout = 0
layout = 0@0
custom_mode_1 = 74.50 1920 1080 -hsync +vsync
mode = 1920x1080@60.00
scale = 1.00
transform = normal
min_value = 0.01
modifier = <alt>
radius = 450
zoom = 8.910000
spring_k = 1
friction = 1
grid_resolution = 7
[SYNA7501:00 06CB:16CA]
output = eDP-1
duration = 540.000000
startup_duration = 1000
open_animation = zoom
close_animation = zoom
enabled_for = (type is toplevel || (type is x-or && focuseable is true))
fade_enabled_for = type is overlay
zoom_enabled_for = none
fire_enabled_for = none
mode = cascade
activate = <ctrl> <alt> BTN_LEFT
rotate_left = <super> KEY_LEFT # <ctrl> <alt> KEY_LEFT
rotate_right = <super> KEY_RIGHT # <ctrl> <alt> KEY_RIGHT
zoom = 3.0
speed_zoom = 0.070000
speed_spin_horiz = 0.020000
speed_spin_vert = 0.020000
initial_animation = 586.000000
background = 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0
skydome_texture = /usr/share/wallpapers/manjaro-arm/generic/manjaro-pine64.png
mirror = 0
cubemap_image = /usr/share/wallpapers/manjaro-arm/generic/manjaro-pine64.png
background = 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0
duration = 250.000000
offset = 150.000000
toggle = <super> KEY_E
duration = 332.000000
type = simple
slot_bl = <ctrl> <alt> KEY_1
slot_b = <ctrl> <alt> KEY_2
slot_br = <ctrl> <alt> KEY_3
slot_l = <ctrl> <alt> KEY_4
slot_c = <ctrl> <alt> KEY_5
slot_r = <ctrl> <alt> KEY_6
slot_tl = <ctrl> <alt> KEY_7
slot_t = <ctrl> <alt> KEY_8
slot_tr = <ctrl> <alt> KEY_9
activate = <super> <alt> BTN_RIGHT
snap_threshold = 10
next_output = <super> KEY_T
next_output_with_win = <super> <shift> KEY_T
next_view = <alt> KEY_TAB
prev_view = <alt> <shift> KEY_TAB
gesture_toggle = "edge-swipe down 3"
speed = 250
view_thumbnail_scale = 1.75
duration = 50
initial_animation = 50
view_thumbnail_size = 0.500000
activate = <alt> KEY_ESC
binding_down = <super> <alt> KEY_DOWN
binding_left = <super> <alt> KEY_LEFT
binding_right = <super> <alt> KEY_RIGHT
duration = 300
modifier = # <super>
speed = 0.005
dpms_timeout = 600
method = gaussian
mode = normal
kawase_offset = 3
kawase_degrade = 1
kawase_iterations = 5
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